
The Northowram Registers


The Northowram Registers


The Northowram Registers

Coley Register




3 day Nathanyell the sonn of Anthony Watterhouse
Isacke the sonn of Tho Soothill
Sara the daughter of Jo Lister
17 day Judith the daughter John Saltonstall
Ann the daughter Jere Webster
24 d Timoth. sonn of Abra Scott 36y of age
Mary daugh Michaell Hale

1 d Josua sonn of Tho Pannell
Martha daugh of Petter Aumbler
Susan daug Jeremy Smith
Susan dau Rich. Appleyeard
Edith dau Michael Smith
Margaret dau Will Buttler
Mary dau Tho. Slater

5 day Jo sonn of Rich Wray
James sonn of Robert Birkhead
19 day Jeremy son of ffrauncis Crooke
Sarah daugh of John Jagger
26 d Edith daugh Abra Tempest

day Thomas sonn Tho Dawson
day Isacke son Isacke Maude
day John son Jo Hopkinson


18 Heywood's


Phebe daugh Math Clay
Thomas son Jonas Roades

day John son Jo Hargreues

Aprill 1645
day John son of Will Booth
Susan daugh of Martin Jager
Edward son Mich. Broadley
day John sonn of Abra Hardisty

day Mary daugh Abra Holt
day Nathan sonn of John Mellin
day Danyell son Danyell Niccoll
Ann daugh of Tho Kendall

day Sara daugh Andrew Pollard
day Grace daugh Jere Holdsworth

day Elizabeth daugh Jo. Gleadill
day Martha dau Michall Emsall

day John son Jo Benn
EIizabeth dau Mart. Bachlour
24 d Mary dau Robt Parke
John son Jo. Jewet
31 d Mary daugh Tho Haryson
Thomas son Rich. Shoosmith

7 day Susan daugh Jo. Robtshaw
Martha daugh Math Lum
28 d Jonathan son Jonath. Crowther


Register. 19


5 day Susana daugh Danyell Hemingway
26 day Martha daug Will Midgeley

9 day John sonn Tho. Scott
16 d Joseph son Will. Holmes
Mary dau Jo Burneley
Phebe dau Jo Medley
Ann daugh Jo. Shepheard

7 day Mary daugh James Scolefield
14 day Mary dau Will Appleyeard
Tho son Mich. Driuer
21 day Danyell son Will Northend

[The names of som that were christened in the yeare
1645, which were not found till the ensueinge Register
of that yeare was written over, and could not be put in
other ways then heare, 1645.

Decem 28 day
John son James Willson
Susan dau Jo. Niccolls
John son Jo. Wadington
Willyam son Will Whittaker
Josua son Sam Whiteley
Josua son Henry Brooke
Danyell son Henry Priestley, who was Baptized on ye
last Wednesday of Decembr beinge the Publicke fast.

January 4 day
Sarah dau. Jo. Eastwood of Hallifax
Jo. son Edw. Sharpe


2O Heywood's

Susana dau Michaell Mitchell

Mich. son Jo. Pearson
--- son Jo. Willson
[Ma]rtin son Edw. Longbottom
--- son Rich. Law of Elland] **** <-------- end of insertion*****

1646 May
Samuell son Mich. Smith
day Dauid son Rich ffearneside
1 day Jeremy son Mich. Willson

7 day Mary daugh Edw. Jackson
14 day Mary daugh Isack Jagger

5 day Stephen son Antho Kitchen

d Mercy dau Edw. Hudson

d John son Sam. Gill

day Tho son Edmund Brooke
Mary dau Math Lum
Lewis son Josua Brooksbanke
Jeremy son Abrah. Smith
Ruth dau Petter Aumbler
18 d Susan daug Will Boyes
Jermy son Sam Bridge

6 day Mary dau Jo. Mellin
John sonn James Priestley
day Mary dau Abra Willson
day Jeremy son Jer. Brooksbanke


Register 21


3 d Mary dau James Ffielden

7 d Grace dau Mich Bolton
Anna dau Jo. Bland
John son Will Addy
Rich son Will Priestley
14 d Jeremy son Jer Wells
Ellenor dau Isack Longbothem
Elizabeth dau Jo Holdsworth
Mary dau James Breareley
21 d Henry son Dauid Northend
Susan dau Jo Smith

