Pickhill Registers - Baptisms 1800-1812.
Transcription of the Pickhill Registers - Baptisms 1800-1812.
Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/NRY/PickhillPRs.txt Date | Name(s) and relationship |
1800 | |
10/01/1800 | Eliza dau. of Wm & Eliza Render, |
10/01/1800 | Margt dau. of Wm & Dorothy Brittain, |
17/01/1800 | John son of Thos & Margt Natteress, |
24/01/1800 | Mary dau. of Wm & Frances Banks, |
06/03/1800 | Mary dau. of Wm & Eliza Ingram, |
22/02/1800 | Mary dau. of Wm & Ann Kitchen, |
12/04/1800 | Wm son of Thos & Mary Lambert, |
20/03/1800 | Immanuel son of Wm & Ellen Charter, |
21/04/1800 | Thos son of John & Ellen Pickersgill, |
30/04/1800 | Ann dau. of Wm & Eliza Lakin, |
13/07/1800 | Thos son of Thos & Ann Fairburn, |
20/07/1800 | Willm son of George & Helen Sever, |
27/08/1800 | Eliza: dau. of John & Ann Sadler, |
03/10/1800 | Ann dau. of John & Eliza: Prest, |
12/10/1800 | Francis son of Thos & Margt Thornton, |
12/10/1800 | Mary dau. of Christy & Eliza: Middleton, |
26/10/1800 | Willm son of Willm & Eliza Thompson, |
02/11/1800 | Thos son of Jacob & Helen Thompson, |
07/11/1800 | John son of Matthew & Ann Lishman, |
24/11/1800 | Simon son of Willm & Mary Chandler, |
12/12/1800 | Thos son of Thos & Mary Harland, |
28/12/1800 | Richard son of Francis & Mary Baldridge, |
1801 | |
03/01/1801 | Eliza dau. of Robert & Helen Cattan, |
15/02/1801 | Robert son of John & Ann Lightfoot, |
05/04/1801 | John son of John & Eliza: Metcalf, |
12/04/1801 | Richard son of John & Isabel Atkinson, |
13/04/1801 | Mary dau. of John & Hannah Dobby, |
17/05/1801 | Willm son of Richard & Mary Benlow, |
18/06/1801 | [V. |
19/07/1801 | Hannah dau. of John & Eliza: Abbot, |
26/07/1801 | Thos son of Thos & Jane Young, |
02/08/1801 | Jane dau. of John & Ann Clemett, |
11/10/1801 | Ann dau. of Willm & Eliza: Stott, |
08/11/1801 | Robert son of George & Mary Dighton, |
1802 | |
01/02/1802 | Hannah dau. of John & Hannah Whiteker, |
28/02/1802 | Christiana dau. of John & Hannah Butterwick, |
14/03/1802 | Hannah dau. of Willm & Hannah Binks, |
04/04/1802 | Willm son of John & Mary Bawtram, |
21/04/1802 | Ann dau. of Willm & Dorothy Brighton, |
25/04/1802 | John son of Willm & Frances Banks, |
16/05/1802 | Robert son of Amey Hill, |
13/06/1802 | Eliza: dau. of John & Hannah Dobby, |
01/07/1802 | Visitation |
29/07/1802 | John son of Jacob & Helen Thompson, |
01/08/1802 | Willm son of Willm & Mary Chamber, |
08/08/1802 | John son of Willm & Eliza: Paxton, |
08/08/1802 | Ann dau. of Thos & Mary Lambert, |
28/09/1802 | Hannah dau. of John & Ann Rawling, |
03/10/1802 | Jane dau. of Richard & Eliza: Inman, |
24/10/1802 | Mary dau. of Willm & Eliza: Lakin, |
30/10/1802 | Mary dau. of Joseph & Eliza: Stott, |
31/10/1802 | Willm son of John & Eliza: Abbott, |
18/08/1802 | Jane dau. of Willm & Eliza: Daggett, |
06/11/1802 | Mary dau. of Thos & Mary Harland, |
07/11/1802 | Thos son of Willm & Eliza: Thompson, |
14/11/1802 | Thos son of Thos & Margt Natteress, |
24/11/1802 | Mary dau. of Francis & Mary Baldridge, |
1803 | |
