
Tong marriages: 1802-1821


Tong marriages: 1802-1821


1802 01 25IsaacHAINSWORTH   HannahCOOPERBirstallWilliam Thackrah; William Webster By Banns
1802 02 28GeorgeGALLOWAYPudsey  AnnWEBSTER Richard Ellwand; Joseph Langley By Banns
1802 03 28JamesTAYLOR   HannahHOLDEN John Webster; George Webster By Banns
1802 05 09MatthewJACKSON   AnnSTEAD Henry Wharton; Samuel Machel? By Banns
1802 06 02NoahCROSSLAND   SarahBOYES George Brogden; William Webster By Banns
1802 06 06SamuelHOPKINSON   MargaretMUFF John Hulbert?;William Webster By Banns
1802 06 08JohnWARD   SarahFISH George Brogden; George Webster By Banns
1802 06 08JohnSMITH   MarthaWILSON George Brogden; George Webster By Banns
1802 07 11CharlesRIPLEY   SarahSMITH John Smith; William Webster By Banns
1802 08 08SamuelRADCLIFFE   Henrietta MariaWOOD Richard Carter; William Rodgers By Banns
1802 10 14IsaacWEST   SallyHOLMESBradfordJoseph Rhodes; Agnes Hammerton By Licence
1802 11 14JohnWATSON   HannahWALKER William Walker; William Morton By Banns
1803 01 25JosephBARKER   MaryWHITELEY Benjamin Thornton; William Webster By Banns
1803 02 07WilliamNEWTON   HannahODDY Joseph Cromack; John Illingworth; Matthew Newton By Banns
1803 02 18JoshuaCLAYTON   FannySTEAD Benjamin Langley; William Webster By Banns
1803 04 04JesseHOLMES   BettyHIRST John Oddy; John Hulbert By Banns
1803 05 02JohnSYKES   MaryFURNISS William Furniss; William Webster By Banns
1803 05 11JosephCROMACK   SarahJUDSON Elizabeth Cromack; John Cromack; Thomas Fox By Banns
1803 05 22JonathanTANKARD   NancyMUFF Robert Dalby; Samuel Webster; John Hulbert By Banns
1803 05 30JonathanRHODES   HannahSCHOLEFIELD George Knowles; James Lee By Banns
1803 07 11BenjaminLANGLEY   MaryBARACLOUGH James Stead; John Exley?; Joseph Cromack By Banns
1803 07 31ThomasFLETCHER   PatienceSUGDEN Joseph Langley; James Sowden By Banns
1803 08 05JosephROBERTSHAW   AliceROBINSON Joseph Fieldhouse; William Webster By Banns
1803 08 08MatthewNEWTON   JudithBEAUMONT Robert Dalby; Joseph Cromack; Robert Newton By Banns
1803 08 29BenjaminHALL   MaryLUPTON James Stead By Banns
1803 09 12WilliamSOWDEN  WidowerSarahSTRICKLETON William Strickland; Benjamin Langley By Banns [Bride Probably Strickland]
1803 10 30JamesFLETCHER   RebeckahLONGBOTTOM Samuel Gamble; Joseph Burnett By Banns
1803 12 26RobertDALBYE   MaryNELSON John Newton; Robert Smith; Joseph Langley By Banns
1804 01 01JohnSTUBBS   AnnHAYTON John Craven; William Webster By Banns
1804 01 08JohnVERITY   BettyHINDLE George Webster By Banns
1804 02 09SamuelMUFF   MarthaPEARSON John Hulbert; William Webster By Banns
1804 02 09JosephADAMSON   SarahWALLER Benjamin Langley; Abraham Hainsworth; Mary Sykes By Banns
1804 04 01BenjaminWHITELEY   MaryBARKER John Webster; Isaac Newton By Banns
1804 05 21SamuelNEWBYE   GraceGARSIDE Matthew Newton; James Brotherton By Banns
1804 06 20JohnSOWDEN   MaryHAINSWORTH Thomas Sykes; Mary Sykes By Banns
1804 07 15AbrahamCOLLISON   MaryWALKER Edward Wright; John Walker; William Collinson By Banns
1804 08 04JohnDAVIES   FannyWELLS Richard Coulters?; John Hulbert By Banns
1804 09 03EdwardELLETS   GraceWELLS James Williams; John Hulbert; John Hargraves By Banns
1804 11 05NathanielLAYCOCK   PriscillaMILNER John Cure?; John Milner; John Laycock By Banns
1804 12 09IsaacNEWTON   RoseCLAYTON Joseph Rhodes; Joseph Langley By Banns
1804 12 09WilliamWEBSTER   MaryCROWTHER George Webster; Samuel Machell; Joseph Langley By Banns
1804 12 23JohnWEST   JaneEDMONDSON Joseph Rhodes; Joseph Langley By Banns
1804 12 30JosephDOBSON   ElizabethCRABTREE John Crabtree; Joseph Langley; George Tetlow? By Banns
1805 03 04JohnSYKESSt.Giles, Cripplegate  BettyWHITEHEAD Matthew Whitehead; John Rhodes; Susan Knowles By Licence
1805 03 06ThomasWALKER   SarahDAWES Abraham Pighels; John Hudson By Banns
1805 03 18WilliamASHLEY   AnnTOWNSEND Elisha Jackson; George Wharton; John Hudson By Banns
1805 03 27JosephRHODES   ElizabethNEWTONKirkburtonAnn Hammerton; John Hulbert; John Hudson By Licence
1805 04 16JosephLANGLEY   MaryBEST George Webster; Joseph Cromack; Joseph Best By Banns
1805 05 05RobertCARR   SarahBEAUMONT Samuel Newby; Matthew Newton By Banns
1805 08 04SamuelILES   BettyWADE Joseph Langley; William Webster By Banns
1805 12 24JohnSYKES   MarySPEIGHT John Sugden; Joseph Smith By Banns
1805 12 24JosephCLAYTON   MaryMANN John Sugden; Joseph Smith By Banns
1805 12 25JohnLAYTON   MaryHYLEY Joseph Webster; John Langley By Banns
1805 12 31RichardATKINSON   MarySOWDEN Joseph Waterhouse; Charles Atkinson By Banns
1806 01 13SamuelMORTIMER   HannahMARJERRISON William Webster By Banns
1806 02 03JosephCROMACK   SarahBARKER John Newton; Matthew Newton; Joseph Langley By Banns
1806 02 09WilliamROSS   HannahHAINSWORTH John Blackburn; John Hulbert By Banns
1806 02 09IsaacJOWETT   MaryDEWHOUSE John Nedham By Banns
1806 02 16JacobHUDSON   BettyFIELDHOUSE George Grayson By Banns
1806 03 10WilliamHARGRAVES Blacksmith ElizabethOXLEY Joshua Denton; John Butterworth By Banns
1806 03 17BenjaminPICKLES  WidowerBettyWEBSTER John Hulbert; John Scott By Banns
1806 03 20CharlesSTEVENSON   MarthaSOWDEN Charles Stevenson; William Webster By Banns
1806 04 20JohnATKINSON   FannyHARTLEY Isaac Hainsworth; John Hulbert By Banns
1806 05 11JohnHUDSON   MaryGLOVER John Hulbert; John Scott By Banns
