Northallerton Directory of Trades and Professions for 1840
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for NORTHALLERTON in White's Directory of 1840.
Miscellany of trades, - Best John
- Blackett Joseph
- Blanshard Mrs Elizabeth
- Blanshard Rev. Hardy
- Blanshard Mrs Eliz
- Booth Colonel
- Body Mrs Jane
- Bowman Thomas
- Bowness Rev. John
- Bradley Thomas, acting overseer
- Burdon Mrs Mary
- Clemishaw Joseph, attorney's clerk
- Cooper Wm, veterinary surgeon
- Deighton Fras
- Deighton Miss Ann
- Flintoff John, carrier
- Gasper Alfred, excise officer
- Hare Edward, bank agent
- Hardwick John, coach builder
- Hawman Thos, glove & breeches mkr
- Horner Michl, attorney's clerk
- Hunter Mrs Ellen
- Hirst Mrs Eliz
- Jackson Mrs My
- Jefferson Eliz
- Kirby Ann
- Leighton Mrs Hannah
- Marsden Thomas, gentleman
- Marshall Lanc, bank and railway agent
- Mayne Rt jun, surveyor of taxes
- Mennell Wm, razor grinder
- Merryweather Mrs Ann
- Miles Miss Mary
- Moore Miss Eliz
- Naisby Henry
- Parkin Mrs My
- Peacock Miss Mgt
- Peacock Geo, millgt & machine mkr
- Peacock John
- Pedley Rev. Harry, (Wesleyan)
- Pickersgill John, fellmonger
- Price Rev. R M, curate
- Reed E H, supt registrar
- Ritson Jacob railway contractor
- Scaife John, corn miller
- Shepherd William, governor of the House of Correction
- Smith John, gentleman
- Smith John Whitney, Esq
- Soppet Mr Robert
- Spencer Charles, gunmaker
- Spivey Cphr, parish clerk
- Squince John, master of Workhouse
- Tunstall Thos, machine maker
- Vasey Stpn, register office clerk
- Wade Miss Eliz
- Wade Miss Jane
- Walker Rev. Joseph, (Indt min)
- Welbank William, gentleman
- Wilkinson Miss Ellen
- Wilkinson Miss Mgt
- Wilkinson Mrs Jane
- Wrightson Mrs Fanny
- Atkinson Thomas C
- Davison Robert
- *Fielding Gabriel
- Fowle Thomas
- *Fowle Wm, (Dep registrar)
- Harrison Henry
- Hirst Hy, (magistrates clerk)
- Topham Edw Chas, (deputy clerk of peace)
- Walker Wm Dodsworth
- Walton John Sanders, (clerk to the Board of Guardians)
- Walton Rt Burnett, (returning officer)
- Yorkshire District Banking Co Edward Hare, agent
- Backhouse & Co, Leonard Marshall, agent
- Darlington District Bnkg Co, M Jeffles, agent
- Savings' Bank Rd, Mayne, sec
- Black Bull Inn, Robert Smith
- Black Swan, Ann Jackson
- Buck, Anthony Kemp
- Crown, Thomas Close
- Drovers' Inn, Simon Hirdman
- Durham Ox, Thomas Barker
- Fleece, Hannah Guthrie
- George and Dragon, John Best
- George Inn, Dorothy Clithero
- Golden Lion Inn, John Shepherd
- Hare and Hounds, Jane Foggin
- Horse and Jockey, Thomas Todd
- King's Arms, William Smith
- King's Head Inn, Eliz. Scott
- Leopard, Francis Raper
- Lord Nelson, Thomas Walker
- Malt Shovel, John Prest
- Masons' Arms, John Kingston
- Nag's Head, William Thompson
- New Inn, William Humphrey
- Oak Tree, Thomas Addison
- Odd Fellows' Arms, John Holmes
- Old Golden Lion, John Cariss
- Pack Horse, Thomas Dening
- Rose and Crown, George Chapman
- Star, Thomas Broad
- Sun, Henry Dale, (and nail mkr)
- Three Tuns, Rd, Lancaster
- Tickle Toby, Thomas Jackson
