
Newspaper extracts for Hawarden


There are many references to this area in the 15 million Welsh and English language articles from Welsh newspapers transcribed by the NLW and viewable on Welsh Newspapers Online
Below are English language articles that have been re-transcribed and extracted randomly to illustrate what is available, there are many that are not extracted here that include names of local people

  • From the  Flintshire Observer Mining Journal and General Advertiser…4th February 1881

HAWARDEN. A COCOA HOUSE. - Mainly through the efforts of the Hon. Mrs. W. H. Gladstone, a cocoa house has been opened at Hawarden, under the title of the "Welcome Coffee House." No expense has been spared in making the rooms as attractive and comfortable as possible. One feature of the tavern is that it is to be open on Sundays from two till six, during which time papers and periodicals will be supplied for the instruction and entertainment of those who choose to attend.

  • From the  Flintshire Observer Mining Journal and General Advertiser…18th July 1879

HAWARDEN. GRAND BAZAAR.—A grand bazaar is announced to be held on Bank Holiday (August 4th) and the following day at Hawarden Castle, the proceeds of which are to be given in aid of the eight parochial schools. Particulars will be found in our advertising columns.

  •  From the Flintshire Observer Mining Journal and General Advertiser… 14th October 1897

HAWARDEN. SHAM FIGHT IN HAWARDEN PARK.—On Saturday afternoon, by permission of Mr and Mrs Gladstone, the Flintshire Battalion of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers had a sham fight in Hawarden Park. The idea was that an enemy had landed at Birkenhead, and was marching on Chester and Wrexham, and that they had to attack Hawarden Castle, which was defended, in order to continue their march. ..... (part extract)......

  •  From the Flintshire Observer Mining Journal and General Advertiser…10th December 1885

HAWARDEN. Lord Granville arrived at Hawarden on Saturday on a visit to Mr. Gladstone. It is reported that his lordship had been summoned to confer with the leader of the Liberal party, on the political situation. His lordship left Hawarden on Monday, and drove to Broughton Hall station to join the train for Chester. Lord Richard Grosvenor, M.P., the senior Whip of the Liberal party, has also been a visitor at Hawarden Castle.

  •  From the Flintshire Observer Mining Journal and General Advertiser…30th October 1890

HAWARDEN. INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL.-The funds for building a new school now amount to £950. A site has been selected on the hill near the new railway line.

  • From the Flintshire Observer Mining Journal and General Advertiser…22nd August 1873

HAWARDEN. On Friday evening Mr Gladstone attended a meeting of his fellow-parishioners of Hawarden convened to consider the question which has so recently occupied public attention whether it was better to supply the deficiency in accommodation by voluntary means or to determine on the election of a School Board and enforce a rate. The Premier delivered a speech on the occasion which is interesting not less as the expression of his personal views and feelings on the Education question which it contains than for the intimation of public policy which is involved in it. With regard to his own feelings. Mr Gladstone, we have pleasure in saying, frankly stated that although he gave credit to School Boards for doing considerable good, and was therefore not going to say anything against them, yet his own personal conviction was that "voluntary education was the best."

  •  From the Flintshire Observer Mining Journal and General Advertiser… 24th November 1876

 HAWARDEN. MR GLADSTONE AND THE DRAYMAN.—An excellent story, writes a correspondent., is current at Hawarden, of an event which happened at that place last week. It appears that the Northop carrier had occasion, in the course of his business, to call at one of the lodges attached to Hawarden Castle, to leave a cask of beer for a person in that neighbourhood. Unable to get the cask out of the cart without assistance, he espied an old gentleman passing with an axe slung across his shoulder, and supposing him to be a woodman shouted "Oi say, oi say, measter, come and give us a lift with this here barrel out of the cart." The individual thus addressed goodnaturedly responded to the invitation. He came to the cart, and the drayman said: "Thou stand at th' tail end o' th' cart, and I'll roll it down." the woodman did as he was directed, and together they deposited the barrel of beer in safety. "And now, old mate," said the drayman, wiping his heated brow, come with me to the village, and thee shalt have the best jug of beer to be got there." The old gentleman politely declined, shouldered his axe, and went away smiling. The man's astonishment may be well imagined, when he was informed that the "mate," whom he had so jovially addressed, was none other than the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone.