1806 05 18JonathanBRIGGS   SarahBAKES John Rea..?; John Hulbert By Banns
1806 06 17JohnWELLS   JaneHOLLINGWORTH John Tankard; John Wells By Banns
1806 07 30JonasBINNS   HannahPRIESTLEY Joseph Wright; William Webster By Banns
1806 08 18JohnROBISHA   IsabellaHILLAS Jonas Tommis; George Gumersall; Griffith Griffiths By Banns
1806 11 11JohnTETLEY   HannahHARRISON Agnes Hammerton; John Hulbert By Banns
1806 12 11JosephWEST   MarthaCLAYTON John Hulbert; John West By Banns
1807 01 04WilliamELLIS   CharlotteKING George Webster; Caleb Walker By Banns
1807 04 27JosephHUTCHINSON Labourer SarahFIRTH John Firth; Jane Schofield By Banns
1807 05 05GeorgeLONG GameKeeper ElizabethCROSSLEY Robert Smith; William Webster By Banns
1807 07 19FrancisBALME Cordwainer ElizabethWEST Samuel West; William Whitaker By Licence
1807 07 20SamuelHOPKINSON Labourer MargaretTORDOFF James Pickup; William Webster By Banns
1807 07 26ThomasBENNET Labourer RuthSTEAD James Ellis; William Webster By Banns
1807 08 03JohnGATES Weaver MargaretMAUDESLEY John Bolton; Abraham ?; Mary BoltonWidowBy Banns
1807 10 13TimothyWAITEChurwell, Batley WidowerMarthaCARTERBirstallNettleton Balme; Alice HainsworthWidowBy Licence
1807 10 25JohnRASTRICK Labourer SarahPICKARD James Wilks; George Hodgsons By Banns
1807 12 06JohnSINGLETON Labourer SarahGIBSON George Webster, Joseph Langley By Banns
1807 12 27JohnCHILD Labourer HannahHINNLE James Wilks, Joseph Langley By Banns
1808 02 11JosephROGERS Slubber MaryFOX Agnes Hammerton; William Webster By Banns
1808 04 17JamesTHORNTON Labourer HannahPAGET Thomas Hardy; Richard Canter [Carter] By Banns
1808 07 28WilliamBYWATER Labourer NancySIMPSON William Webster By Banns
1808 08 18WilliamPRIESTLEY Labourer EstherSHUTT Elisabeth Forrest Hammerton; Robert Webster By Banns
1808 09 25RichardDAVEY Blacksmith AnnisFAWBET G. R.y.on n [Crayson?]; George Webster By Banns
1808 11 13JosephWOOLER Labourer MaryOAKES James Wilks; Joseph Webster By Banns
1808 11 27WilliamSCHOFIELD Labourer ElizabethGREEN Robert Dalby; William Carter By Banns
1809 02 26JeremiahTHACKRAH Labourer HannahGREAVES George Turner By Banns
1809 04 21WilliamRAWNSLEY Soldier/Labourer MaryWRAY James Wray; William Webster By Banns
1809 04 23CharlesMASSEY Soldier JaneCRAVEN Joshua Bentham; John Hargreaves By Banns
1809 05 02JamesELLIS Labourer LydiaARMYTAGE Joseph Fearnley; Robert Webster By Banns
1809 05 15WilliamDAWSON   NancyHARRISON Robert Webster; Joseph Fearnley By Banns
1809 06 05WilliamTRING Labourer HannahWHITMUFF Charles Climpson; John Bro..d..y By Banns
1809 10 22MichaelFIRTH Soldier MaryCLARK Joseph Smith; Robert Webster By Banns
1809 11 06JohnSTOWHILL Labourer ElizabethMITCHELL Jacob Pearson; Joseph Fearnley By Banns
1809 12 07BenjaminYEWDALE Labourer NancySPENCER Joseph Webster By Banns
1809 12 25JamesBUTLER Labourer GraceMARSDEN William Marsden; Jonas H....y By Banns
1809 12 25GeorgeWEBSTER Labourer MarySINGLETON James Hargrave; James Sowden By Banns
1810 01 14ConradeHaber Farmer SuseyCrossley James Sharpe; John Dawson By Banns
1810 01 29RichardStead Labourer MaryMarsden William Henry Sykes; William Hargreaves By Banns
1810 03 04JamesPratt Labourer MaryBennet John Hodgson; William Carter By Banns
1810 04 24HenryFearnley Labourer SarahAtkinson William Drabble; David Taylor By Banns
1810 04 24CharlesWadsworth Labourer SarahMitchel William Drabble; David Taylor By Banns
1810 05 29JohnWatson Engineer MaryLaw William Greenwood; William Carter By Banns
1810 06 12JohnPearson Labourer HannahFletcher Charles Wadsworth; William Hammerton By Banns
1810 07 08GeorgeHargraves Labourer AnnRichardson William Hornby; Joseph Langley By Banns
1810 07 15GeorgeBastow Labourer SallyClayton William Holdsworth; Samuel Smith By Banns
1810 07 29JohnGreenoff Labourer HannahBenson John Hargreaves; Joseph Langley By Banns
1810 09 06EdwardGermaine Labourer MaryMilner Abraham Naylor; June Wordsworth By Banns
1810 09 09CharlesHodgson Carpenter MaryTetley George Webster; Joseph Langley By Banns
1810 09 16JonasThornton Clothier SusannahBateman George Webster; James Sowden By Banns
1810 10 07EdwardSwithenbank Labourer AnnisAtkinson Martha Swithenbank; Joseph Langley By Banns
1810 10 21SamuelHamers Labourer ElizabethRoberts Samuel Hargreaves; Jeremiah Sowden By Banns
1810 11 11JamesRigg Clothier LydiaWard Samuel Hargreaves, Joseph Webster By Banns
1810 12 26JosephPickles Collier LydiaHolmes William Hammerton; William Webster By Banns
1811 01 28JohnHinchcliffe   SusannahPickles Charles Dransfield; William ...Royde [Ackeroyde?] By Banns
1811 02 11WilliamBirchell Moulder ElizabethDinnison William Walker; Nathan Brook By Banns
1811 05 26JohnFirth Labourer ElizabethHopwood Samuel Hargraves; Julius Whitehead By Banns
1811 06 02AbrahamBrier Weaver HannahFirth Thomas Cowling; Joseph Fearnley By Banns
1811 06 03GeorgeClough   ElizabethArmytage Samuel Smith; Isaac Webster By Banns
1811 06 17SamuelLindsey   MaryPilling Elizabeth Forrest Hammerton; Lydia Wordsworth By Banns
1811 06 23ThomasRhodes   AgnessBrooke William Carter; Julius Whitehead By Banns
1811 07 22JamesHirst Wool Sorter ElizabethRobertshaw Charles Clough; William Webster By Banns
1811 07 22SolomonAshley   MarthaFoster Joseph Fearnley; Robert Milner By Banns
