Uig - Extract from National Gazetteer, 1868
"UIG, a parish in the district of Lewis, county Ross and Cromarty, Scotland. It comprises Uig and Carloway, with the islands of Vinavore, Bigand Little Bernara, and Pabbay, besides many other islets in Loch Roag. It extends in length about 22½ miles from N.E. to S.W., with an extreme breadth of 17¼ miles. The district of Uig proper is bounded on the N. by the Ocean and Carloway, on the E. by Stornoway, on the S. by Harris and Loch Reasort, and on the W. by the Atlantic Ocean. The surface chiefly consists of low, barren, heathy hills and flat moors, watered by numerous small lakes, the principal of which is Loch Langavat, 95 miles in length. The coast, which is about 60 miles in extent, is flat and indented with bays abounding in cod, ling, dog-fish, coal-fish, and lobsters, for which last it is much frequented by English vessels. The village of Uig stands on Uig Bay, between lochs Reasort and Shawbost. Many of the inhabitants of the neighbouring hamlets and villages are employed in the fisheries. In the vicinity is Calarnish Druid temple, consisting of a circle of 12 stones, 7 feet in height, and a centre one of 13 feet, with three exterior lines of 3 stones each, and to the N. a double line of 6 each for the entrance. Traces of a nunnery exist at Melista, and of a circular fort at Carlaway, with a wall of 30 feet in height. This parish is in the presbytery of Lewis and synod of Glenelg, and in the patronage of the crown. The stipend of the minister is about £158. The parish church was erected in 1829. There are two free churches, respectively situated at Uig and Carlaway. There are a parochial and five other schools."
"BIG and LITTLE BERNERA, two islands in the parish of Uig, Ross-shire, Scotland. The former is 5 miles long by 2 broad, and is situated on the W. of Lewis. There are several remarkable Druidical circles.
"CALHARNISH, (or Callernish, or Carloway), a district in the parish of Uig, island of Lewis, in the Hebrides, or Western Isles, county Ross and Cromarty, Scotland. It is on the western coast, and is the site of a Danish fort and a remarkable Druidical circle. A central stone, 13 feet high, is surrounded by a circle of 12 stones, each 7 feet high. On the N. side is a double row of stones, forming an approach to the circle, from the other three sides of which single rows radiate.
"PABBAY, an island in the parish of Uig, county Ross, Scotland, 4 miles N.E. of Gallen Head. It is situated in Loch Bernera, on the W. side of Lewis Island."
"THE FLANNAN ISLES, a group of 7 small islands in the parish of Uig, county Ross, Scotland, lying on the W. side of Lewis. They are also called the Seven Hunters. Druidical remains are found upon these islands, which are uninhabited, and frequented by innumerable sea-fowl."
"VINAVORE, an island in the parish of Uig, in the county of Ross, in the Hebrides, Scotland. It is situated in the southern part of Loch Roag, about 2 miles from the mouth of little Loch Roag."
"VUIAVORE, an islet in the parish of Uig, Western Isles, county Ross, Scotland. It lies on the W. side of Lewis."
Description(s) from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868)
Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2003