
Skipton, War Memorial transcription


Skipton parish:


Skipton, War Memorial transcription:

The World Wars I and II memorial near the church at Skipton

The inscription on plaque 1 (see also Photo)

H. Airey  C.D. Bennett  E.E. Carter  F. Driver  B.*. Greaves
J. Akers C. Berresford S.E. Carter T.M. Drummond J.C. Green
L. Anslow J.L. Berry F.W. Cartman J. Easterby H. Greenwood
T.E. Ashton F.C. Billows T.R. Cartman H.O. Eastwood L. Gregson
W.P. Armstrong H. Birch W. Ca*on J. Eastwood A. Hales
E. Askew W. Birch J. Chapman T. Edmondson W. Hall
E. Aston J. Birkett T.C. Chew J. Edmondson C. Harding
W. Astle E. Bishop V. Child W. Eggleston B. Harding
W. Austin S. Bishop J. Churchman P. Elliott W. Harragan
A. Bailey G. Bond A.J. Clark H. Elliott R. Hardisty
G.A. Bailey W. Branker C. Clark S. Elliott E. Hargreaves
H.M. Bailey C. Branston E. Clark L. Ellison G. Hargreaves
J.T. Baker A.C. Briggs T. Clark J. Emmott J.R. Hargreaves
E. Baldock E. Briggs A. Clayton T. Emmott M. Hargreaves
W.D. Barber W.G. Briggs H. Clough T.O. Emmott S. Hargreaves
F.W. Barker J. Bright T. Cockshott B.P. Emsley S.J. Hargreaves
P. Barker T.D. Broughton W.C. Coles T. Fattorini W.C. Hartley
W. Barker J.H. Brown W.H. Coles C. Fennerty J.W. Hawkins
W. Barraclough H. Brown R.J. Coles P. Ferguson A. Hawkswell
F. Barrett J. Brown A.C. Coles E. Firth P. Hawkswell
L. Barrett B.J. Brown H.A. Colley H.B. Fisher A. Hebden
Jerome Barrett P. Brown G. Collins J.A. Fisher J. Hebden
John Barrett B. Brownsworth T.H. Cope B. Fletcher G. Higgins
W.P. Barry G. Brownsworth A. Cope G.W. Fletcher Harold Hillary
P. Barson A.E. Brice T. Cope J.C. Fletcher Horace Hillary
P. Bateson W. Burgess J. Cork F. Foster J. Hillary
C. Batley J. Burke T. Cork T. Foster B. Hindle
P. Barton G.W. Burrows H. Cowper T. Freeman W. Hodgson
M. Baxter L.M. Burrows E. Cowgill F.R. Furness J. Hodkinson
B.H.E. Beadon Miss A.K. Butchart H.D. Cowman F. Gallagher A. Holdsworth
R.W. Beard C.H. Butler P. Counter J.W. Garwood J. Holmes
J.W. Beasley G. Cairns B. Dale G. Gelling W.N. Holmes
H. Bebee C. Calvert H. Davis W.D. Gibson J.H. Hooson
W.A. Bebee J. Carroll A.J. Denny A. Gill E. Howes
A. Bell P. Carroll T.A. Dinsdale F.*. Gill G. Howes
W.W. Bell G. Carruthers G. Dobby G. Given R. Howes
T.B. Bellamy T.W. Carson A. Donald C.E. Godwin A. Hudson
G.S. Bellas   T. Downs    

The inscription on plaque 2 (see also Photo)