1811 07 28RobertAtkinson Plumber & Glazier AliceEastwood Robert Milner; William Hammerton By Banns
1811 08 11AbrahamPesesh Labourer GraceOliver Joseph Leach; John Sugden By Banns - IGI shows groom as Tesesh
1811 08 18JohnBarrett Labourer SallyHares William Carter; William Webster By Banns
1811 10 21ThomasTaylor Labourer MaryRadcliffe   By Banns
1811 10 22RobertLaycock Labourer HannahWomersley Joseph Longbotham; Mary Longbotham By Banns
1811 11 03RichardBateson Labourer BettyYewdale Christopher Thornton; Joseph Langley By Banns
1811 11 10IsaacDenby Labourer AnneLister Thomas Denby; John Burnley By Banns
1811 11 17JamesMann Labourer HannahWilson   By Banns
1811 11 24JosephCromack   MaryArcher Nathan Firth; Edward Archer By Banns
1811 12 08GeorgeWardman Labourer HannahMitchel Samuel Hargraves; James Smith By Banns
1812 01 12JosephJowett Weaver HannahHoult Jacob Wright: Julius Whitehead By Banns
1812 01 14ThomasWilson Weaver MaryHaley William Turner; Robert Webster By Banns
1812 02 09JohnFostard Labourer MarthaHustler William Carter; Samuel Smith By Banns
1812 03 24ThomasWest Miner BettyHillas David Wright; Julius Whitehead By Banns
1812 03 31SquireStowhill Labourer BettyKitson Samuel Smith; Charles Wadsworth By Banns
1812 06 21JohnYewdale   RuthBreaks Samuel Hargreaves; Samuel Smith By Banns
1812 08 17JamesIngham Labourer RachelDinnison Mary Sugden; Robert Dinnison By Banns
1812 08 25JohnSugden Weaver MaryStott Thomas T..d.. [Tordoff?] By Banns
1812 09 06JamesSimpson   AnnRhodes John Bagshaw; James Sowden By Banns
1812 12 13JamesGreenwood   JaneEngland James Wilks; Joseph Hodgson By Banns
1813 01 31CharlesEdmondson Woolcomber ElizabethSchofield James Wilks; Joseph P. Hodgson By Banns with parents consent
1813 03 01JuliusWhitehead Stone Mason MaryHarrison James Sowden; John Webster; George Webster By Banns with parents consent
1813 04 20WilliamBeanland Miner SarahHodgson John Watson, Robert Dalby By Banns with parents consent
1813 07 11WilliamBalmford   AnneNewby Joseph Beanland; Joseph Langley By Banns with parents consent
1813 08 02CharlesBarrett Mason MaryMortimer Joseph Grainger; Richard Carter By Banns
1813 09 12WilliamDodsworth Labourer HannahMitchel Joseph Langley; James Wilks By Banns
1813 09 13ThomasCrowther Labourer SarahNaylor Joseph Longbotham; Joseph Crowther By Banns with parents consent
1813 09 26JohnPorter Labourer AnnPenny John Waite; Thomas Rhodes By Banns
1813 09 27WilliamSchofieldBradford WidowerMaryFarrar John K...ley; Betty AkeroydeWidowBy Banns
1813 10 11JohnHudson Shuttle Maker SarahButterworth Robert Dalby; Joseph Bentham By Banns with parents consent
1813 12 12GeorgeAspinall Labourer SallyWatmuff Robert Dalby; Joseph Langley By Banns
1814 01 31ThomasJennings Clothier MarthaBentham John Scholefield; James Smith By Banns with parents consent
1814 01 31WilliamWebster Woolcomber SarahHall John Bower; Joseph Langley; James Wilks; Joseph Longbotham By Banns with parents consent
1814 02 21JacobPearson Coal Miner MarthaMitchel Lucas Brooke?; Robert Dalby By Banns with parents consent
1814 02 27IsaacWalmsley Soldier Mary AnneBastow Samuel Carter; Joseph Langley By Banns with parents consent
1814 05 22WilliamBlackburn Cordwainer MaryHartley Samuel Carter; Joseph Langley By Banns with parents consent
1814 05 29JohnTurner Labourer MaryBastow Abraham ?; Joseph Langley By Banns with parents consent
1814 06 26GeorgeHowroyde Weaver SusannahBocock John Webster; Joseph Langley By Banns with parents consent
1814 07 04HenryRead Tin Plate Cutter AnnDemain Joseph Demain; Richard Redfern? By Banns with parents consent
1814 07 17ThomasCowman Whitesmith MarthaDavey John Kellitt; Joseph Langley By Banns with parents consent
1814 07 17WilliamBeanland Sawyer ElizabethWheater Samuel Carter; Joseph Langley By Banns with parents consent
1814 08 21JonasWooler Labourer BettyCooke Joseph Langley; Joseph R. Hodgson By Banns with parents consent
1814 09 18NoahBoyes Labourer MaryBentley Joseph Langley; James Sowden By Banns with parents consent
1814 09 19JohnSchofield Clothier ElizabethParish John Hudson; Jonas Bentham By Banns with parents consent
1814 10 02JosephGreen Stone Mason NancySmith Joseph Langley; William Carter By Banns with parents consent
1814 10 18WilliamAckroyde Stone Mason SusannahSmith Benjamin Smith; John Ackroyd By Banns with parents consent
1814 10 26JohnWalkerCalverleyClothierWidowerElizabethCarter Richard Carter; Joseph Walker; William Thackrah By Banns with parents consent
1814 10 30WilliamNaylor Joiner AliceWalker Jonathan Houldsworth; Samuel Barker By Banns with parents consent
1814 11 07JosephListerBatleyClothier JennyRaper John Pyrah; James Houldroyde By Banns with parents consent
1814 11 12FerberShaw Forgeman HannahPollard Agnes Hammerton; Joseph Langley By Banns
1814 11 13JamesHillas Coal Miner MarthaButchell James Ellis; Samuel Carter By Banns
1814 12 26IsaacWheater Weaver ElizabethWhite David Bottomley; Thomas White By Banns with parents consent
1814 12 29JohnWhitaker Weaver EllenHollenrick James Carter; John Hanson By Banns with parents consent
1814 12 31JosephWalton Weaver JaneWardle William Hammerton; John Hammerton By Banns
1815 03 26ThomasWRIGHT Labourer BettyBASTOW Charles Stead; William OddySpinsterBy Banns
1815 03 27ThomasWHITE Tailor MarthaLORD Isaac Wheater; Joseph Sutcliffe?SpinsterBy Banns
