National Gazetteer, 1868
Baldernock - Extract from National Gazetteer, 1868
"BALDERNOCK, a parish in the county of Stirling, Scotland, 5 miles to the N. of Glasgow. It lies on the north bank of the river Kelvin, a branch of the Clyde, and contains the village of Balmore. Its ancient name was Bathernock, and it belonged at an early period to the Galbraiths, who had a large seat in the parish, the tower of which is still in existence. Baldowic Loch lies on the south-west side of the parish and the great canal passes near its eastern extremity. The ground rises gradually from the river northward, and the soil is of various character. The higher tract is partly moorland. Coal and lime have been obtained here for nearly two centuries. Iron ore, fire clay, and alum are also found. The living, of the value of £157, is in the presbytery of Dumbarton, and in the patronage of the crown. The parish contains several cairns, and a very singular structure, called the Auld Wife's Lift. It is formed of three massive stones, two of a prismatic form placed close together on level ground, and the third a parallelepiped supported upon them. The three are of similar size, measuring 18 feet in length, 11 in breadth, and 7 in thickness. The space surrounding the level on which they stand is enclosed by a sort of amphitheatre several yards high, and about a hundred yards in diameter."
Description(s) from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868)