20/02/1803 | Mary dau. of Thos & Margt Thornton, |
27/03/1803 | Mary dau. of Thos & Eliza: Bradley, |
10/04/1803 | Thos son of Richard & Mary Benlow, |
10/04/1803 | John son of John & Ann Lightfoot, |
28/05/1803 | Willm son of Willm & Eliza: Daggett, |
05/06/1803 | Francis son of Thos & Frances Kendray, |
17/07/1803 | William son of George & Mary Dighton, |
14/08/1803 | Nicholas son of Matthew & Ann Lishman, |
11/09/1803 | Ann dau. of John & Isabella Atkinson, |
22/09/1803 | John son of Ann Benlow, |
22/10/1803 | Hannah dau. of Robert & Ann Cornforth, |
23/10/1803 | Thos son of John & Eleanor Pickersgill, |
23/10/1803 | Isabella dau. of John & Mary Bawtram, |
04/11/1803 | Mary dau. of James & Ellen Prest, |
06/11/1803 | John son of Thos & Jane Young, |
11/12/1803 | John son of John & Hannah Dobby, |
24/12/1803 | Matthew son of Willm & Eliza: Stott, |
1804 | |
07/01/1804 | Hannah dau. of John & Ann Rawling, |
08/01/1804 | Eleanor dau. of Jacob & Eleanor Thompson, |
05/02/1804 | Willm son of Edward & Mary Grange, |
05/03/1804 | Willm Fulton son of John & Mary Robinson, |
25/03/1804 | Ann dau. of Richard & Mary Robinson, |
09/04/1804 | Eliza: dau. of Willm & Mary Boddy, |
22/05/1804 | Henry son of Willm & Mary Chamber, |
15/06/1804 | Willm son of Thos & Eliza: Harland, |
16/06/1804 | Willm son of Willm & Eliza: Daggett, |
29/07/1804 | Ellen dau. of George & Ellen Severs, |
05/08/1804 | Sarah dau. of Christopher & Sarah Kendray, |
30/09/1804 | Eliza: dau. of Richard & Eliza: Inman, |
24/08/1804 | Visitation |
05/10/1804 | Eliza dau. of Doyle & Eliza: Petch, |
21/10/1804 | Willm son of John & Ann Rawling, |
21/10/1804 | Jane dau. of Francis & Mary Baldridge, |
21/10/1804 | Willm son of John & Hannah Whittiker, |
26/11/1804 | Jane dau. of John & Mary Robinson, |
25/12/1804 | Helen dau. of Christ' & Ann Middleton, |
1805 | |
01/01/1805 | Thos son of Thos & Eliza: Fleetham, |
11/03/1805 | Eliza: dau. of Willm & Hannah Binks, |
18/03/1805 | Eliza: dau. of John & Hannah Butterwick, |
19/04/1805 | John son of Robert & Ann Brighton, bn. Nov. 27 '04, bap. |
22/04/1805 | John son of Joseph & Mary Stott, |
12/05/1805 | Matthew son of Willm & Eliza: Thompson, |
12/05/1805 | James son of Jane Parker, |
26/05/1805 | Jonah son of Willm & Eliza: Lakin, |
25/07/1805 | Visitation |
25/08/1805 | Joseph son of Thos & Margt Thornton, |
27/10/1805 | Mary dau. of Thos & Jane Young, |
01/11/1805 | Eliza: dau. of Thos & Frances Kendray, |
10/11/1805 | Richard son of Jacob & Helen Thompson, |
10/11/1805 | Mary dau. of Matthew & Ann Lishman, 1806 [sic] |
1806 | |
13/01/1806 | Robert son of Thos & Eliza Fletham, |
25/03/1806 | Eliza: dau. of Ralph & Jane Walls, |
25/03/1806 | Elizabeth dau. of Margt Paxton, |
30/03/1806 | Jane dau. of Willm & Ann Wilson, |
01/04/1806 | James son of James & Ellen Prest, |
12/04/1806 | Richard son of Willm & Mary Boddy, |
13/04/1806 | Mary dau. of Francis & Ann Dixon, |
13/04/1806 | Maria dau. of Willm & Eliza: Stott, |
13/04/1806 | Thos son of John & Eliza Prest, |
13/04/1806 | Jane dau. of Richard & Mary Robinson, |