1815 04 30JamesWILKINSON Labourer HannahARMYTAGE Isaac Clough; Daniel KingWidowBy Banns
1815 06 04JosephWILKINSON Soldier AnneHOPWOOD Joseph Langley; Samuel CarterSpinsterBy Banns
1815 06 06JohnSTEWARD Mason ElizabethHALEY John Pyrah; Robert RobsonSpinsterBy Banns
1815 06 11JohnFIRTH Clothier MaryFIRTH George Oddy; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns
1815 06 29JosephCOWELLLeedsGrocer AgnessHAMMERTON William Hammerton; Fras? Dempster?; William HammertonSpinsterBy Licence - with parents consent
1815 07 16JosephMITCHEL Woolcomber HannahHELAM Joseph Langley; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1815 08 08ThomasHARDAKER Weaver ElizabethLAYCOCK Anthony Bennett; William HargreavesSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1815 09 03JonasMARGERISON Husbandman ElizabethROSS William Glover; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1815 09 10RichardBLACKBURN Labourer ElizabethHOBSON Joseph Langley; Samuel CarterSpinsterBy Banns
1815 10 01JohnCLAYTON Woolcomber SarahCHAMBERS Julius Whitehead; Robert WebsterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1815 10 08RogerWARD Comb Maker MariaCROSSLEY William [Harrock?]; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns
1815 10 11SamuelLAYCOCK Plaisterer HannahHOLLINDRAKE Robert Dalby; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns
1815 10 22HenryWARTON Engineer MarthaMORTIMER Abraham Wignall; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns
1815 11 05JohnHEBDEN Labourer AnneWARRIN Joseph Langley; Samuel CarterSpinsterBy Banns
1815 12 17DavidPRATT Labourer JaneCOATES George Oddy; Samuel CarterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1815 12 24AbrahamDAWSON Labourer MaryROBINSON Jacob Dawson; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1815 12 31JohnWORTHEN Labourer MaryTOWNEND George Webster; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 01 21AdamGARSIDE Miner MarthaMYERS Joseph Langley; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 02 25EdwardBRAMFIT Woolcomber MarthaHARDY Robert Dalby, Clerk; Robert Dalby Sr.SpinsterBy Banns
1816 02 26JohnTAYLOR Collier MaryCOOK Sykes Hargreaves; Joshua BywaterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 03 05JamesSMITH Woolcomber SarahDICKSON Henry Robertshaw; William WestagarthSpinsterBy Banns
1816 03 14JohnJACKSON Woolcomber SarahATKINSON John Bonser?; Samuel CarterSpinsterBy Licence
1816 03 31WilliamWILKINSON Labourer MargaretWALKER Joseph Langley; Samuel CarterSpinsterBy Banns
1816 04 16JosephBLAYMIRES Woolcomber MarthaSMITH James Blaymires; John HammertonSpinsterBy Banns
1816 05 04WilliamWILKINSON Weaver HannahGILLAMS Robert Dalby, Clerk; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns
1816 06 16WilliamSTOTT Blacksmith MaryATKINSON Joseph Dalby; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns
1816 06 19JohnGREENOUGH Woolcomber MaryHUMPHREYS Robert Dalby, Clerk; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns
1816 06 23JeremiahSHIERS Labourer MilleDALBY George Webster; Julius WhiteheadWidowBy Banns
1816 06 26JamesSAUNDERS Soldier RosannahTAYLOR James Lord; William CarterSpinsterBy Banns
1816 06 30BenjaminWHITLEY Clothier SarahHAINSWORTH Joseph Langley; Samuel CarterSpinsterBy Banns
1816 06 30ThomasBAKES Weaver EastherATKINSON Joseph Langley; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 07 15JohnROSS Sergeant TamerROBINSON James Sowden; John Harrop Hammerton; William DixonSpinsterBy Banns
1816 08 18JohnBEETHAM Labourer MaryFARBROTHER George Oddy; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns
1816 09 01JosephWALTON Clothier NancyPOLLARD Jeremiah Keighley; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 09 16JohnSUNTER Miner HannahBUXTON William Alderson; John DaykinSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 09 22JamesVINCENT Husbandman AnneDICKSON Joseph Dixon; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 09 27JoshuaCLAYTON Labourer RuthHALL William Carter; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 10 13JamesBRIER Woolcomber TabithaROBINSON Robert Dalby, Clerk; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 10 13JosephNORMINGTON Woolcomber JaneCOOK Jonas Holdsworth; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 10 13WilliamWILSON Woolcomber FannyDAWSON Joseph Langley; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 10 15WilliamSIMONETT Comb Maker AnneDAWSON George Oddy; Robert Dalby, ClerkSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 10 27MatthewCOPLEY   SusannahLONGBOTTOM William Crossley; Joseph .auth?SpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 10 27EdwardRYCROFT Labourer SarahSHEARD William Crossley; Joseph .auth?SpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 11 03ThomasWOODCOCK Tailor LydiaWATSON Joseph Langley; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns
1816 11 10WilliamWROE Worsted Manufacturer ElizabethKING Jonathan Seed?; Robert Dalby, ClerkSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 11 11BenjaminSCHOFIELD Labourer HannahWALTON William Lumby; Robert Dalby, ClerkSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 11 20WilliamWATSON Labourer AnneSTEAD John Oddy; Robert Dalby, ClerkSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 11 24JosephRHODES Currier MarthaSHUTTLEWORTH Jonathan Houldsworth; George WebsterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 11 24JohnHESLING Miner NancyLIGHTOWLER Joseph Langley; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 12 11JosephSMITH Machine Maker AnneCRAVEN James Sutton; Edmund Smith; Sarah SuttonSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 12 10GeorgeCRAVEN Currier SarahSTANSFIELD Jonathan Stead; Robert Dalby, ClerkSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 12 16ThomasPARKINSON Clothier HannahPEARSON Grace Hartley; Sarah LaycockSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 12 18SamuelINGHAM Weaver MarthaHUFF Sykes Hargreaves; William Hargreaves; Timothy WoodSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1816 12 25JohnBAKES Clothier HannahWROE Joseph Langley; George OddySpinsterBy Banns
1816 12 25JosephBRADSHAW Clothier ElizabethHAINSWORTH James Thompson; George Grimshaw; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1817 01 20JohnTERRY Woolcomber MaryBENNIT George Thackrah?; George WebsterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1817 01 26JohnAKEROYDE Comber HannahFIRTH Charles Ackroyd; George WebsterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1817 02 01AndrewRAWLING Cordwainer MaryMARSDEN William Waterhouse; William CarterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1817 02 17WilliamSTEPHENSON Comb Maker JaneTURNER Robert Dalby, Clerk; George WebsterSpinsterBy Banns
1817 02 26WilliamHOLLIDAY Labourer BettyNEWELL James Newell; Robert Dalby, ClerkWidowBy Banns
1817 03 02JosephBUTLER Labourer HannahWADDINGTON John Butler; John Hornby; George WebsterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1817 03 10BenjaminWADDINGTON Clothier ElizabethLANGTON Abraham Pearson; Robert Dalby, ClerkSpinsterBy Banns
1817 03 30JohnKING Joiner HannahWHITAKER James Whitaker; John GottSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1817 04 06WilliamHIRST Woolcomber MaryBRADLEY Charles Wilkinson; Joseph Wooller; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1817 04 13ThomasALMOND Stone Mason RebeckahCOLBECK Joseph Ellis; George WebsterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1817 04 13JosephELLIS Weaver SarahBARWICK Thomas Almond; George WebsterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1817 05 25ThomasLEEBatleyClothier AmeliaBENTHAM Joseph Bentham; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1817 05 25JohnPHILLIP Butcher ElizabethCARRETT George Phillip; William PhillipWidowBy Banns
1817 06 25RichardGRAINGER Minister of North Bierley, Bradford MarySPEIGHT Damaris Balme; David JenkinsSpinsterBy Banns
1817 07 13JohnTETLEY Plumber & Glazier HannahBENNET Thomas Law; George Webster; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1817 07 20WilliamHODGSON Dyer SarahSUGDEN Joseph Langley; Samuel HargreavesSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1817 07 27SamuelDAWSON Weaver AbigailTANKARD Joseph Langley; Robert DalbyWidowBy Banns
1817 08 31LukeBRUCE Husbandman HannahGARRITT Joseph Langley; George WebsterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1817 08 31ThomasILLINGWORTH Joiner EstherBUTTERFIELD Thomas Smith; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1817 09 01JeremiahKEIGHLEY Clothier MarthaALLERTON Sykes Hargreaves; John Willey; Robert Dalby, ClerkSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1817 09 07RichardSPENCER Woolcomber SarahNICHOLS John Richardson; George WebsterSpinsterBy Banns
1817 09 07ThomasBULLOUGH Clothier SarahPEARSON John Bullough; James SowdenSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1817 09 21WilliamWILSON Weaver MarthaSTEAD John Swaine; Isaac WebsterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1817 09 21JohnHANSON Woolcomber LeahBASTOW John Whitaker; Joseph Bauth? [Booth?]SpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1817 10 12EliBENTLEY Worsted Manufacturer SusanHALEY Thomas Rudd; Joel Robinson; Mercy HaleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1817 10 13JohnWARD Clothier GraceANDERSON George Oddy; Robert Dalby, ClerkWidowBy Banns
1817 11 05JonasBELFIELD Weaver MarthaDAVIES Joseph Langley; George WebsterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1817 11 10JosephDALBY Iron Goods Fitter NannyGOODISON James Riley; James Roberts; Charles NaylorSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1817 11 30JosephPADGET Miner NancyATKINSON Joseph Langley; John Oddy; John HewittSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1817 12 06WilliamLANG Butcher NancyKERSHAW Samuel Boyes; Joseph Kershaw By Licence - with parents consent
1817 12 25JohnISSOTT Woolcomber MaryCARR John Harrop Hammerton; George Webster; Joseph Langley By Banns - with parents consent
1817 12 25AdamMARSHALL Woolcomber SarahSCOTTBradfordJoseph Rhodes Hodgson; Joseph Langley By Banns - with parents consent
