
Huntly, Dumbennan and Kinnoir - Place Names


This is a list of place names in the parish, compiled from modern maps.
Remember that the spelling of place names may change from time to time.

Please notify me of any changes or corrections.

 Affleck Annatswell Artloch Auchinbo Auchmill Avochie Bailliesward Bogairdy Bogenspro Boghead Bowman-Hillock Bridges Brownhill Bruntstane Burnfield Cairnford Clashmach Cleanbrae Costlyburn Craighead Craigwillie Crow Dowmin Dunbennan Dykehead Dykeside Gibston Glen Gordonsburn Greenfold Hillockhead Huntly Ittingstone Kinnoir Kye Linnorie Loanend Longhill Midplough Millburn Milton Mosstown Mungo Ordbrae Parkseat Rivestone Robieston Ward Wellheads Westerton