1647 March
28 d Sara dau Robt Birkehead

4 d Danyell son Dan. Hemingway
Jonas son Jer Holdsworth
10 day Sam son Henry Smith
John son Rich. Smith
Susan dau Isacke Maude
Susan dau Jonas Roades

2 d Susan dau Rich Northend
8 d Nathan son Jere Smith
Grace dau Jo. Wadinton
John son Robt Smith
Susan dau Will Buttler

6 d Sam son Rich Brooksbanke
Sara dau James Willson
27 Mary daughter of John Lister of Brier


22 Heywood's


25 Samuel son of Daniel Nichols
Jeremiah son of Abraha. Scott

1 Grandaughter of John ffurth
29 Abraham son of Mathew Lum
Martha dau. of Thomas Harrison

11 Jonas son of John Priestley

10 John son of James Michell
17 Michael son of Michael Broadley
31 Samuel son of Henrie Spenser
Susan dau. of Thomas Slater

5 Caleb son of Edward Slater
Joshua son of John Ambler
Samuel son of Samuel Yates
19 Mary dau. of Samuel Yeates
these vnpayed October 1651
James Willson
Mathew Lum
John longbothom
ffrances Crooke
John firth
Abraham Hardysti
Michaell Willson
Thomas Harrison
John Hanson
John Ben
abraham Tempes
27 Sarah Rushworth dau of J. Rush. of Hipholme


Register. 23


1652 August 15
Martha daughter of Richard Apleyeard babtized

1652 August 22
Mary the dau. of Edmond Brooke
ffebey the daughter of John Wood the same day (?)
[bap ] 1652
Jermeiah sonne of Daniell thorpe, baptized in the
month of decem 1
Jerdmiah the sonne of ffrances Crock Baptized the 2 of
janewarey 1652
Grace the dau of William Butler baptized the 9 day of
Grace the daughter of Bengemen Houmes bapt. 15 of
Anteney sonne of Anteney Wattrous in, janewary bapt.
Mary the daughter of John Milner bapt. 20 d of

27 Daye Micael the son of Micael Broadley

6 Samuel the son of Samuel Gill

January 1655
Michael son of Richard Best
James son of james Oates of Marsh
Thomas son of Thome Whittley of Sinderhills

Anno 1655
2 daye Ester dau. of John Sutliffe -
28 Grace dau of Will Appleyard
John son of John Greenhill
30 Sarah dau. of Jeremiah Ramsden

27 Samuel son of Abraham Hardisty


24 Heywood's


3 Mercy dau of Jonas Northend
JohN son of Robert Smith
Isaac son of Joseph Woodhead
24 Isaac son of Isaac Smith of Hungerhill

9 March
Sarah Jan of William Butler
Mary dau of James Mitchell

30 March 1656
Elizabeth dau. of Edmund Brooke
Sarah dau of Matthew Clay
Levi son of Levi Crosley

6 April
James son of T. Oldfield
Annie dau. of J Pickering
27 John son of Oliver Heywood
Timothy son of Andrew Watson
June 1 John son of John Whiteley
2 Joseph son of John Hartley
July 18 Henry son of Nathan Sharpe
20 Susana dau. of Samuel Smith
27 John son of John Learoyd
Oct. 5 Thomas son of Thomas Rushworth of Barnshill
John son of James Oates of Hipperholme
30 James son of James Bolland, Wyke
Dec. 27 Susan dau of Jonas Jagger
John son of John Jagger
feb. 8 Damarth dau. of Matthew Boocock
March 22 Joshua son of John Wood of Hipperum
1657 April 21 Eliezer the son of Oliver, Heywood minister of Coley
May 17 James son of John Kershaw, Landimer
Abraham, son of Abraham Duckworth
24 Grace dau of Abraham Whitwham