- Turf Hotel, George Snaith
- Waggon and Horses, Thos Pearson
- Frankland Sarah
- Rev. J Bowness
- John Payler
- Horner Jonthn
- Mayne Rd, sen
- National, Chpr Spivey & Hanh Garthwaite
- Bowman Richard
- Flower Thos, (& bailiff)
- Snowdon Rt jun
- Metcalf Enos
- Ramshaw Eliz
- Ward William
- Warwick Eliz
- Walter Matthew
- Garrett Robert
- Meynell George
- Oliver Christphr
- Pape John
- Scarr Edward
- Snowball Wm
- Langdale Chpr
- Metcalf Jno, (& Stamp office)
- Barnett Thomas
- Bolland John
- Brown William
- Carver Simeon
- Clarkson Samuel
- Holmes George, sexton
- Lambert Thomas
- Metcalfe James
- Middleton Thos
- Peckitt T Parker
- Smith William
- Straughair Hy
- Wood James
- Close Thomas
- Hawman Thos
- Middleton Geo
- Palliser Michl
- Peacock Abrm
- Peacock Abrm
- Thompson Thos
- Remmer Thomas
- Wilson Thomas
- Elgie Thomas
- Fairbairn Thos
- Flintoff Chpr
- Kingston John
- Peacock Jonthn
- Atkinson John
- Chapman Geo
- Flower Matthew
- Robinson Wm S
- Snowdon Rt jun
- Thompson Thos
- Wharton Geo. jun
- Dixon Thomas
- Langdale Chpr
- Metcalfe John
- Warrior Wm
- Broad Thomas
- Todd M Dowson
- Ward William
- Wilson John
- Carver William
- Smith Timothy
- Abbey Thomas
- Dawson Henry, (cutler)
- Emmerson Wm
- Guthrie Thomas
- Hamilton Thos
- Halliday John
- Lightfoot Wm
- Wilford & Abbey
- Wilford Joseph
- Atkinson Wm
- Cade Charles
- Hodgson Bj & Ic
- Gowland Wm
- Irving John
- James Ts & Abm
- Lightfoot James
- Lightfoot Thos
- Markham Wm
- Marwood John
- Russell George
- Tyermau Danl
- Watson Thomas
- County, Rt Hare Leeds and York
- Geo Jackson Royal Exchange
- Thos Watson
- Wood James
- Glass, China & Dealers
- Bainbridge Btw
- Masterman Geo
- Ayre Jane
- Bainbridge Btw
- Bryde James
- Hare Robert
- Heslington John
- Robinson Geo (& stay maker)
- Russell Ann
- Sayer Jonas
- Tanfield John
- Tanfield J. jun
- Topham George
- Tweddle R Castle
- Wilkinson James
- Gamble Thomas
- Lamb Matthew
- Straughair Thos
- Dilworth Rd.
- Rogers Joseph
- Thompson Isaac
- Toppet Miles
- Tesseyman Geo
- Russell Ann & NI
- Atkinson John
- Broad Thomas
- Chapman Geo
- Flower Matthew
- Foggin Jno
- Hodgson Ralph
- Metcalfe Geo
- Raw Christopher
- Stokel George
- Thomson Thos
- Wharton Geo
- Langdale C (sub)
- Metcalf John (music)
- Dixon Luke & Son
- Dawson George
- Fletcher Charles
- Irving George
- Jackson George
- Marsden Thos
- Ridgley Joseph
- Tutin John
- Wheldon James
- Wigfield Jonthn
- Thomspon Isaac
- Watson Thos (& land agent)
- Barstow Jane
- Chapman Eliz
- Ireland Eliz
- Leight Joannah
- Masterman Jbne
- Wheldon Hanh
- Cooper John V
- Gibson John
- Reed John
- Russell Ann & NI
- Soppet Miles
- Tennant James
- Best John
- Holmes James
- Thompson Wm
- Blackett Robert
- Chapman Wm
- Clark Thos (and bridle cutter)
- Lunn Thomas
- Watson James
- Broad Thomas
- Byers Eliz
- Dale George
- Harrison Thos
- Kingston Margt and R
- Morrill Eliz
- Proud Robert
- Routledge Hrsn
- Sayer Jonas
- Todd Man Dsn
- Wheldon Thos
- Wilson Thomas
- Metacalfe Wm
- Brown Harriet
- Flower Mary
- Jaques Marmdk
- Masterman Jbne
