Snaith Directory of Trades and Professions for 1829
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for SNAITH in Pigot's Directory of 1829.
Post Office,
- High-street Snaith, John Curtes; Post Master.
- Letters for the North are despatched every afternoon at four, and arrive every morning at half-past eight.
- Letters for the South. are despatched at half-past eight in the morning, and arrive at four in the afternoon.
Nobility, Gentry & Clergy,
- Creyke Ralph, esq. Rawcliffe house
- Downe Right Hon. Lord, Cowick
- Egremont John, jun. esq.(barrister) Coates hall
- Morritt William, esq. Sherwood hall
- Nicholson Rev. John, Drax
- Robson Rev. Richard, Rawcliffe
- Sargeantson Rev Robert, High street
- Stapleton Miles, esq. Carlton
- Thompson Rev. John, Drax
Academies and Schools,
- Curtis Mary (day) Church lane
- Free Grammar School, Churchyard-Rev. William Gibson, master
- French William, (boys' day) High street
- Nightingale John (boarding & day) High street
- Warhurst Thomas (day) Rawcliffe
- Shearburn William, (and agent to the Yorkshire fire office) High street
- Wilson John, Rawcliffe
- Kilham William, Rawcliffe
- Sharp William, Thorne road
- Sykes Richard, Rawcliffe
Boot and Shoe Makers,
- Burland John, Thorne road
- Dimbelline Abraham, Lowgate
- Dolphin John, Rawcliffe
- Gillead Richard, Thorne road
- Hepworth James, Rawcliffe
- Marshall John, Rawcliffe
- Moody John, Lowgate
- Standley John, Horse fair
- Ward Thomas, High street
- Briggs William, Thorne road
- Daltrey Ann, Thorne road
- Langhorn Robert, High street
- Stephenson Robert, High street
Corn Millers,
- Conder William, Cowick
- Goddard John, Heck
- Jackson Daniel, Pollington
- Smith John, Cowick
- Tate John, Cowick
- Tate Joseph, Silver street
Dress Makers,
- Hemsworth Elizabeth, Lowgate
- Robinson Jane, Horse fair
- Taylor Elizabeth, Horse fair
Grocers and Drapers,
Marked thus * are also Spirit Dealers.
- *Bean George, High street
- Denby William, High street
- Leeson John, High street
- *Morley Joseph, Rawcliffe
- *Peacock James, Rawcliffe
- Smith George, High street
Inns, Taverns and Public Houses,
- Bell & Crown, John Charlesworth, High street
- Black Lion, George Webster, High street
- Clock Face, Elizabeth Gilderdale, High street
- Cross Keys, Mary Riley, High street
- Downe's Arms (and posting-house and excise office) Michael Smith, High street
- Drovers' Inn, John Phillips, Rawcliffe
- Gate, John Denby, Rawcliffe
- Masons' Arms, John Nunns, Rawcliff
- Neptune, Robert Russell, Rawcliffe
- Old Oak, George Hinsley, Carlton
- Old Red Lion, William Shipman, Carlton
- Plough, Jane Carter, Horse fair
- Red Lion, Mary Woodham, High street
- Rose & Crown, Robert Townend, Rawcliffe
- Ship, Rachael Stephinson, Cowick
Joiners & Carpenters,
- Firth Thomas, (& machine maker) Church lane
- Hutchinson Henry, Thorne road
- Lavrick Robert, Rawcliffe
- Nevill John, Rawcliffe
- Turton John (& auctioneer) Thorne road
Linen & Woollen Drapers,
- Butter worth James, Rawcliffe
- Grimshaw Josiah, Rawcliffe
- Holland John, High street
- Moate James, High street
- Hepworth William, Cowick
- Latham James, Cowick
- Mytton Henry, Thorne road
Plumbers & Glaziers,
- Arnold William, Cowick
- Beavons William, Rawcliffe
- Bickerdyke William, (painter) Bondgate,
- Buttle George, Thorne road
- Ossett Robert, Rawcliffe
- Roper Thomas, (& glass dealer) High street
Saddlers and Harness Makers,
- Fisher William, Thorne road
- Siddall Thomas, High street
Ship Owners,
- Atkinson George, Lowgate
- Drewry James, Lowgate
Shopkeepers & Dealers in Sundries,
- Bailey Samuel, Horse fair
- Curtes Jonathan, (& stamp distributer) High street
- Fleeman Richard, Rawcliffe
- Pennistone William, High street
- Shepard William, Rawcliffe
- Woodham Mary, High street
- Hodgson Joseph, Rawcliffe
- Perkins William & Thomas, High street
- Wheelhouse James, Snaith
- Barker John, High street
- Blacker William, Rawcliffe
- Dickinson William, Carlton
- Nettleton John & William, High street
- Plaxton John, Rawcliffe
- Robinson Henry, Rawcliffe
Watch Makers,
- Plowman John, High street
- Sharp Thomas, Black Limit
- Godall Henry, Rawcliffe
- Hanbey Charles, Lowgate
- Hepworth Thomas, High street
Worsted Manufacturers,
- Sainter John, High street
- Swift David, Thorne road
- Barratt John, brazier tinman and wireworker, High street
- Batters Robert, cheesemonger, Horse fair
- Bowman Joseph, fellmonger, Snaith
- Clabrough Michael, truss maker, Carlton
- Collins William, farrier, Lowgate
- Hanbey Robert, basket maker Lowgate
- Morley Thomas, rope maker; High street
- Nottingham Joseph, millwright, Field end
- Palmer William, gardener and seedsman, Rawcliffe
- Rhodes John, druggist, High street
- Ruth ---, milliner, Horse fair
- Smith Thomas, bricklayer, High street
- Thornton Samuel & James, hair dressers, Horse fair
- Warwick Thomas, steward to Lord Downe, High street
- Wright Jonathan, cooper, High street
- To Doncaster, the Royal Mail (from York) calls at the Black Lion, every in morning at half-past eight, goes thro' Thorne and Hatfield.
