
Data from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.




Data from the 'Collectio Rerum Ecclesiasticarum' from the year 1842.

The place: SLINGSBY.     Church dedication: ALL SAINTS.     Church type: Rectory in charge.

Area, 2,090 acres. Rydall wapentake. -Population, 562 ; Church-room, 350; Net value, £557. -There was a Priest at Slingsby at the time of the Domesday Survey, but no Church.

The town of Slingsby contained fifteen carucates of land held of the fee of Mowbray ; whereof, not geldable, the Church is endowed with one carucate, and the Knights Templars have two oxgangs, the Canons of Kirkstall two oxgangs, and the Canons of Malton one carucate, and John Chamberd held five carucates, geldable (seven whereof made a knight's fee), who held them of Roger de Mowbray, and he of the King in capite.

And William de Wywell held one carucate and a half, geldable (whereof twelve made a knight's fee), of the said Roger de Mowbray, who held the same of the King in capite, and paid 10s. 4d. rent per annum.

The Church is an ancient Rectory, formerly belonging to the patronage of the Abbot and Convent of Whitby, to which it was given by Robert Chamberd. After the Dissolution the patronage came to the Dukes of Newcastle, and now belongs to the Earl of Carlisle.

Valued in Pope Nicholas's taxation, at £14; Nova Tax, £7. 6s. 8d.; and in the King's Books, at £12. 1s. 10d. per annum.

An Inclosure Act was passed 27th and 28th Geo. II.

The glebe house is fit for residence.

The Register Books commence in 1687 ; chasm 1728-1736. -But vide transcripts at York.

The School. Founded by the Rev. Robert Ward, by deed, dated 4th January, 1712. rent charge of £5 per annum, for teaching ten poor children, nominated by the Minister and churchwardens, reading, writing, arithmetic, and the Church Catechism.

Poor's Land. Ten acres immemorially held for the use of the poor. -Vide 8th Report, page 754.

Post town: Whitwell.

Torre's MS., page 329. Abp. Sharp's MS., vol. iii. page 83. Nonae Rolls, page 240. Bodleian MS., No. 5101, (Arms and Monuments). Bawdwen's Domesday Book (Selungesbi), pages 73. 200. Burton's Monasticon, pages 70. 76. Eastmead's Rievallensis, page 234.

From the original book published by
George Lawton in 1842..
OCR and changes for Web page presentation
by Colin Hinson. © 2013.