C. Hurst  J.C. McIntyre  H. Parrington  F. Smith  C.P. Townson
N. Hyde J. McKenzie R.C. Pepper J. Smith C.L. Tranter
J. Illingworth O. McDermott B. Peel James W. Smith W. Turner
W.U. Illingworth J.D. Mackey J.H. Peel M. Smith W. Turnbull
A. Ingham W.H. Mair W. Pendle J.E. Smith J.J. Tweedale
H. Ingham A. Maroney J. Percival John W. Smith F. Tyrer
T.E. Inman G. Mason G. Phillip W.D. Smith C.C. *****
W. Ireland G.H. Mason E. Platt N. Smith H.W. Varley
E. Jackson T.H. Mason F.P. Pollard P.F. Smith J.M. Varley
W. Jackson J.S. Mattock J. Preston W. Smith 10 June 1917 T. Wade
W. Jenkins Harry Maudsley W. Quinn W. Smith 11 Oct. 1918 W. Wallworth
W.H. Johnson Herbert Maudsley W.C. Rampling J.R. Spencer F. Walker
W. Johnson B. Metcalf P. Riley R. Spencer G.B. Walker
C.H. Jones James Metcalf T.H. Riley H. Springthorpe T. Walker
W.M. Jowett Joseph Metcalf J. Rogers C. Stell T.S. Walker
F.L. Kay J.T. Metcalf J.R. Rodwell W. Stephenson C. Ward
G.M. Knight R.C. Metcalf W.*. Rodwell J.H. Stewart James Ward
H. Knowles J.W. Middleton H. Rowley A. Storey John Ward
W. Knox J.W. Moorby S.W. Rudderham T.W. Storey G. Webster
A. Lambert H. Moorhouse D. Russell 14 Oct. 1916 P. Stork R. Webster
T. Langman W. Moorhouse D. Russell 16 Dec. 1915 A. Stott J. Witham
G. Leatt W.A. Murgatroyd J.W. Russell C.A. Stott J.A. Whittaker
T. Leatt F. Myers A.F. Ryder H. Sugden J.W. Whittaker
J. Leatt J.W. Myers G. Scarth B.*.C. Supple R.D. Whittaker
C.H. Lee P.S. Nelson H. Scott A. Sutherland W. Whittaker
F. Lee J. Nicholson J. Scott A. Swindlehurst J.H.S. Whitehead
J.V. Lee W. Nicholson L. Sedgwick H. Tempest J. Widder
H.E. Lewthwaite W. Nutter W.H. Sedgwick H. Thompson H. Wiggan
D. Lister H. Oldfield E. Sherwood O. Thompson J. Wiggan
T. Lobley R.H. Oldfield J. Shuttleworth J.T. Thompson W. Wild
J.G. Lowcock R. Oldfield A. Simpson J. Thompson P. Wilkinson
J.W. Lumb T. Oldfield W. Simpson Frederic Thornton J.W. ****an
M. Lund W. O'Neil W. Sinclair J.H.B. Thornton G.A. Wilson
A.T. Luty A. Overton H. Smith Fred Thornton W. Wilson
P.E. Macefield T. Overton Frank Smith C. Tomlinson E.R. Wright
F.J. Mason J. Parker Fred Smith A. Toon  
  T.R. Parker   H. Town  

The inscription on plaque 3 (see also Photo)

1939 - 1945

T. Airlie  W.D. Culbert  J. Hodgson  J. Peel
G.S. Armstrong S. Darwin J.E. Hole R. Phillip
J. Ashcroft G.C. Dinsdale E.A. Holmes H. Phillip
S. Aspinall J.W. Dunford A.R. Houston L. Phillips
P. Atha P. Edwards H. Howard J.H. Pritchard
R.H. Bates R. Ellison E. Howarth C.C. Robinson
R. Beard S. Findley J.P.H. Ingle R. Shuttleworth
D. Beck W.J. Gall A. Jacques F.H. Slater
S. Beck F. Gough J. King J. Smith
M.W. Berrisford J. Gough A. Knowles F.E. Spink
H. Booth W.W.St.G. Gray H.N. Knowles J. Stevens
W.E. Brown W.J. Griffin S. Law P.F. Stoney
W. Bruce J.F. Grimshaw B. McGowan W.C. Tyson
W.T. Burton W. Hardisty T. McNamara J.J. Vaulkhard
F.D. Carter J.R. Hargreaves E. Morgan J.A. Warriner
W. Cherry J.T. Harris T.F. Morrison J. Wharton
H.B. Clark A. Harrison W.B. Overend C.A. Whitton
J. Clark R.N. Hepper A. Oxley R. Wilson
R. Coates J. Hindle H. Parkinson F. Yarker

Data transcribed by
Jack Parry.
from photography by Colin Hinson