- Metcalfe Henry
- Ruecroft Eliz
- Wheldon Hanh
- Dighton Chpr
- Dighton William Beckwith
- Hodgson John
- Hodgson Robt
- Hodgson Rt jun
- Lincoln Johnson
- Walton Jn Stamford (reg)
- Harrison Henry
- Marshall Wm (& architect)
- Payler John
- Wiseman Wm
- Atkinson Thos
- Atkinson T jun
- Barnet John
- Bowman Rd
- Britton John
- Hamilton Danl
- Hewson John
- Holmes John
- Johnson Rd
- Kay George
- Stelling Thomas
- Thompson James
- Wheldon Thos
- Wheldon Thos
- Gibson George
- Hare Robert
- Taylor John S
- Hunter Thos
- Sedgwick Mdk
- Merryweather Ic
- Tennant James
- Flower James
- Hawman Samuel
- Cade Thomp W
- Hepton John
- Hepton William
- Tesseyman Geo
- Goldsborough Jtn
- Lodge Robert
- Metcalfe George
- Pearson Thos
- Calvert Chpr
- Douthwait Chas
- Hewson Robert
- Dowson Henry
- Kemp Peter
- Thomson Isaac
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for BROMPTON in White's Directory of 1840.
Miscellany of trades - Durrell Saml M, painter & gilder
- Dixon William, gentleman
- Hirdman Thos, relieving officer
- Holt Joseph, gentleman
- Leng Isaac, schoolmaster
- Middleton Rev. Wm. John, curate
- Oastler William, gentleman
- Pearson Robert, druggist
- Pearson Rt, carrier
- Ridley Hy
- Sayer John
- Robinson George, reed maker
- Simpson Wm, schoolmaster
- Snowdon William, gentleman
- Stephenson John, corn miller
- Stockill Mark, butcher
- Stubbs Benjamin, swine dealer
- Thompson Thomas, blacksmith
- Black Swan, John Langdale
- Crown, Wm Husthwaite
- Durham Ox, Wm Pearson
- Green Tree, John Lunn
- Masons' Arms, Thos Thompson
- Malt Shovel, John Prest
- Nag's Head, Jacob Sanderson
- Queen Catherine, John Thompson
- Rose and Crown, John Webster
- Red Lion, Joseph Cranston
- Sir Walter Scott, John Thompson
- Three Horse Shoes, John Lowther
- Fawcitt George
- Fawcitt Thomas
- Almgill John
- Appleton John
- Bailey Joseph
- Blackburn Rt
- Cansfield Bbs
- Clark Stephen
- Cornforth Jthn
- Elgie William
- Guy Thomas
- Hill John
- Hill Thomas
- Hirdman Edw
- Hunter John
- Jobbing M & W
- Johnson Mewbrn
- Johnson Wm
- Lunn John
- Neesom Thos
- Purvus William
- Reynolds John
- Sanderson James
- Simpson Wm
- Smith Jacob
- Stainthorpe Geo
- Stanger Robt
- Swinburn Wm
- Truehit John
- Tyreman Benj
- Wilson Robt
- Wilson Rt sen
- Wright Acob
- Wright Thos
- Clark Stephen (and butcher)
- Mirfield Edward (and draper)
- Robinson Wm
- Tweddle Sarah
- Wilford Aaron
- Wilson James
- Byerley Henry
- Coates George
- Johnson Jas (& cartwright)
- McLane Wm
- Pattison W & J
- Tyreman John
- Wilford & Sons
- Appleton John
- Gargett Geo
- Hushwaite Wm
- Kilvington Chas
- Mitchinson Wm
- Suggett George
- Bulmer Michl
- Wright James
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for DEIGHTON in White's Directory of 1840.
Miscellany of trades - Mary Fogerthwaite, beer hs
- Thos Fogerthwaite, blacksmith
- Thos Goldsborough, game keeper
- Thos Waugh, schoolmaster
- Thos Dinsdale
- Benj Fenwick
- Jas Foster
- Wilkinson Kirsop
- John and Thos Sidgwick
- John Wardale
- Ann Webster
- Nathan Wetherill
Transcribed by June Chan.