
Wath upon Dearne, Memorial Plaque transcription


Wath upon Dearne parish:


Wath upon Dearne, Memorial Plaque transcription:

The World War I Memorial Plaque to the men of Wath Main Colliery, in All Saints Church, Wath upon Dearne.

To The Glorious Memory Of The Men
Of The Wath Main Colliery
Whose Names Are Recorded Here
Who Gave Their Lives In The Great War
1914 - 1918

Adams, C  Cusworth, C.  Kettlewell, O  Severns, J.
Addy, A. Cutts, E. Kirby, W. Shaw, P.A.
Ashwin, G.J.R. Dickinson, S.V. Law, L.A. Simister, A.
Banks, C. Dickinson, T. Lidster, C.T. Simms, A.H.
Barlow, A. Durose, I. Limer, J. Simpson, C.
Banks, G.E. Earl, W.P. Lister, W. Sleight, E.D.
Batty, A. Ellis, S.E. Mangham, K. Smeaton, J.T.
Beevers, J. Farrar, R. Mansell, E. Smith, A
Bell, J. Finerty, P. Marshall, C. Smith, S.
Bennett, J.C. Fletcher, S. Matthews, G. Smith, W.
Blackwell, K. Froocatt, P. Matthews, J. South, G.
Boldy, G. Frost, A.W. Monks, W. Summers, J.
Booth, J. Fullwood, W. Moore, H. Sutton, W.
Bower, E. Garrett, F. Moore, M. Swallow, J.T.
Briant, E.H. Garbutt, V. Morley, J. Sykes, A.
Brookes, A. Griffiths, W. Newham, J. Thompson, M.
Burdin, C. Hague, J. Newton, G. Thompson, T.W.
Bywater, G.W. Hardy, A. Norris, E. Thornsby, R.H.
Calvert, H. Harrison, T. Osborne, H. Trickett, H.
Castle, H. Hatfield, C.H. Oxer, W. Turner, A.
Catling, O.A. Heppenstall, G. Pears, M. Turner, J.A.
Cave, K. Hessam, W. Pearson, G. Vickers, L.
Clark, A.J. Hill, E. Petty, W.M. Watson, W.
Clarke, J.W. Horton, J. Pyott, T.J. White, E.
Clarke, W.A. Hubbard, J. Pyott, W.F. Whitham, C.
Clearey, J. Hudson, H. Roberts, W.H. Wibberley, J.
Coggin, T. Hutchinson, W. Robinson, C.A. Wilde, T.H.
Collier, T. Johnson, F. Roper, W. Williams, J.
Cook, A. Johnson, J. Ryalls, H. Wilson, F.B.
Cook, G. Jones, R.A. Sanderson, O. Wilson, R.
Crossley, A. Kershaw, J.W. Scott, F.J. Worrall, J.
      Wright, W.

Their Name Liveth For Evermore.

Data transcribed by
Jack Parry.
from photography by Colin Hinson