20/04/1806 | Charles son of Samuel & Mary Johnson, |
20/04/1806 | Charles son of John & Mary Robinson, |
10/07/1806 | Visitation |
20/07/1806 | Grace dau. of George & Ellen Seaver, |
22/07/1806 | Margaret dau. of John & Ann Rawling, |
27/07/1806 | Ann dau. of John & Mary Gibson, |
15/08/1806 | John son of John & Ann Sadler, |
??/10/1806 | Mary dau. of James & Elizabeth Metcalf, |
02/11/1806 | Christopher son of John & Elizabeth Abbott, |
30/11/1806 | Edward son of Edward & Ann Baxter, |
1807 | |
01/01/1807 | Thomas son of William & Mary Chandler, |
11/01/1807 | Robert son of Roger & Mary Blakeborough, |
18/01/1807 | Elizabeth dau. of Thomas & Elizabeth Boddy, |
08/03/1807 | William son of Doyley & Elizabeth Petch, |
15/03/1807 | Margaret dau. of William & Margaret Tindall, |
27/03/1807 | John son of Christopher & Ann Middleton, |
05/04/1807 | Edmund son of Richard & Mary Bendlow, |
05/04/1807 | Margaret dau. of Philip & Mary Thornton, |
04/09/1807 | Thomas James Jaumard, A.M. of Trinity College, Cambridge, was inducted into this Vicarage, |
05/04/1807 | Thos son of John & Hannah Whittaker, |
06/04/1807 | Thos son of Wm & Frances Banks, |
26/04/1807 | Wm son of Robe & Diana Prest, |
17/05/1807 | Jane dau. of Joseph & Elizabeth Stott, |
17/05/1807 | James son........ |
22/07/1807 | Ann dau. of Thos & Mary Lambert, |
23/07/1807 | Visitation |
26/07/1807 | Ann dau. of John & Mary James, |
02/08/1807 | Ann dau. of John & Mary Robinson, |
16/08/1807 | Hannah dau. of John & Hannah Butterwick, |
27/09/1807 | Jane dau. of John & Mary Sterpsey, bn. Sep. 21, bap. |
20/09/1807 | Margaret dau. of Eliz: & Wm Thompson, bn. Jul. 14, bap. |
11/10/1807 | Ann dau. of Wm & Elizabeth Palliser, bn. Oct. 9, bap. |
25/10/1807 | Thomas illegitimate son of Mary Lambert, bn. Oct. 23, bap. |
25/10/1807 | Elizabeth dau. of William & Elizabeth Lakin, bn. Oct. 19, bap. |
13/11/1807 | John son of Thos & Elizabeth Fleetham, bn. Jun. 15, bap. |
15/11/1807 | Richd son of James & Ellen Prest, bn. Jul. 19, bap. |
29/11/1807 | Robt son of Thomas & Margaret Nattrass. bn. Jun. 15, bap. |
29/11/1807 | Matthew son of John & Ann Lightfoot, bn. Jul. 23, bap. |
1808 | |
10/01/1808 | William son of Wm & Ellen Thompson, bn. Aug. 20 '07, bap. |
24/01/1808 | William illicit son of Jane Parker, |
17/02/1808 | Margaret dau. of Thomas & Margaret Thornton, bn. Feb. ,6, bap. |
17/02/1808 | Sarah dau. of Thos & Mary Chandler, bn. Dec. 16 '07, bap. |
28/02/1808 | Mary dau. of John & Eliz: Kendrew, bn. Feb. 28, bap. |
13/03/1808 | Ann dau. of Matthew & Ann Lishman, bn. Mar. 6, bap. |
24/03/1808 | William son of Wm & Eliz: Stott, |
04/04/1808 | Ann dau. of Philip & Mary Thornton, bn. Apr. 3, bap. |
03/04/1808 | Isabella dau. of Thos & Elizth Boddy, bn. Mar. 29, bap. |
08/05/1808 | Miriam dau. of Wm & Mary Greig, bn. Mar. 5, bap. |
12/05/1808 | William son of Thos & Mary Thackwray, bn. May 12, bap. |
20/05/1808 | Jane dau. of Robt & Diana Prest, bn. May the 19, bap. |
29/05/1808 | Elizabeth dau. of Wm & Eliza Prest, bn. May 12, bap. |
29/05/1808 | Richard son of John & Ann Rawling of Sinderby, bn. May the 27, bap. |