  • From the Flintshire Observer Mining Journal and General Advertiser…8th October 1896

HAWARDEN. THE COUNTY SCHOOL—The question of building the new schools has been considered by the Governing Body, and it is felt to be a matter of the highest importance to proceed with this at the earliest opportunity. £100 is still necessary ro complete the amount which the County Governing Body require to be raised before making their grant. It has been resolved to purchase an acre of ground for a site, offered by the Hawarden estate trustees on advantageous terms. Mr Gladstone is greatly interested in the school, and a considerable portion of the amount already raised (about £1,100) has been contributed by the Gladstone family.

  • From The Chester Courant and Advertiser for North Wales (Supplement) 30th January 1901

HAWARDEN At a meeting held last week in the Gymnasium, Capt. Swetenham presiding, it was notified that the services of the volunteers for the war were again invited. In response 13 members of the Hawarden Company at once gave in their names.

  •  From The Chester Courant and Advertiser for North Wales 13th June 1906

HAWARDEN. COUNCIL'S REMEDY FOR DUST NUISANCE. The fortnightly meeting of the Hawarden Rural Council was held at Broughton on Friday. The Clerk (Mr. H. G. Roberts) read the following resolution, drafted by the chairman and himself

" (1). That in the opinion of this Council the serious attention of his Majesty's Government should be drawn to the terrible nuisance and damage caused by motor-cars in this district; (

(2) that considering the damage done to the roads by motor-cars and the heavy expenditure entailed to meet requirements of this traffic, this Council is of opinion that a minimum licence of £ 20 per annum would not be too much, and the amount. so derived allocated to the several road authorities;

(3) that this Council is of opinion that the dust nuisance caused by the excessive speed at which motor- cars are driven, ought to be an offence, as serious damage accrues to all persons using the highways and those residing near to main roads by motor-cars raising such great clouds of dust., and that the maximum speed be reduced to twelve miles an hour;

(4) that this Council is of opinion that headlights should be limited to ten candle-power, and that the rear lights should be on the same candle-power, with the number of the car on the glass;

(5) that for repeated offences of reckless or furious driving of motor- cars the fines should be much heavier, and in serious cases imprisonment without the option of a fine, and that the owner, if present when the offence is committed, should be held liable as well a.s the driver, and the registration of such car suspended as well as the licences of such persons."

Mr. S. Manley moved the adoption of the resolution. The Chairman mentioned the case of a driver who was fined £1 and costs at Eddisbury Sessions for driving at a speed of 33½ miles an hour from Northwich to Tarvin. Such a fine was ridiculous for gentlemen who could afford £ 1,000 and £1,500 for a car. Mr. R. G. Roberts could not understand why public opinion, which thought twelve miles a sufficient limit for bicycles and carriages a few years ago, should be changed to suit the convenience of people very well off. The Chairman, complained of the inadequacy of the fines, and said that thousands of pounds were spent on the main roads to meet the requirements of motor-cars. Every sanitary authority made the individual and not the ratepayers pay for the abatement, of a nuisance, and the ratepayers ought not to be asked to go to further expense. Mr. R G. Roberts suggested a special track for motorists. The resolution was carried.

  •  From The Chester Courant and Advertiser for North Wales 4th July 1906

HAWARDEN. CHURCH PARADE.—The Hawarden Volunteer Company (B Co. 2nd V.B. Royal Welch Fusiliers) held a church parade on Sunday morning. The men, who presented a very smart appearance, assembled at the Armoury about 10 30, and, headed by the band, marched to the Parish Church, Captain Swetenham being in command. The Rev. Barlow Poole conducted the service, and preached an interesting and appropriate sermon. The men joined heartily in the service, especially in the hymns. After the service the men paraded the village as far as Stafford House, and then marched back to the Armoury. On this occasion the newly re-formed band made their first public appearance. They have been under the direction of Bandmaster Delany (Wrexham Depot) for some little time past, and excellent progress has been made, judging from their performance on Sunday morning, their playing being distinctly good. A considerable improvement has been made by the addition of reed instruments. After the march back to the Armoury a selection of music was given in the main street by the Golden Wedding Fountain, to the great delight of a large audience.