1817 12 29WilliamPARKER Woolcomber MaryHAIGH William Haigh; John Harrop Hammerton; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 01 11ThomasGAMBLE Clothier HannahBELL John Harrop Hammerton; John Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 02 01WilliamSPEIGHT Cordwainer AnneSTEPHENSON Michael Ogden; Mary Stephenson; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 02 09JoshuaSELLARS Joiner JudithNEWELL James ...ley Hainsworth; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 03 01GeorgeRILEY Labourer HannahROGERS George Wells; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 03 22CharlesWILKINSON Woolcomber MarthaWATERHOUSE Thomas Waterhouse; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 03 22ThomasSTEPHENSON Woolcomber MargretBISHOP John Howlett?; William RichardsonSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 04 13JohnBLACKBURN Farmer SusannahCOOK Jonas Bentham; George OddySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 04 19AbrahamHUMPLEBY Plaisterer EleanorRENCHER Joseph Langley; John OddySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 05 10JohnBROOK Woolcomber NancyHALL Joseph Langley; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 05 10WilliamELLIS Clothier FrancesCHILD Joseph Langley; William Carter; John OddySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 05 20JamesRAYNER Wool Stapler ElizabethHOLMES Isaac West; William CarterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 05 31WilliamSIMPSON Wool Sorter AnnePICKARD Joseph Langley; John OddySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 06 13BenjaminBERRY ClothierWidowerBathshebaDAWSON Joseph Langley; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns
1818 07 05RobertHOLDSWORTH Clothier ElizabethSMITH John Holdsworth; John Wede?SpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 07 05JosephMILLETT Bradford Soldier, 82nd Reg't BettyTHORNTON Joseph Langley; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 07 12JohnFEARNLEY Smith MaryROBINSON Robert Wyrill; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 07 26JamesMURGATROYD DyerWidowerEleanorBINNS Thomas Dransfield; Thomas Walton; Richard CowellSpinsterBy Banns
1818 08 03GeorgeFIRMAN Farmer ElizabethWRIGHT Thomas Snowden; Joshua CowellSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 08 10CharlesTAYLOR Labourer MarthaDOBSON Joshua Cowell, Joseph HolmesSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 08 15HenryLANE WoolcomberBachelorSarahMURGATROYD James Sowden; Robert DalbyWidowBy Banns
1818 08 17WilliamBEANLAND WeaverBachelorJaneHILLAS William Wiseham?; Thomas WestSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 08 20BenjaminSCHOFIELD Blacksmith NancyWOODHEAD John Cottrill; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 08 23BenjaminMARSDEN Woolcomber AmeliaOATES John Oddy; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 08 30JamesSELLERS Farmer ElizabethNICHOLS Joseph Langley; John OddySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 08 31FrancisTHOMPSON Mason NancyHOLLINGS James Thompson; William PopplewellSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 09 20JosephHOPKINSON Labourer MaryEARNSHAW Joseph Hargreaves; James Sowden; Elizabeth WoodSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 09 24JohnBRIER Woolcomber MaryHARRISON James Clerk?; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 10 18JohnSTEWARD Labourer HannahCOPLEY Joseph Langley; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 10 18JosephCLAYTON Woolcomber HannahRAYNER Joseph Langley; John MarsdenSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 10 25JohnSWITHENBANK Yeoman AnneCRABTREE Maria Crabtree; Edward SwithenbankSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 11 08RobertWYRILL Weaver JaneLINSEY Joseph Langley; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 11 30AbrahamWILKINSON Weaver MarthaWILKINSON John Wilkinson; John Harrop HammertonSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 12 02JosephWILSON Mason ElizabethFULLER Thomas Virr; Jonas BenthamWidowBy Banns
1818 12 25JamesWALKER Blacksmith MargaretHILL Richard Hill; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 12 27JohnWADE Clothier HannahPARKIN Robert Holdsworth; William BarrettSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1818 12 27JohnELLIS Weaver GraceSWAIN Abram Bastow; Joshua CooperSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1819 01 10ThomasFIELDHOUSE Labourer BettyTOMMAS Edward Sharp; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1819 01 11WilliamHOLROYD Dyer MaryBARROWCLOUGH George Oddy; John Smith; Sykes HargreavesSpinsterBy Banns
1819 02 04WilliamCARLISLE Tailor MaryHOLDSWORTH John Crampton; Frederick DeanSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1819 02 21GeorgeHOBSON Coal Miner HannahBATES Julius Whitehead; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1819 03 05HenryTHACKERAY Clerk HannahHAMMOND Cathrin Thackray; William HattonSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1819 03 10ProcterROBINSON Clerk of Dudley, WOR HarrietMAYNARDTongJohn Plumbe; Sarah Plumbe; Frances Penelope PlumbeSpinsterBy Licence - with parents consent