05/06/1808 | Sarah dau. of Ralph & Jane Walls, bn. May the 30, bap. |
14/06/1808 | Richard son of Richard & Eliza Inman, bn. Jun. 12, bap. |
21/07/1808 | Visitation |
28/08/1808 | Helen dau. of John & Ann Sadler, bn. Aug. 21, bap. |
29/08/1808 | John son of John & Isabella Wade, bn. Aug. 29, bap. |
18/09/1808 | William son of John & Ann Hawkswell, bn. Sep. 14, bap. |
18/09/1808 | Cecilia dau. of George & Ellen Severs, bn. Sep. 10, bap. |
18/09/1808 | William son of John & Jane Meek, bn. Sep. 15, bap. |
16/10/1808 | Ann illicit dau. of........ Nattrass, bn. Sep. 20, bap. |
11/12/1808 | Elizabeth dau. of Wm & Ann Wilson, |
1809 | |
08/01/1809 | Thomas son of Joseph & Elizabeth Stott, bn. Jan. 4, bap. |
15/01/1809 | John son of John & Mary Robinson, bn. Jan. 15, bap. |
26/02/1809 | John son of George & Mary Deighton, bn. Feb. the 22, bap. |
09/04/1809 | Ellen dau. of James & Ellen Prest, bn. Jan. the 15, bap. |
09/04/1809 | Thos son of Thos & Mary Chandler, bn. Mar. the 6, bap. |
09/04/1809 | John son of John & Hannah Butterwick, bn. Dec. 12, bap. |
21/05/1809 | Elizabeth dau. of Charles & Jane Haw, bn. May 16, bap. |
04/06/1809 | George son of Richard & Mary Bendlow, bn. May the 29, bap. |
16/07/1809 | John son of William & Ellen Harland, bn. Jul. the 14, bap. |
27/07/1809 | Visitation |
24/09/1809 | Ann dau. of John & Elizabeth Abbott, bn. May the 14, bap. |
15/10/1809 | Christopher son of John & Elizth Kendrew, bn. Oct. ye the 15, bap. |
27/10/1809 | Thomas son of Doilah & Elizabeth Petch, bn. Sep. 22, bap. |
24/12/1809 | Jane dau. of John & Mary James, bn. Nov. 26, bap. |
1810 | |
07/01/1810 | Samuel son of Thos & Mary Chandler, bn. Nov. the 30'09, bap. |
14/01/1810 | Elizabeth dau. of Jonathan & Dorothy Mason, bn. Dec. the 10 1809, bap. |
14/01/1810 | George son of John & Elizabeth Prest, bn. Jan. the 12, bap. |
21/01/1810 | Benjamin illicit son of Mary Spink, bn. Jan. 19, bap. |
18/02/1810 | Richard son of George & Ann Clayton, bn. Jan. the 25, bap. |
11/03/1810 | Mary dau. of John & Esther Simpson, bn. Feb. ye 16, bap. |
15/04/1810 | Thomas son of John & Ann Sadler, bn. Apr. the 3, bap. |
15/04/1810 | Ralph son of John & Ann Rawling, bn. Apr. the 14, bap. |
29/04/1810 | John son of William &........ Taylor, bn. Mar. ye 20, bap. |
29/04/1810 | John son of Roger & Mary Blakebro', bn. Apr. the 6, bap. |
29/04/1810 | James son of William & Mary Greig, bn. Apr. the 19, bap. |
27/05/1810 | Thos son of Thoe & Mary Thackwray, bn. May the 18, bap. |
27/05/1810 | Christopher son of Joseph & Elizabeth Stott, bn. Apr. the 10, bap. |
26/07/1810 | Visitation |
15/07/1810 | Matthew son of Matthew & Ann Lishman, bn. May the 30, bap. |
15/07/1810 | Ann dau. of William & Margaret Wilson, bn. Jun. 30, bap. |
05/07/1810 | Jane dau. of William & Eliz: Lakin, bn. Jun. the 16, bap. |
12/08/1810 | Thos son of John & Ann Hawkswell, bn. Aug. 9, bap. |
23/07/1810 | Mary dau. of John & Mary Robinson, bn. Jul. the 14, bap. |
02/09/1810 | John son of Edward & John Baxter, bn. Aug. the 12, bap. |
