Snaith Directory of Trades and Professions for 1837
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for SNAITH in White's Directory of 1837.
Gentry &c.:
- Abraham Rev. Edw. (Methodist)
- Atkinson Mr George
- Bowman Joseph, fellmonger
- Collings Wm. farrier
- Cook Mr William
- Daniel Mr George
- Denby William, Parish clerk
- Eadon Henry, Esq
- Eadon John, gent
- Fletcher Mrs Elizabeth
- Haddlesey Mr Joseph
- Holmes Thomas, umbrella maker
- Moore Mrs Ann, Lodge
- Morley Thos. rope and twine mkr
- Oxley Mrs Mary
- Pheasant Wm. gun and truss mkr, engraver and bell hanger
- Russell Edw. supervisor
- Serjeantson Rev. Rt. James, vicar
- Sharp Wm. watchmaker
- Shearburn Miss Mary
- Shearburn Wm. Esq. solicitor, Snaith villa
- Smales Mrs Ann
- Tate Mr Joseph
- Thorp John, earthenware dealer
- Tidd Mrs Mary
- Turton Mr John
- Warwick Thos. Wm. land agent to Lord Downe
- Wheelhouse Mrs Mary Ann
- Eccles Elizabeth
- Grammar School, Rev. Rt. James Serjeantson, master, and G D Marples, usher
- Holland John
- Nightingale J
Inns and Taverns,
- Bell and Crown, Ann Charlesworth
- Black lion, John Howdall
- Clock Face, Elizabeth Gilderdale
- Cross Keys, Mary Riley
- Downe's Arms, Ann Smith
- Plough, Matthew Dale
- To Manchester, 10 morning, and to Hull, 4 afternoon
Conveyance by Water,
- Atkinson Geo. To Leeds and Wakefield vessels daily
- Bramley Thos. To Leeds and Wakefield, vessels daily
- Cademan James, to Doncaster, Saturday 4 morning and 9 evening.- to Thorne, Wed 6 mg
- Townend John, to Goole, Wed. 8 mg - To Howden Sat 8 mg. - To Selby Non & Tue 8
- Killingbeck Wm. to Pontefract Saturday 5 morning
- Harrison Wm. from Black Lion to Thorne Tuesday 4 afternoon, - To York, 10 morning
Bakers &c,
- Hamer David
- Wilson John
Basket makers,
- Hanbey Robert
- Wright Jth (& auctioneer)
Beer Houses,
- Pheasant Wm.
- Andrew George
- Sharp William
Boot & Shoe makers,
- Dimberline Abm
- Cadman Wm
- Dimberline Geo
- Gill Charles
- Gill Richard
- Gilliard Richard
- Stanley Jon
- Ward Thomas
- Barratt Richard
- Peaker Wm
- Ellison Wm
- Gott John
- Stone James
- Ward Thomas
- Dealtry John
- Harrison Rd
- Langhorne Rt
- Stephenson Rt
Chemists & Druggists,
- Bailey Susan
- Rhodes John
Coal Merchants,
- Atkinson Geo. Jun
- Bramley Thos
- Turton Joseph
Corn & Flour Dealers,
- Dandy George (& miller)
- Miller Joseph
- Norwood John
- Penniston Wm.
- Walker Ann
- Webster George
- Elcock John
- Halleley W. jun
- Hankes Wm
- Latham Wm
- Newby Mrs, Balnecroft
- Pears John
- Pelliston Wm
- Pocklington Chpr
- Sykes Reuben, Balne croft
- Sykes Richard
Grocers & Drapers,
- Bailey Susan
- Bean Betsy
- Cook Joshua
- Curtis John (and stationer)
- Hepworth John
- Himsworth Eliz
- Leeson John
- Moate Mary
- Newby William
- Rhodes John
- Woodham Mary
Hair Dressers,
- Livesay George
- Thornton George (& hatter)
Joiners &c,
- Buttle Richard
- Turton James
- Himsworth Eliz
- Robinson Jan
- Sharp E (straw)
Plumbers & Glaziers,
- Buttle George
- Peacock John (painter)
- Raper Thomas
- Fisher Wm
- Siddall Thomas
- Hanks James
- Hodgson Alfred Joseph
- Perkins Thomas
- Perkins Wm
- Gleadow James
- Nettleton John
- Otley John
- Watson Thomas
Wheelwrights & joiners,
- Hanbey Charles
- Hutchinson Hy
Wine, Spirit and Porter Merchts,
- Bean Betsy
- Dandy George, (and brewer)
- Nightingale Jno
- Moate Mary
Transcript of the entry of 'professions and trades'
for GOOLE in White's Directory of 1837.
- The Post Office, is in Aire street, at Mr Jas. Watkinson's, whence letters are despatched to London, &c. at 20 min past 7 morning; to Hull, 3 afternoon; and to York, &c. at 1 afternoon.
In the following Directory of Goole,
those marked * are in the township of Hooke;
Contractions for names of streets, &c. are,
- Adt for Adam street, Ast, Aire Street, Btr, Banks terrace, Cbs. Customs house buildings, Dst, Dock street, Csd. Canal side, Epd, East parade, Gst. George street, Nst. North street, Ogl. Old Goole, Ost. Ouse street, Ppl. Providence place, and Wst. For Wright street.