1819 04 19WilliamLEEROYD Weaver RuthTHORNTON Joseph Learoyd; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1819 04 25JohnPRIESTLEY Weaver MarySWAINE James Dalby; Sarah DransfieldSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1819 05 02CharlesSMIRTHWAITE Gardener MarthaHOUGHTON Jo: Cowell; Joseph Langley; Isaac WebsterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1819 05 12JohnCARR Weaver AlicePITTS Abraham Stead; William Walker; Thomas Sugden; Sarah DransfieldSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1819 05 16JosephMARSDEN Weaver SarahVARLEY Samuel Waterhouse; Joshua Dransfield; William OddySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1819 05 31JohnWALKER Miner NancySARAGE Joshua Dransfield; Sarah Dransfield; Jo: CowellSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1819 06 07JosephGILPIN Bricklayer ElizabethBUCK Joshua Dransfield; Joseph Perkin; George DrakeSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1819 07 22FrancisCLAYTON Worsted Man SarahINGHAM Frederick Dean; joh Harrop HammertonSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1819 07 25JohnSOWDEN Cloth DresserWidowerSarahPRECIOUS Joseph Langley; William Carter By Banns
1819 07 26JohnWELLS Clothier RuthHUSTLER John Harrop Hammerton; Abraham Stead; Frederick DeanSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1819 08 01JohnSMITH Mason GraceTAYLOR Thomas Hill; John Taylor; Joseph SmithSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1819 08 20ThomasFEARNLEY Labourer JaneWILTEN John Harrop Hammerton; James DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1819 08 23WilliamHOWLET Cordwainer MaryILLINGWORTH John Harrop Hammerton; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1819 09 09JosephCOLBECK Manufacturer SarahCONSTENTINE John Thompson; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns
1819 09 19WilliamFARRAR Weaver MarySMITH John Oddy; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1819 09 26JohnWORFOLK Joiner HannahWHITE Abraham Just?; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1819 10 03BenjaminBURROW Labourer JaneSTEPHENSON Joseph Langley; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1819 11 03AbrahamSTEAD Mason MaryPITTS William Stead; William Walker; Ann WebsterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1819 12 20JosephBROOKSBANK Foundry Man MaryPRIESTLEY Sarah Stead; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1819 12 27EliasLEE Farmer SusannahBRIGGS John Lee; John BarstowSpinsterBy Banns
1819 12 27JohnBARSTOW Bricklayer IsabellaSHAW Elias Lee; John Lee; Michael Bo..ell [Boshell?]SpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1820 01 26JohnCRAVEN Yeoman MariaWILSON Richard Wilcock; Ann SmithSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1820 02 13WilliamTAILOR Miner BetsyEVANS Joseph Langley; William CarterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1820 02 13DanielRILEY Woolcomber SarahSPENCER John Terry; William CarterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1820 02 21TimothyWILSON Butcher MaryWANWRIGHT [WAINWRIGHT?] John Phillip; Mary Smith; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1820 03 08JohnROBINSON Machine Maker HannahROBSHAW Dobson Priestley; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1820 03 26JosephFIRTH Weaver SarahROBERTSHAW John Marsden; William Carter; Richard JohnsonSpinsterBy Banns
1820 04 03JosephROBERTSHAW Weaver LeahBEANLAND Thomas Sugden; John BeanlandSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1820 04 30JohnMIDGLEY Painter AnneDOWNING Joseph Langley; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1820 05 15WilliamDANIEL Joiner HannahSELBY [TETLEY] Richard Blackburn; Elizabeth Blackburn By Banns - with parents consent...Note:Selby proved to be a mistake by the Banns book
1820 05 21JosephGARRETT Farmer MaryGALLOWAY Joseph Langley; John Oddy; Julius Whitehead By Banns - with parents consent
1820 05 21JoshuaSOWRY Clothier ElizabethRENTON John Fawcett; Joseph Sowery; Joseph Langley By Banns - with parents consent
1820 05 22SquireSHARP Weaver MaryMITCHEL Henry Pearson; Robert Dalby; Benjamin Boys By Banns - with parents consent
1820 06 04AbrahamHAINSWORTH Husbandman HannahFLETCHER Joseph Langley; John Oddy; William Carter By Banns - with parents consent
1820 06 26WilliamGOODALL Woolcomber MarySUTCLIFFE John Brier; Robert Newton; Joseph Newton By Banns - with parents consent
1820 07 08MarkTETLEY Wool StaplerWidowerAnneMAYNARD John Kitching; Samuel Tetley; Jane Tetley By Licence - with parents consent
1820 07 30RichardTETLEY Labourer HannahBASTOW Julius Whitehead; William Carter; John Oddy Jr.SpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1820 08 01WilliamWRIGHT Joiner HannahSMITHBradfordRichard Johnson; James Marchant; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1820 08 14RichardTANKARD Weaver HannahINGHAM Rachel Ingham; Joseph Tunnicliffe; William Carter By Banns - with parents consent
1820 08 20WilliamINMAN Miner SarahPRIESTLEY Joseph Langley; William Carter; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1820 08 27JohnROBINSON Weaver SarahFORMAN Israel Asquith; Joseph Langley; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1820 09 11BenjaminKERSHAW Tailor FrancesTHORNTON Thomas Wattson; John [Hustler?]; John ThorntonSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1820 09 11JonathanGRIMSHAW Clothier ElizabethPRATT John Waterhouse; Thomas Wattson; John ...ham?SpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1820 09 14GeorgeHARRISON Labourer MarthaBOTTOMLEY David Bottomley; James Dalby; Robert Dalby, ClerkSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1820 09 21GeorgeBROWN Cotton Spinner ElizabethCROSSLEY Isaac Bennett; Robert Dalby; William Hammerton Jr.SpinsterBy Banns
