
Customs Records for Wigtownshire


This is a 'Starter Page' - there are a lot of records available at these locations - a search of their catalogues is well worthwhile.

At the National Records of Scotland, Edinburgh:

  • CE/77
    Customs Records: Stranraer outport records
    Letter book, Collector to Board, 1873-1896; Order / letter books, Board to Collector, 1780-1909; Miscellaneous records including general letter books and register of ages and capacities, 1836-1894; Letter book originating in subordinate ports or creeks, 1859-1889; Register of Sea Fishing Boats, 1912-1991.
    The Board to Collector series comprises two types of communications (i) general orders addressed by the Board to all collections and (ii) particular correspondence addressed by the Board to individual ports. Sometimes these two types of correspondence were entered in separate series of letter books. But it was a not uncommon practice to mix both together and the titles of the various series "Boards Orders", "Board's General Orders", "Board's Letters", "General Letters", etc give no reliable indication of the character of the material. In addition it frequently occurs that no master set of Board's Orders was maintained in a port - each official keeping sets of those Orders which concerned his own particular functions. All volumes containing particular material addressed by the Board to a port have been retained and general material has been retained in all cases where it is not substantially duplicated in other series.
    As part of the initial reorganisation following the Act of Union in1707, a series of ports, members and creeks was established in Scotland to bring it into line with the ports in England. Stranraer Outport was responsible for the following creeks: Ballantrae, Bay of Cairn, Scar, Loch Float, Drumore, Glenluce. Portpatrick was the member port.
  • CE61
    Wigtown Outport and District Records
    CE61/1/1 Letter Book, Collector to Board, 1868-1896; Letter Book, Board to Collector, 1854-1889; Registers of Officers' Admissions & Securities, 1782-1885; Register of Ages & Capacities, 1843-1888; Correspondence Register, General Register of Shipping and Seamen, 1850-1904; Board of Trade Letter Book, 1879-1896; Wigtown Local Letter Book (vol.1), 1863-1889; Material Originating in Subordinate Ports or Creeks, including List of Sailings and Arrivals, Letter Book, 1850-1888; Letter Book, 1850-1867; Register of Sea Fishing Boats, 1963.
    As part of the initial reorganisation following the Act of Union in1707, a series of ports, members and creeks was established in Scotland to bring it into line with the ports in England. Wigtown Outport was responsible for the following creeks: Burn of Monreith, Isle of Whithorn, Newton Stewart, Creetown, Gatehouse of Fleet.
  • E72/20
    Customs Books (second series) for Portpatrick
    Entry Books and Report Books, covering imports and exports 1671-1692; includes separate section for Wigtown, 1681-1682.
    This precinct included Stranraer, Isle of Whithorn, Wigtown and some smaller ports.
  • E509
    Customs: Salary bills
    Portpatrick, Jan 1813 - Jan 1822; Stranraer 1813 - 1829; Wigtown 1813 - 1827

At the Ewart Library, Dumfries:

  • CE/77/11
    Customs Records: Stranraer outport records
    Registers of ships and shipping, 1824-1908; Register of Transactions in the Register of Shipping,  1855-1885; Abstracts of numbers of vessels registered,  1844-1891.
  • CE/77/11
    Customs Records: Wigtown outport records
    Register of Shipping, 1824-1835, 1836-1855; Register of Transactions, 1855-1920; Abstract of vessels, 1850-1896.

Data provided by the Scottish Archive Network (SCAN)