  • From The Chester Courant and Advertiser for North Wales 18th July 1906

HAWARDEN. CHOIR EXCURSION.The members of the parish church choir held their annual excursion on Saturday. The boys, who were accompanied by the Rev. J. F. Southam, the Rev. S. Liberty and Mr. R. W. Pringle, went to Rhyl, where they arrived about 10 a.m. The weather was fine throughout the day, and the boys thoroughly enjoyed themselves. During the day the boys indulged ih bathing in the sea, and just before tea went for a row on the Marine Lake. The whole party arrived home in good time about 8 p.m. The men, who were accompanied by the Rev. R. E. Harlow Poole, went to BIackpoo). via Chester and Warrington. Leaving Sandycroft at 8 o'clock, the party arrived at their destination shortly before one o'clock. Luncheon and tea were partaken of. After a pleasant day the return journey was begun, and. after a somewhat tiring experience, travelling from 7.30 till nearly 12.45, the party found themselves stranded in Chester, necessitating a walk of seven miles, to Hawarden, where they arrived between two and three o'clock in the morning. In spite of their arduous experiences, the great, majority were in their accustomed places for the Sunday morning service.

  •  From The Chester Courant and Advertiser for North Wales 12th July 1905

HAWARDEN. ANOTHER ROBBERY.—Another robbery has taken place, the second in the course of a week. On Wednesday night the station booking-office was broken into, although, fortunately, without much damage. As in the last case, at the Stores, a window was broken to effect an entrance, and two or three drawers were forced open and a few parcels broken into. The safe, however, resisted the designs of the marauders, and the contents were found intact.

  • From The Chester Courant and Advertiser for North Wales 26th August 1903

HAWARDEN. PARISH CHURCH RESTORATION.—Mr. Samuel Smith, M.P., whose coming retirement has been officially announced, has given £25 to the restoration fund of the parish church. The total amount required (£530) has now been almost raised, and the work is approaching completion. The Whitley chancel has been re-roofed with slates instead of lead, and a new lead roof has been put on the south-west porch. Wood blocks are being put down instead of tiles in various parts of the church. In addition there are other necessary repairs also being carried out. Messrs. W. and T. Bailey are the contractors.

  • From  The Chester Courant and Advertiser for North Wales 14th December 1898

 HAWARDEN. THE PAUPERS' CHRISTMAS DINNER The fortnightly meeting of the Hawarden Board of Guardians was held at the Broughton Workhouse on Friday, Mr. W. Fryer presiding.—Mr. J. M. Gibson (Buckley) moved that the inmates of the house be given a Christmas dinner on the same lines as last year.—Mr. Jno. Jones (Saltney) seconded. Mr. BELLIS: Before that is put I should like to know what those lines were. Many of us were not members then.The MASTER (Mr. Roberts); The inmates had roast beef and plum pudding and a pint of beer each. Mr. BELLIS; "I am in favour of that myself. Mr. GIBSON pointed out that those who did not want beer could have coffee or whatever they liked. The CHAIRMAN asked if there was any amendment. Mr. MILLINGTON said he had no amendment to make, but he protested against the allowance of beer, and could not vote for the resolution on that ground. On a vote being taken there were only two dissentients to the motion, Messrs. Millington and Owen Evans. A brewery company at Caergwrle wrote stating that they would have much pleasure in giving a nine-gallon cask of ale for the old people's enjoyment at Christmas, providing the guardians would accept it.—Mr. Bellis moved, and Mr. Handley seconded, that the offer be accepted. Mr. GIBSON: It will save our buying beer. Mr. JONES moved that the Board thank the brewery company, but state that they had already made provision for the old people's dinner.—This was seconded by Mr. Wright. On a division it was decided by eight votes to seven to accept the offer of the brewery company, Mr. JONES remarking that it was understood the beer was for the inmates and not for the guardians. (Laughter.)