1820 09 26JosephBRITTAIN Miner SarahHIRST Julius Whitehead; Thomas DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1820 12 17HenryLEA Blacksmith MatildaSUMMERS John Wharton; John Oddy; Isaac WebsterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1820 12 24EdwardMARSDEN Woolcomber NaomiHOLMES Joshua Crowther; Joseph Langley; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1820 12 25JosephGREAVES Clothier GraceHARGREAVES Joseph Langley; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns
1821 01 14FrancisHUDSON FarmerWidowerBettyGRASHON Robert Dalby; Joseph LangleyWidowBy Banns
1821 01 14BenjaminHUSTLER Woolcomber HannahWALKER Joseph Langley; John BoothSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 02 05BenjaminPAINE Cordwainer SibylBRIER Harriot Ashworth; William DeanSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 02 18JosephKIRSHAW Corn DealerBachelorSarahJACKSON William Kirshaw; Robert Dalby; Thomas DalbyWidowBy Licence - with consent of those whose consent is required
1821 03 20RogerRICHARDSON Weaver IsabellaCASS John Richardson; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 03 21JamesLISTER Butcher HannahRUSHFORTH James Holmes?; Joh Harrop Hammerton; John MasonSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 04 11JamesBRIGGS Weaver SophiaBRIER Jonathan Beaumont; John Harrop Hammerton; Sarah DransfieldSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 04 17WilliamWEBSTER Comber MaryHALL Joseph Harrison; Joseph CordingleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 04 22JohnWILLIAMS Woolcomber SarahSAVAGE William Clark; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 04 29ThomasLANCASTER Woolcomber BettyNAYLOR William Webster; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 06 11JamesHARGREAVES Farmer MaryPARKINSON Peter Wharton; Charles Wadsworth; Alice ParkinsonSpinsterBy Banns
1821 06 18WilliamWILKINSON Mason GraceSUGDEN Thomas Walton; Joseph Woodhead; Enoch Milnes By Banns - with parents consent
1821 07 01DavidWATERHOUSE Clothier SarahWALLER Joseph Browen; Betty Waterhouse; Thomas OddySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 07 22BenjaminWORMALD Weaver HannahMARSHALL Joseph Langley; John Oddy; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 08 11JohnTERRY Wool Sorter AmeliaHALL John Gardener; William Hammerton Jr.; Joseph HallSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 08 12Isaac StamperROBERTS Wool Sorter PriscillaHALLIDAY Joseph Dinnison; John Oddy; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 08 19WilliamSUGDEN Gardener LydiaBARTON Julius Whitehead; Joseph Langley; William CarterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 09 02BenjaminMORTIMER Farmer MaryMARSDEN Joseph Sowry; William Webster; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 09 02GeorgeMORGAN   SarahTEMPEST Martin Webb; William Tempest; Jane WebbSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 09 23AbrahamFIRTH Hawker BettyAKEROYDE Martin Crowther; Joseph Langley; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns
1821 10 02JamesSPENCER Woolcomber ElizabethEMMIT John Noble; Thomas Dransfield; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 10 14Wilman [William]COWLING Labourer MaryWADDINGTON John Oddy; Isaac WebsterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 10 16JosephHUSTLER Woolcomber RachelBROOK Robert Dalby; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 10 20JamesBULLOUGH Barber MaryBOND Robert Dalby; Samuel NelsonSpinsterBy Banns
1821 10 21WilliamHORNER Wool Sorter ElizabethMITCHELL Edward Archer; John Snowden; Ellin Brotherton; Sarah SnowdenSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 10 24JohnBOND Weaver ElizabethGARSIDE George Bond; Ann [John?] Stead; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 11 01RichardCROFT Wool Stapler ElizabethKELSALL B? Swithenbank?; Sarah Bastowe; John ThackrahSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 11 01JohnAKEROYDE Mason HannahWOOD Henry Pearson; Frederic DeanSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 11 04JohnPOLLARD Woolcomber PhoebeSIMPSON Henry Bastow; William Carter; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 11 07WilliamFELL Miner MaryFORMAN Samuel Illingworth; William Carter; Julius WhiteheadSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 11 11JohnLANG Weaver Sarah WoodBASTOW Isaac W..n..y?; Joseph Langley; John WebsterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 11 18JamesBRAY Mason ElizabethGOLDER George Spencer; John Patchett; John PicklesSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 12 11WilliamBALL Woolcomber SarahALLUM George Cook; Isaac Akeroyde; Robert DalbySpinsterBy Banns
1821 12 16StephenWAINWRIGHT Weaver RebeckahLOBLEY Joseph Langley; John Oddy; William CarterSpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 12 23SamuelSIMPSON Coal Miner HannahFLETCHER John Hill; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent
1821 12 25HenryCOWLIN Woolcomber ElizabethSCHOLEFIELD Robert Dalby; Joseph LangleySpinsterBy Banns - with parents consent

Transcribed by Jack Parry © 2008
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