
Tadcaster, Memorial Plaque transcription


Tadcaster parish:


Tadcaster, Memorial Plaque transcription:

The War Memorial Plaques in St. Mary's Church, Tadcaster.

Men of Tadcaster
who died for their country
in the Great War
1914 - 1919

Ames 2nd Lt Arthur C  Dalton William  Johnson Arthur  Simpson Charles
Bromet Lt John N Dennison Fred Kavanagh John Smith Job
Lamb 2nd Lt Francis J O Devine Francis J Kellett Arthur Smith Samuel L
Jakes Lt Francis W Dyson Guy W Laycock George Smith Thomas E
Aldous Frederick Fisher Frank Lamb Wilfred Snowden William
Appleby Harry Forth Joseph Leddy Joseph Southern Arthur
Ashton John Frankland Robert Lindley George M Southern John W
Atkinson George Freer Richard M Lister Arthur Spencer Joseph
Atkinson James Garbutt Oliver M Lister Lawrence Steele Wilson
Bean George H Garbutt John W Lofthouse Harry Tate George
Beaumont Harry Harland John Lowe Richard Tate Herbert
Birdsall Thomas Harland Leonard Lowe Reuben Taylor Francis
Birdsall William Harland T M Marshall William Taylor Henry
Blake Harold Hartley Ernest Maskill Harry Terry Frederick
Bradford James Harker William Mason Fred Thompson Harold
Bradley Horace P Harris Leonard W Metcalfe Jack Thompson William
Broadwith Edgar Hawkins Horace H Morris Briscombe Tillett Henry
Brown Alfred Hickson John A Nelson Herbert Tillett John
Brown Richard Hill Charles Plows Charles P Turton George W
Butler John Hill Joseph P Plows Ernest P Wadman Vincent H G
Charlesworth P G Hodgson Henry Plows Richard P Ward Ernest
Clayden Albert Hullay John F Poole Frank Weaver John W
Clayton Harry Humpherson Wm P Potter James Weaver Thomas
Clayton Alfred B Iredale Charles Pratt Thomas A West Harry
Clark Joseph L Iredale Edward E Robinson John T Whincup Thomas N
Clough John E Jackson Norman Rumbold William F Wilson William
Clifford George E Jakeman George W Setterington T Wood Robert

The 1939-1945 War Memorial Plaque (see also Photo)

Also in memory
of those who gave their lives in the war
1939 - 1945

George Ashton  Maurice Grayson  Richard Richardson
Philip W Atkinson Arthur Harland Leslie Riley
Thomas Bell Maurice G Harvey Bernard Sparling
Stanley Burton Henry Husband Walter Sparling
John S Constable Laurence Jakeman Walter Stark
Clarence Davis Herbert Metcalfe Fred W Strothard
Arthur Fisher John D C Noonan Jack Thompson
William Franklin Thomas A Oxtoby Thomas Whitehead
Sidney Gawthroup Benjamin Pipe George Wilson
Reginald Goodrick Horace Pitts James R Wilson
  James G Richardson  

Data transcribed by
Haydn Scott.
from photography by Colin Hinson