Register. 25


31 John son of John Smith of B--
Grace dau of Samuel Brigge
June 7 Timothy son of Micael Bolton
23 James son of John Bland
27 Phoebe dau of Mr. Oates
July 12 Mary dau of John Sowden
Novemb.29 Mary dau of Mathew jaggar
Decemb. 6 Elizabeth d. of Joshua Barraclough
13 Thomas s. of Abel greame
20 Judith d. Alex. Kershaw
Mercie the doutr of John Smith was bapt. the first day
of May 1653
1653 Aprell 1 Joshua sonne of Isaac Smith of Northorom bap.
1655 Aprell 28 Mary the doutr of Isaac Smith of Northourom bap.
1656 feb 23 Martha doutr of Isaack Smith of Northourom bap.
1658 Jan. 8 Joseph the son of John Kershaw of Nor-woodgreen
feb 7 John s. James Jaggar de Mathews
14 Abraham s. Joseph Woodhead
d Abraham Woodhead
March 7 John s. John Hal of Thornton
14 Susanna d John Walker
21 James [dau] Robert Smith of Priestley green
24 Mary d. Nathaniel Jaggar
Jonn s. Micael Wilson
June 20 Martha d. John Mellen, Northour.
Joshua S Joseph Wright
July 26 Mary d Richard Best, landimar
Aug. 1 Mercy d. Peter Aumbler, Shelfe
Jonathan s. John Brooke
1658 Nov. 21 Samuel s. Robert Crowther of Landshead
Pboebe d Henry Dugdell
Decemb. 26 Jeremiah s. John Wood, Hipperholme
Abraham s. Abraham Whitwham, Shelfe
1658-9 Jan. 2 Daniel s. Samuel Rushworth, Northour.


26 Heywood's


6 Ester d. John Hudson, Shelfe
feb. 6 Joshua s. Samuel Wadington of Norwood
March 6 Patience d Isaac foster, Shelfe
May 15 Isaac s. John Kershaw, Norwood green
17 Josiah s. John Nickol, Northourum
June 19 Judith d. William Butler
Joshua s. John Holmes
July 17 Job s. John Woodhead
August 7 Jonas s. John Rushworth
12 Nathaniel s. Oliver Heywood
1659 Sept. 25 Mary d. Jeremiah field
Oct. 9 Jeremiah s. John Northend, of Northourum town
Decem 11 Martha d. Nathaniel Jagger, Shelfe
18 Jonathan s. Joseph Wright, Hipperholme
1659-60 Jan15 Jonathan s. Jonathan Priestly, of Priestly green
Susanna d. Thomas Rushworth, of Barmeshill
febr. 12 Sarah d. Roger Stocks, Northowram
March 4 Ester d. John Brooke
14 Martha d. Joseph field, Wyke
19 Dinah d. Isaac Smith
1660 May 6 Susanna d. Joseph Woodhead
13 Jonathan s. Abraham Duckworth
20 Isaac s Isaac ffoster
July 1 Thomas s. Jeremiah Roper of Atherisgate
Aug. 19 Mercy d. Micael Bolton
Abraham s. Abraham Woodhead
26 Timothy s. James Mitchell
Septem. 9 Susanna d. John Kershaw, Landimar
16 Sarah d. Robert Wilson, Hipperholme
Novem. 18 Mary d. Robert Smith, Priestley green
Decem. 11 Samuel s. Abraham Smith, Northourum
15 William s. Thomas Hill, Shelfe
18 Jonathan s. John Wood, Hipperholme
1660-1 Jan. 6 Dinah d. Mathew Jaggar, jun.


Register. 27


Decem. 30 George s. John Whiteley
1661 March 27 Martha d. John Drake
31 Susanna d. William Hurd, Shelfe
April 21 Lidia d. Jonathan Priestley, of Priestley green
May 26 William s. John Kershaw, Norwood green
June 9 Joshua s. Joshua Soynier, Northourum
23 Jeremiah s. Abraham Holt, Shelfe
30 Ester d. Joshua Baraclough, Norwood green
Susanna d. John Rushworth
July 28 Mary d. Micael Woodhead, Shelfe
Sept. 6 Elizabeth d. Jeremiah Baxter
John s. and Grace d. John Brook
22 Mercy d. Samell Holdsworth, Blackmires
Decem. 1 William s. James Smith, Norwood green
Phoebe d. Simeon Robinson
1661-2 Jan.18 Hanna d. Joseph Wright Hipperholme
26 Sarah d. John Holmes, Shelfe
febru. 2 Martin s. Joseph Woodhead, Shelfe
1662 May 4 Caleb s. Jeremiah Wood, Boy-towne

This long interval of almost
ten yeares I was parted from
the excercise of my ministerial
function by the Act of Uniformity
in August 24 1662
Restored again to my work by
the Kings declaration March
1672 to ministerial imployment
in mine own house by license.

************* continued on page 28 in christenings *****************

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Transcribed by Colin and Pauline Hinson © 1995