Sicklinghall, War Memorial transcription
Kirkby Overblow parish:
Source=h:/!Genuki/WM2transcriptionsToHtml/input/WRYJackParryWarMems.txtSicklinghall, War Memorial transcription:
The World Wars I and II memorial in the churchyard at Sicklinghall.
The front of the memorial: (see also Photo)
This Cross and
Cemetery are Gratefully
Consecrated to the
Memory of the Men of
Sicklinghall Who Gave Their
Lives in the Great War
1914 - 1918
Cemetery are Gratefully
Consecrated to the
Memory of the Men of
Sicklinghall Who Gave Their
Lives in the Great War
1914 - 1918
1939 Harry Richardson 1945
The left hand side of the memorial: (see also Photo)
Ernest Dalby
John James Harrison
Frank Ridsdale
John James Harrison
Frank Ridsdale
The right hand side of the memorial: (see also Photo)
Anthony Dawson
Ernest Marsh
Francis Sharkey
Ernest Marsh
Francis Sharkey
Data transcribed by
Jack Parry.
from photography by Colin Hinson