19/08/1810 | William son of Philip & Mary Thornton, bn. Jul. the 20, bap. |
23/09/1810 | John son of Wm & Ann Jackson, bn. Aug. the 28, bap. |
30/09/1810 | Robs son of Thos & Elizabeth Boddy, bn. Sep. 13, bap. |
18/10/1810 | Joseph Taylor Scott natural son of Rebecca Scott, bn. Oct. the 14, bap. |
18/11/1810 | Mary Ann dau. of John & Isabella Wade, bn. Nov. the 13, bap. |
1811 | |
06/01/1811 | Jane dau. of Edward & Mary Grainger, bn. Dec. the 14 1810, bap. |
20/01/1811 | Richard son of John & Jane Peacock, bn. Jan. the 17, bap. |
27/01/1811 | Jane dau. of John & Ann Lightfoot, bn. Jan. the 25, bap. |
21/04/1811 | Sarah dau. of Christopher & Ann Middleton, bn. Jan. the 28, bap. |
03/02/1811 | William son of William & Ann Wilson, bn. Jan. the 25, bap. |
07/04/1811 | Thos son of William & Ellen Thompson, bn. Feb. the 16, bap. |
10/03/1811 | Ann dau. of Ann Plows, bn. Dec. 27 1810, bap. |
10/03/1811 | Jane dau. of Charles & Jane Haw, bn. Mar. 2, bap. |
10/03/1811 | Anna dau. of Wm & Mary Chandler, bn. Feb. 12, bap. |
17/03/1811 | Jane dau. of John & Hannah Ashe, bn. Feb. 17, bap. |
06/05/1811 | John son of Ellin Hewson (illicit), bn. Apr. the 9, bap. |
16/06/1811 | Martha dau. of James & Ellen Prest, bn. Apr. the 13, bap. |
16/07/1811 | Visitation |
28/07/1811 | Mary dau. of Robt & Diana Prest, bn. Jul. the 27, bap. |
14/07/1811 | John son of Thos & Mary Chandler, bn. Jun. the 24, bap. |
25/08/1811 | Robt son of Thos & Elizabeth Boddy, bn. Aug. the 20, bap. |
13/10/1811 | Jane dau. of Richard & Mary Benlow, bn. Aug. the 25, bap. |
02/10/1811 | Hannah dau. of Doilah & Eliz: Petch, bn. Sep. 25, bap. |
27/12/1811 | William son of Wm & Ellen Harland, bn. May 3, bap. |
1812 | |
09/07/1812 | Elizabeth dau. of Christopher & Jane Wells, bn. Mar. 11, bap. |
22/03/1812 | Jane dau. of Joseph & Eliz: Stott, bn. Dec. 18, bap. |
27/03/1812 | Francis son of Thos & Mary Thackwray, bn. Mar. 25, bap. |
12/04/1812 | George son of William & Rachael James, bn. Feb. 20, bap. |
19/04/1812 | Thos son of John & Mary James, bn. Mar. 31, bap. |
26/04/1812 | Thos son of Wm & Ellen Harland, bn. Apr. 1, bap. |
21/06/1812 | James son of John & Ann Ridsdale, bn. Jun. 1, bap. |
09/07/1812 | Visitation |
12/07/1812 | Elizabeth dau. of Philip & Mary Thornton, bn. Jun. 15, bap. |
02/08/1812 | John son of Wm & Mary Greig, bn. Jun. 2, bap. |
02/08/1812 | Sarah dau. of Wm & Ann Huson, bn. Jul. 11, bap. |
09/08/1812 | Jane dau. of Roger & Mary Blakebro', bn. Jul. 22, bap. |
27/09/1812 | John son of John & Esther Simpson, bn. Sep. 6, bap. |
11/09/1812 | Mary dau. of Christopher & Dorothy Mason, bn. Sep. 8, bap. |
27/09/1812 | Richard son of Doilah & Eliz: Petch, bn. Sep. 13, bap. |
11/10/1812 | George son of George & Ellen Severs, bn. Sep. 24, bap. |
25/10/1812 | Ann dau. of John & Ann Sadler, bn. Aug. 13, bap. |
25/04/1812 | William son of John & Isabella Wade, bn. Oct. the 31, bap |
01/11/1812 | William son of John & Elizth Prest, bn. Oct. 2, bap. |
13/12/1812 | Jane dau. of Christopher & Ann Johnson, bn. Sep. 29, bap. |
Data transcribed by
Colin Hinson
© 2018
Colin Hinson
© 2018