
Udny - Place Names


This is a list of place names in the parish, compiled from modern maps.
Remember that the spelling of place names may change from time to time.

Please notify me of any changes or corrections.

 Affleck Allathan Ardmore Atholhill Auchinhuive Auchnashag Balnakettle Beauty Hill Blackness Blair Bogfechel Bonnyton Bridgend Burnside Cairnfechil Cloisterseat Corthiemuir Coullie Coulliehare Craig Damhead Denend Dumbreck Eastside Ellis Fechel Gilmorton Hattoncrook Hillbrae Hillocks Housieside Iriewells Knapperna Linkshill Logierieve Macterry Millbank Milton Mosshead Newseat North Mains Orchardtown Pettymuick Pitcow Pitmedden Pittrichie Place Redford Sunnyside Tillycorthie Tillyeve Tillyfar Tillygreig Tillymaud Torry Tower Udny Udny Green West-Town Whitlam Woodlands