Miscellany of trades
- Beaumont Henry, bookkeeper, East parade
- Beddell Benj. Esq. colr. of customs, 6 Btr
- Billinton Mrs Ann, Dsd
- Cassell Fdk comptroller of customs Old Goole
- Chambers Rt. pilot master, Providence place *
- Charlton W. painter, Ast
- Chattam Robt, auctioneers, 1 Aire street
- Clark Mrs Hanh. Ogl
- Crosier W. bookpr. Epd
- Dove Stephen, watchmaker, 3 Ouse street
- Duckets Thos. brewer, North street *
- Earl Rev. Hy. (Ind) *
- Earnshaw Ann, iron & brass founder, Csd
- Earnshaw Edw. gent. Ast
- Earnshaw Geo. Rawdon, Esq. Manor house
- Empson Gervase, Esq. Goole hall
- Fletcher George, Nst *
- Gilleard Cornls. Adt
- Gold Edward, Ppl *
- Hamer Mr Simon, 1 Gst
- Hanson Geo. Inspector of works, Ppl *
- Hodson James Hewett, agt to Aire & Calder Co
- Hughes John, export surveyor
- Ibbotson Jph, agt, Epd
- Jackson Thos. bookpr
- Lister John, agent, Epd
- Wm Lister, bookpr, Rtr
- Love Wm. Fredk. Book keeper, Dock side
- Marsh Mrs Julia, Epd
- Moss Jas. Cooper, Dsd
- Palmer Wm. gardener, Old Goole
- Parry Thos. tide surveyor, Bridge end
- Rhodes Rbt, clock mkr, Dock side
- Rutherford Jno. navigation insper, 8 Adam st
- Sandon Mr Mattw. Epd
- Smith Wm. bookpr, Epd
- Stow Wm. plumber, glazier & brazier, 45 Gst
- Weddall Rt. P. land aft. Old Goole
- West Wm. bookpr, Ppl
- Willingale Rt. clerk in customs, Adam st
- Wilson Rev. John, Epd
- Bromitt John, Old Goole
- Cooper John, Aire st
- Hawkins Mattw. Wm
- Thornhill Sarah, 56 Gst
- Wilson Jno. Wesley, Nst
Agents (Shipping, Comsn &c),
- Burstall Samuel, Fras & George, 4 Cbs
- Clay Richd, jun, Custom house buildings
- Clough Wm. (stone) Dsd; h Old Goole
- Dails John (& Hanoverian Consul) 12 Ast
- Denham Chas. (stone) Dock side
- Dunning John, 11 Cbs
- Foster John, 4 Cbs
- Greenwood Jph, 4 Epd
- Kenworthy John, Cbs; h 15 East parade
- Spratt Jas. (to Lloyd's) 12 Custom hs bldgs
- Storr Wm. Wright st *
- Wake Jas. Banks ter
- Earnshaw Geo. Rawdon, jun. Manor house
- Wilson Jno. 1 Aire st and Rawcliffe
- Hudson Jph, Ouse st
- Porter Rd. 5 Aire st *
- Walker Thos. Geo. St
- Wass Jesse, Dock side
- Hull Banking Co. Banks terrace; (on Barclay Bevan & Co) Mr Jas. Wake, manager
- York City and County Banking Co, 17 Aire street (on Barnetts, Hoare and Co) Mr Thos. Clough, manager
- Savings Bank, 10 Banks ter, open Wed. 12 to 1/2p 1, Mr Hy. Beaumont, secretary
- Duckels Thomas
- Hanslip John, Nst *
- Redman Saml, Cross st
Boot and Shoe Makers,
- Allison Thomas, 9 Ast
- Audus Robt. 53 Geo st
- Clark Geo, 27 Ouse st
- Dearman Chas. 26 Ost
- Dearman John, 15 Aire st
- Drury Benj, 22 Geo st
- Gillyot Geo. Dock side
- Keightley George, Nst *
- Marshall Rt. 54 Geo st
- Platt Geo. 39 Geo st
- Raywood Rd. Old Goole
- Taft Hy. Chapel lane
- Wilson John, Ouse st
- Cobb John, Old Goole
- Davis Thomas, Ppl *
- Dove Geo. 17 Geo st
- Greer Daniel, Ppl *
- Wardrobe John, Ppl *
- Bovill Wm. Dockside
- Briggs Dd. 11 Aire st
- Briggs Thos. Dock side
- Clayton John, Cross st
- Hasselby Jonth. Ast
- Windle Jonth. Ast *
Chemists and Druggists,
- Billinton Ann, Ast *
- Cass John Hawkins, Ast
Coal Dealers,
- Gaze J C, 5 Cbs
- Hawley George, 1 Cbs
Corn Millers,
- Fleeman Rd. Hook *
- Greenfield Wm.
