National Gazetteer, 1868
Clyne - Extract from National Gazetteer, 1868
"CLYNE, a parish in the county of Sutherland, Scotland. It is 24 miles long with a breadth of 4 to 8 miles. The northern part is lofty and mountainous, and presents very attractive features. Not more than a sixtieth part of the surface is arable, the remainder being devoted to sheep-pasture. The Duke of Sutherland is the sole landowner, and most of the inhabitants on the coast are fishermen. Freestone and limestone are abundant. Craigbar, a fortified hill on the S. side of Loch Brora, is supposed to be of Pictish origin, as is also Cole's Castle, a remarkable fortification on a rocky island in the Blackwater of Strathbeg, near the junction of that river with the Brora. It is circular in form, with an external circumference of 54 yards, and has a diameter of 18 yards, it is built of large stones, well joined together without cement. This parish is in the presbytery of Dornoch, and in the patronage of the Duke of Sutherland. The minister's stipend is £145. There are also a Free church and three non-parochial schools."
"BRORA, a village in the parish of Clyne, in the county of Sutherland, Scotland, 11 miles to the N.E. of Dornoch. It is situated on the banks of the river Brora, which, flowing through the wilds of Strathbrora and Brora Loch, falls into Dornoch Firth. The inhabitants are chiefly employed in quarrying sandstone, which, at certain points along the coast, is overlaid by a seam of coal, with layers of pyritous shale. A fair is held in October."
Description(s) from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868)