In the year 1321, Robert the Bruce granted the lands of Sauchie (the place or field of the willows) to Henry de Annand, formerly Sherriff of Clackmannan, who had been responsible for collecting the King's taxes and organising the defence of the Shire. A tower was built in 1335 on the site of the present Sauchie Tower which was built before 1431 when Mary de Annand, the co-heiress to the estate, married Sir James Schaw of Greenock.
[Sauchie and Alloa - A People's History, John Adamson 1988]
Nothing, excepting the tower, is left of the old village of Sauchie. The village clustered around the tower for protection. The Schaw family moved from the tower to the more stately Newtonschaw in the early 1700s. The original village disappeared, and the tower fell into disrepair.
Later houses were erected around a brick works sited on the River Devon, but the brick works too fell into disuse with the demise of the mining industry in the area.
Sauchie is in Alloa parish.
For more on Sauchie see the Edinburgh University Scottish Gazetteer.