- Walker Thomas Ppl *
Farmers, + are yeomen, 1 are in Old Goole & 2 are at Goole field,
- Best Robert - 1
- Blackburn Robert - 2
- Britton George - + 1
- Calvert Wm. jun - 1
- Clark James - 2
- Clotherd Thomas - 1
- Duckels Thomas - 2
- Gardham Roger - 1
- Garlick Robert - + 2
- Hodgson Robert - 1
- Ibbitson Wm. - 2
- Ireland John - 2
- Pepper Dennis - 2 +
- Pettinger John Fox - 1
- Spelman James - 1
- Stanewell John - + 1
- Thompson George - 2
- Thompson Thomas - 1
Fire and Life Offices,
- County, J Dails, Ast
- Manchester, John Dunning, 11 Cbs
- Royal Exchange, S F & G Burstall, 4 Cbs
- Sun, Jas. Spratt, 12 Cbs
- Yorkshire, D Cass, Ast
- Firth Rd. 15 Ouse st
- Hopley Robt, 21 Ouse st
- Bromley Wm. 19 Ast
- Cass David, 13 Aire st
- Craven Thos. 12 Epd
Hair Dressers,
- Carr Jas. 2 Ouse st
Inns & Taverns,
- Aire & Calder Inn, Rt Airton, Aire street
- Crown, Wm. Johnson, Ouse Street,
- Half Moon, Rd. Cooper, Old Goole
- McIntosh's Arms, John Watkinson, 16 Ast
- Steam Packet, William Thorpe, Canal side
Beer Houses,
- Blanchard Jno. 46 Ost
- Briggs Robt. Dock side
- Davis John, 7 Epd
- Cobb John, Old Goole
- Dove Geo, 17 George st
- Greer Daniel, Ppl *
- Johnson Isaac, Canal sd
- Richardson Wm. Csd
- Wright John, Wst *
- Atkinson John, Dock sd
- Leggott Charles, Nst
- Slingsby Joseph, Cst
Mstr Mariners, marked + are owners,
- Bateman Wm. Ppl * +
- Bell Robert, Ppl *
- Bromely Jas. Aire st
- Clark Edward, Ppl
- Clark John, Wst * +
- Clayton Wm. Ppl * +
- Collier Wm. Wst * +
- Fields John, Nst *
- Forman James, Nst *
- Foster Henry, Nst *
- Padley Wm. O. Ppl * +
- Pallister John, Nst *
- Pyn Rd, 12 Banks ter
- Rosyton Thomas, Nst
- Scott Wm. Ppl *
- Wood John, Ppl *
- Burstall Samuel, Fras & George, 4 Cbs
- Greenwood Geo, 4 Epd
Linen Drapers,
- Nichols Grace, 2 Ast *
- Wake Hy. Boyes, 6 Ast *
Sail Makers,
- Bromley Rt. & Rd. (& ships chandlers) Dsd
- Gutteridge John, Dsd
- Readshaw Thomas (boat only) Dock side
- Gamble Jane, 9 Geo st
- Hunter Saml. Ouse st
- Simpson Wm. Canal sd
- Thompson John, Ogl
Miscellany of trades
- Stone Mason, Thorpe Wm. (& engraver) Dock side
Straw Hat and Dress Makers,
- Fellingham Crstna, Ost
- Jackson E & S. Ost
- Twidale Eliz. Geo. St
- Cass Wm. Eden, 13 Btr
- Smith Geo. Nicholson, 13 East parade
Tailors &c,
- Armstrong John, Ast *
- Blanchard Geo. 17 Ost
- Golton Thos. 4 Ouse st
- Shirtcliff Clayton. Ast *
Wheelwrights &c,
- Finglay Jph. Old Goole
- Hutchinson Mats. Ogl
- Naylor John, Canal sd
Wine & Spirit Merchants,
- Airton Wm. 20 Aire st
- Bromley Thos. Adam st
Carriers from the hotel,
- Morfit Jno. to Howden, 3 aft. daily
- Townend Jno. to Snaith, Wed 4 aft
- Battle Thos. to Swinefleet, Wed & Sat 4 afternoon
- Cass Dd from Aire street to Garforth Tue, Thur & Sat 8 morning
Steam Packets,
- To Hull every morning at 10, Hy. Beaumont, agent
- To Hamburgh, Wed & Sat, Rd. Clay, agent
- To Selby and Thorne, daily, Rd. Moody agt
- To Yarmouth, every Thursday and sailing vessels every Tuesday, Ibbotson & Lister agts
- To Knottingley and Castleford to meet the coaches from Leeds and Wakefield, a horse packet daily
Trading Vessels,
- To Hull, London, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool &c, daily
- London Ships and Carver & Co's fly boats, Ibbotson & Lister agts
- Aire and Calder Co's fly boats, J H Hodson, agent
- Buckley, Kershaw & Co. to Huddersfield, Manchester &c., John Kenworth, agent
- T & W Marsden's fly boats, to Wakefield, Leeds, &c., Fdk. Wm. Love, agent
- Barnby, Faulkner & Co's fly boats to Manchester &c. Jas. Wake, agent
- John Thompson and Co's fly boats, J Dails, agent
Transcribed by Susan Johnson. ©2000