- To Goole, the George the Fourth (from Leeds) calls at the Downes' Arms, every morning (Sundays excepted) at half past eight.
- To Leeds, the George the Fourth (from Goole) calls at the Downes' Arms, every day (Sundays excepted) and returns according to the tides; goes thro' Knottingley and Pontefract.
- To York, the Royal Mail (from Doncaster) calls at the Black Lion, every afternoon at half-past four; goes thro' Selby.
- To Doncaster, William Thompson, from the Downes' Arms, every Sat.
- To Goole & Selby, John Townend, from Thorne road, every Monday.
- To Howden, John Townend, from Thorne road, every Saturday.
- To Pontefract, William Killingbeck, from Lowgate, every Saturday.
- To Thorne, George Harrison, from the Black Lion, every Tuesday.
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for GOOLE in Pigot's Directory of 1829.
Post Office,
- Adam-street. James Watkinson, Post Master.
- Letters for all parts are despatched, by a horse post, to Snaith every morning at seven, and arrive every evening at six.
Gentry & Clergy,
- Egremont John, esq. Reedness
- Empson Jarvis, gent. Goole hall
- Umpleby Rev. --, Armin
- Brooke James, (to the Aire & Calder Navigation Co.) Banks terrace
- Clay Richard, (commission) Custom house buildings
- Clay William, (commission) Custom house buildings
- Dails John (commission) Banks terrace
- Dunning Join (commission, and shipping insurance broker, &c.) Custom house buildings
- Hodson James H. (head agent to the Aire and Calder Navigation Co.) Barge dock
- Ibbotson Joseph (shipping) Custom house buildings
- Spratt James (commission)
- Swain Robert (shipping)
- Capes Thomas, Reedness
- Earnshaw George Rawden, George street
Bakers & Flour Dealers,
- Bell John, George street
- Walker Thomas Hook
- Dibb Samuel, Cross street
- Duckels Thomas, Bank side
- Redman Samuel, George street
Boot & Shoe Makers,
- Audas William, George street
- Clark Christopher, Ouse street
- Dearman William. Ouse street
- Marshall Robert, George street
- Briggs David, Old Goole
- Gardam William, Ouse street
- Hesselby Jonathan, Old Goole
- Moore, James, George street
- Windle Jonathan, Aire street
Chymist & Druggist,
- Johnson William (and importer of leeches) Aire street
Corn Millers,
- Spilsman James, Hook
- Walker Thomas, Hook
Fire, &c. Office Agents,
- County, John Dails, Adam street
- Manchester, Joseph Dunning, East parade
- Sun, George R. Earnshaw, George street
Grocers & Tea Dealers,
- Bromley James, East parade
- Gibbs William, East parade
- Johnson William, Aire street
- Rhodes Charles, Ouse street
- Scott Thomas, East parade
Hair Dressers,
- Bertram John, Ouse street
- Carr James, Ouse street
- Aire & Calder (commercial) Robert Chattam, Aire street
Joiners & Builders,
- Billington Thomas, Adam street
- Coward John, Ouse street
- Thompson Thomas, George street
- Turner Robert, George street
Linen & Woollen Drapers,
- Rhodes Charles Ouse street
- Scott Thomas, East parade
Painters & Plumbers,
- Charlton William, Adam street
- Stow William, George street
Shopkeepers & Dealers in Sundries,
- Bradley Robert, George street
- Coward John, Ouse street
- Hunter Samuel, George street
- Kelsey Mary, Ouse street
- Cass William Eden, Banks terrace
- Dunn John, Banks terrace
- Faulding Francis, Swinefleet
- Hodgson John West, Swinefleet
- Brancher George, George street
- Ridsdale James, Ouse street
- Woodale George, Ouse street
Taverns & Public Houses,
- Anchor, Hannah Duckels, Bank skiff
- Crown, Thomas Bailey, Ouse street
- Full Moon, John Birks, Old Goole
- Half Moon, Thomas Cooper, Old Goole
Wine & Spirit Merchants,
- Bromley James, East parade
- Dails John Banks terrace
- Barnes William ironmonger, &c. Aire street
- Dodsworth William boat builder
- Drake Ann, eating house, Ouse street
- Fairclough William, comptroller
- Farley Joseph, cooper, Ouse street
- Hamer Simeon, contractor, Adam street
- Holland Thomas, wheelwright, Old Goole
- Kerr James, collector
- Linn John, clerk to the works, Aire street
- Nettleton John, boys' day school, Banks terrace
- Simpson Sarah, dress maker, George street
- Witt George, searcher at the customs
- To Leeds, the George the Fourth, from the Aire and Calder Inn, on the arrival of the steam packets from Hull; goes thro' Snaith, Knottingley & Pontefract.
- To Snaith, John Townsend, every Tuesday.
- Conveyance By Water-Canal.
- To London, Liverpool, Man. Chester, Hull, &c. and intermediate places, Buckley, Kershaw & Co.'s Fly Boats daily.
- To Knottingley, a Fly Boat, for passengers, every day (Sundays except. ed) on the arrival of the Hull packets.
Steam Packets,
- To Hull, the Caledonian, John Thompson, captain-the Wellington, Francis Potter, captain-the Eagle, William Collin, captain-& the Caller, Thomas Bromley, captain, from the Navigation basin, every morning at ten.
- To Yarmouth, the Lowther, Benjamin Mathewman, captain every Wednesday morning--& the Diadem, Ann of Mary, John & Mary, & the Wentworth, traders sail every Saturday morning.
Transcribed by Colin Hinson. ©2003