


" Gorbals, par., Glasgow, on S. side of river Clyde, 25 ac., pop. 5567; P.O., called Gorbal's Cross. "

From John Bartholomew's Gazetteer of the British Isles, 1887


Church History

Dates of Old Parish Registers


Description & Travel

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GORBALS, a parish, in the suburbs of the city of Glasgow, chiefly in the county of Lanark, but partly in the Upper ward of the county of Renfrew; containing 48,275 inhabitants, of whom 10,200 form the population of the civil parish of Gorbals, or Gorbals proper, and the remainder are included in that of the civil parish of Govan; the whole number of 48,275 being regarded as ecclesiastically in the parish of Gorbals. This place, originally called Bridgend, from its situation at the extremity of a bridge over the Clyde connecting it with Glasgow, was anciently part of the parish of Govan, from which it was separated in 1771. At that time it comprised only about fourteen acres, but there were subsequently added the lands of Rea, Little Govan, and the Prebend of Polmadie, containing about 600 acres, and also that part of Govan called the Barony, a tract of 400 acres, belonging to the corporation of Glasgow, the patrons of Hutcheson's Hospital, and the Trades' House. The whole of the rural district is arable land, with a small proportion of meadow and pasture; the soil is rich, and the moors have been brought into profitable cultivation. The crops are wheat, oats, potatoes, and turnips; abundance of manure is obtained from the city and suburbs, and every recent improvement in agriculture has been adopted. The population is partly agricultural, but chiefly employed in the various manufactures of Glasgow. Gorbals, with the adjacent lands, was formed into a burgh of barony and regality at a very early period, and in 1607 was bestowed by the Archbishop of Glasgow upon Sir George Elphinstone, who in 1611 obtained from James VI. a charter confirming the grant.



Gorbals has long been part of the City of Glasgow, so the Glasgow pages are essential reading.


Historical Geography

"... The parish of Gorbals consisted at first of a small district disjoined from
 the neighbouring parish of Govan, and erected into a separate parish by 
the Court of Teinds in 1771. To this district a much larger portion of
 Govan, comprehending what is now the most populous portion of Gorbals,
 was at a subsequent period annexed quoad sacra, by the Presbytery of Glasgow. The parish of Gorbals, thus constituted, was, in 1834, divided by 
the Presbytery into two parishes of unequal size, the smaller of which was 
attached as a parish quoad sacra, under the name of Kirkfield, to a Chapel of Ease within its bounds.

The parish churches of the United District may be divided into three
 classes, of which the first includes those of the Inner-High, Barony, and
 Gorbals. The churches of Barony and Gorbals were built, and are now
 maintained by the respective heritors of their parishes quoad civilia, according to the law for the building and upholding of parish churches. The
 church of the Inner-High, or original parish of Glasgow, is part of the
 ancient cathedral, which belongs to the Crown, and is maintained at the 
public expense. It appears, however, that the Corporation of Glasgow,
 having been, at some period, at the expense of fitting it up with pews, have
 ever since exacted a seat rent, according to rates fixed by themselves, 
although their right to do so is doubted by some of the parishioners. The 
ministers of the Inner-High and the Barony are endowed out of the teinds 
of the parish of Glasgow ; and the minister of Gorbals receives, along with
 a grant of L.100 per annum from Exchequer, a stipend from the heritors, 
which they pay, not out of their teinds, (these being all liable to the minister of Govan, to which Gorbals originally belonged) but out of seat rents. ..."

Extract from "Second Report of the Commissioners of Religious Instruction, Scotland" : W. and A. K Johnston, 1837, Edinburgh.



One famous son of the Gorbals area was Sir Thomas Lipton.



You can see maps centred on OS grid reference NS591644 (Lat/Lon: 55.851727, -4.252878), Gorbals which are provided by: