Back to introduction
- BTs = Bishop's Transcripts,
- FAQ = Frequently asked questions
- FHC = Family History Center (of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- FHS = Family History Society
- IGI = International Genealogical Index
- LDS = The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- NLW = National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth
- PRs = Parish Registers,
- PRO = Public Records Office, London
- St Caths = St Catherine's House Indexes of births, marriages and deaths
See also 1881 census relations
- AU - Aunt
- BL- Brother-in-law
- BO - Boarder
- BR - Brother
- CI - Sister
- CL - Sister-in-law
- CO - Cousin
- DA - Daughter
- DAU - Daughter
- DL - Daughter-in-law
- FA - Father
- FL - Father-in-law
- GA - Great Aunt
- GD - Granddaughter
- GF - Grandfather
- GM - Grandmother
- GS - Grandson
- GU - Great Uncle
- HB - Half Brother
- HC - Half Sister
- HD - Head of domicile, household
- HU - Husband
- IM - Inmate
- LG - Lodger
- MT - Mistress
- M - Mother
- MO - Mother
- ML - Mother-in-law
- NC - Niece
- NP - Nephew
- PP - Pupil, Scholar
- PS - Prisoner
- PT - Patient
- RE - Relative
- SB - Stepbrother
- SC - Stepsister
- SD - Stepdaughter
- SF - Stepfather
- SG - Stranger
- SL - Son-in-law
- SM - Stepmother
- SO - Son
- SS - Stepson
- SV - Servant
- TR - Traveller
- UC - Uncle
- VR - Visitor
- WI - Wife
- Ac - Acre(s)
- b - born
- Ind - of independent means (or not telling)
- Nr - near
- U - unmarried
- unmar - unmarried
The 3 letter codes used to identify counties in Wales, England and Scotland are shown below.
There is an alphabetical list including Ireland on Country and County Codes - British Isles
AGY Anglesey---------- DEN Denbighshire -----------MON Monmouthshire
BRE Breconshire ------ FLN Flintshire-------------- PEM Pembrokeshire
CAE Caernarvonshire -- GLA Glamorganshire -------RAD Radnorshire
CGN Cardiganshire ---- MER Merionethshire
CMN Carmarthenshire-- MGY Montgomeryshire
BDF Bedfordshire HAM Hampshire OXF Oxfordshire
BRK Berkshire HEF Herefordshire RUT Rutland
BKM Buckinghamshire HRT Hertfordshire SAL Shropshire
CAM Cambridgshire HUN Huntingdonshire SFK Suffolk
CHS Cheshire KEN Kent SOM Somerset
CON Cornwall LAN Lancashire SRY Surrey
CUL Cumberland LEI Leicestershire SSX Sussex
DBY Derbyshire LIN Lincolnshire STS Staffordshire
DEV Devon MDX Middlesex WAR Warwickshire
DOR Dorset NBL Northumberland WES Westmorland
DUR Durham NFK Norfolk WIL Wiltshire
ESS Essex NTH Northamptonshire WOR Worcestershire
GLS Gloucestershire NTT Nottinghamshire YKS Yorkshire
ABD Aberdeenshire ELN East Lothian PEE Peebles-shire
ANS Angus FIR Fife PER Perthshire
ARL Argyllshire INV Inverness-shire RFW Renfrewshire
AYR Ayrshire KCD Kincardineshire ROC Ross/Cromarty
BAN Banffshire KKD Kirkcudbrightshire ROX Roxburghshire
BEW Berwickshire KRS Kinross-shire SEL Selkirkshire
BUT Bute LKS Lanarkshire SHI Shetland
CAI Caithness MLN Midlothian STI Stirlingshire
CLK Clackmannan MOR Morayshire SUT Sutherland
DFS Dumfries-shire NAI Nairnshire WIG Wigtownshire
DNB Dunbartonshire OKI Orkney WLN West Lothian
- A - Adult
- BT - Bishops Transcript
- (F) - Female
- I - Infant
- (M) - Male
- PR - Parish Register
- T - Entry take from Bishop's Transcript
- V - Composite of PR and BT
- ! - Illegitimate
- + - Deceased
- - Extra information in register
- [B]-Married by Banns
- [C]-Married by consent, one of the parties being under 21
- [L]-Married by Licence
- [P]-Personal details such as status, occupation or an exact address
- [W]-Names of witnesses
Compiled by Jenni Newman - Abot Abbot
- Abst Absent
- Acct Accountant
- AChd Adopted child
- ADau Adopted daughter
- Adjt Adjutant
- Adnt Attendant
- Adop Adopted
- Agnt Agent
- ALab Agricultural labourer
- Alne Alone
- AMan Almsman
- AMst Assistant master
- AMtr Assistant matron
- ANep Adopted nephew
- ANie Adopted niece
- Annu Annuitant
- Appr Apprentice
- AscM Assistant schoolmaster/mistress
- ASer Agricultural servant
- Asoc Associate
- ASon Adopted son
- Asst Assistant
- ATch Assistant teacher
- ATut Assistant tutor
- AunL Aunt-in-law
- Aunt Aunt
- AWmn Almswoman
- B.A Bachelor of Arts
- Baby Baby
- Bach Bachelor
- BaiD Bailiff's daughter
- Bail Bailiff
- BaiS Bailiff's son
- BaiW Bailiff's wife
- Bakr Baker
- BarA Bar assistant
- Bark Bar keeper
- BarM Barmaid, Barman
- BarW Barwoman
- BatM Bath man
- BDau Boarder's daughter
- Bdle Beadle
- Bglr Bugler
- Bkpr Bookkeeper
- Bksm Blacksmith
- BLaw Bylaw
- Bltd Billeted
- BMan Bar manager
- Bmdr Bombardier
- BMot Boarder's mother
- Boot Boots
- BorB Boarder's brother
- BorC Boarder's child
- BorD Boarder's daughter
- Bord Boarder/Boardress
- BorG Boarder's grandson
- BorN Boarder's niece
- BorS Boarder's son
- BorW Boarder's wife
- BotB Boat boy
- BotM Boatman
- Boy Boy
- Brew Brewer
- BrLD Brother-in-law's daughter
- BrLS Brother-in-law's son
- BrLW Brother-in-law's wife
- Bro Brother
- BroD Brother's daughter
- BroL Brother-in-law
- BroR Brother in religion
- BroS Brother's son
- BroW Brother's wife
- BrSi Boarder's sister
- BSch Boarding scholar
- BSer Bakery servant
- Bshp Bishop
- BSnL . Boarder's sister-in-law
- Btch Butcher
- Btlr Butler
- BtIS Butler's son
- Bt1W Butler's wife
- Burs Bursar
- BWid Brother's widow
- CarC Care child
- Card Carder
- Carp Carpenter
- Cart Carter
- Cash Cashier
- Casl Casual
- CBoy Cart boy
- CchD Coachman's daughter
- Cchm Coachman
- CchS Coachman's son
- CchW Coachman's wife
- Cftr Confectioner
- Chap Chaperon
- Char Charwoman
- Chef Chef
- Chld Child
- ChMd Chambermaid
- Chnd Chandler
- ChoB Choirboy
- Chpn Chaplain
- Chrg Charge
- ChsM . Cheese man
- ChsW . Cheese woman
- Civl Civil
- C1kM Clockmaker
- Clrg Clergyman
- Clrk Clerk
- Clth Clothier
- CMan Cellarman
- CMkr Cheesemaker
- Cmpy Company
- Cmst Chemist
- Cntb Counstable
- CntS Canteen steward
- COff Chief officer
- CoHu . . Cook's husband
- Co1C College cook
- Colg Colleague
- Co1M College matron
- Co1P College porter
- CoIS College student
- Comd Commander
- Comm Committee
- Comp Companion
- ConC Concubine
- Cony Convict
- CooD Cook's daughter
- Cook Cook
- CosM Costume maker
- CoSn Cousin's son
- CouC's child
- CouD Cousin's daughter
- CouH Cousin's husband
- CouL Cousin-in-law
- Cous Cousin
- CouW Cousin's wife
- CowB Cowboy
- CowL Cow lad
- CowM Cowman
- CowS Cowman's son
- CowW Cowman's wife
- CPrv Provost of college
- Cptn Captain
- Crew Crew
- Crft Crofter
- CrnS Crown servant
- Crpl Corporal
- Crte Curate
- CSer College servant
- Ctgr Cottager
- Ctkr Caretaker
- CtrM Counterman
- Cutr Cutter
- CWdr Chief warder
- CWom Chairwoman
- CWrD Chief warder's daughter
- CWrd Chief warden
- CWrS Chief warder's son
- CWrW Chief warder's wife
- DaIC Daughter-in-law's child
- DaID Daughter-in-law's daughter
- DaIF Daughter-in-law's father
- Da1H Daughter-in-law's husband
- DaIM Daughter-in-law's mother
- DaIS Daughter-in-law's son
- DaIU Daughter-in-law's uncle
- DaSS Daughter's stepson
- DauC Daughter's child
- DauD Daughter's daughter
- DauH Daughter's husband
- DauL Daughter-in-law
- Daur Daughter
- DauS Daughter's son
- Dean Dean
- Debt Debtor
- Disp Dispenser
- DMag Dairy manager
- Dmkr Dressmaker
- Dod Doctor
- Domc Domestic
- Dpen Dependent
- DpGv Deputy govenor
- Drap Draper
- Drct Director
- Driv Driver
- DrnM Drawing master
- Drov Drover
- Drsr Dresser
- Drum . Drummer
- DryB Dairy boy
- DryM Dairymaid, Dairyman
- DryS Dairy servant
- DSer Domestic servant
- EgnW Engineer's wife
- Empl Employed, Employee
- Emyr Employer
- EngD Engineer/Engine driver
- Engn Engir~eer
- Ernd Errand boy, Errand girl
- FaLD Father-in-law's daughter
- FaLS Father-in-law's son
- FaLW Father-in-law's wife
- FaMo Farmer's mother
- FarD Farmer's daughter
- FarF Farmer's father
- Farm Farmer
- Farr Farrier
- FarS Farmer's son
- FarW Farmer's wife
- FatB Father's brother
- Fath Father
- FatL Father-in-law
- FatS Father's sister
- FatW Father's wife
- FBai Farm bailiff
- FBoy Farm boy
- FBro Foster brother
- FChd Foster child
- FDau Foster daughter
- Felw Fellow
- Feml Female
- FLab Farm labourer
- FMag Farm manager
- FMot Foster mother
- Fndl Foundling
- FPup Farm pupil
- Frir Friar
- Frmn Foreman, Forewoman
- Find Friend
- FSer Farm servant
- FSGs Foster step grandson
- FSis Foster sister
- FSon Foster son
- FStw Farm steward
- Ftmn Footman
- FWif Friend's wife
- Gain Gaoler
- GamK Game keeper
- GAun Grandaunt, Great-aunt
- GBoy Garden boy
- GChd Grandchild
- GDaH Granddaughter's husband
- GDaL Granddaughter-in-law
- GDau Granddaughter
- GdGS God-grandson
- GdnC Gardener's child
- GdnD Gardener's daughter
- Gdnr Gardener
- GdnW Gardener's wife
- GenH General help
- Gest Guest
- GFaL Grandfather-in-law
- GFat Grandfather
- GGCd Great-grandchild
- GGDa Great-granddaughter
- GGFa Great-grandfather
- GGMo. . . Great-grandmother
- GGNe Great-grandnephew
- GGNi Great-grandniece
- GGSn Great-grandson
- Girl Girl
- GKpr Gatekeeper
- GLaB General laborer
- GMoL Grandmother-in-law
- GMot Grandmother
- GNeL Grandnephew-in-law
- GNep Grandnephew, Great-nephew
- GNie Grandniece, Great-niece
- GNiL Grandniece-in-law
- GodC Godchild
- GodD Goddaughter
- GodF Godfather
- GodS Godson
- GodM Godmother
- GPrt Gate porter
- Grat Great..
- Grnd Grand
- Groc Grocer
- Groin Groom
- GSDa Grandstepdaughter
- GSer General servant
- GSnD Grandson's daughter
- GSnL Grandson-in-law
- GSnS Grandson's son
- GSnU Grandson's uncle
- GSnW Grandson's wife
- GSon Grandson
- Gtlm Gentleman
- Guar Guardianship
- GUnc Granduncie, Great-uncle
- Gunr Gunner
- Gurd Guard
- GvnD Governess's daughter
- Gvnr Governor
- Gvns Governess
- GvrD Governor's daughter
- GvrS Governor's son
- Ha1B Hall boy
- Hawk Hawker
- HBoy House boy
- HBro Half brother
- HCou Half cousin
- HDau Half daughter
- HDoc House doctor
- Head Head
- HeaM Headmaster, Headmistress
- Help Help, Helper
- Hind Hind
- Hird Hired
- Hldr Householder
- HIpM Helpmate
- HMan Headman
- HMgr Hotel manager
- Hmls Homeless
- HMst Housemaster
- HMth Housemother
- HNie Half niece
- HNur House nurse
- HorS Horseler
- Host Hostler
- HPrt House porter
- HrdM Herdsman
- HrnM Harnessmaker
- HrsD Horse dealer
- HsBr Husband's brother
- HSiL Half sister-in-law
- HSis Half sister
- HskC Housekeeper's child
- HskD Housekeeper's daughter
- HskF Housekeeper's father
- HskH Housekeeper's husband
- HskN Housekeeper's nephew or niece
- Hskp Housekeeper
- HskS Housekeeper's son
- HsMd Housemaid
- HSori Half son
- HSrg House surgeon
- HSrv House servant
- HStw House steward S
- HtIG Hotel guest
- HubD Husband's daughter
- HubS Husband's son
- HuGM Husband's grandmother
- Husb Husband
- HusF Husband's father
- HusM . . Husband's mother
- HusN Husband's nephew or niece
- HusS Husband's sister
- HusU Husband's uncle
- IChg In charge
- IGCh Illegitimate grandchild
- IGDa Illegitimate granddaughter
- IGSn Illegitimate grandson
- IKep Innkeeper
- I11C Illegitimate child
- hiD Illegitimate daughter
- lug Illegitimate
- L1IN Illegitimate niece or nephew
- IllS Illegitimate son
- Impv Improver
- Inft Infant
- InLw In-law
- minD Inmate's daughter
- InmF Inmate's father
- InmM Inmate's mother
- InmR Inmate of refuge
- InmS Inmate's son
- mint Inmate
- InmW Inmate's wife
- Inst Instructor
- InsL Intended son-in-law
- Invd Invalid
- Irnr Ironer
- icky Jockey
- JOcu Joint occupant
- Join Joiner
- Jmm Journeyman
- Keep Keeper
- KepC Keeper in charge
- Kept Kept/Keep
- Kind Kindred
- KitM Kitchen maid
- KitP Kitchen porter
- KitS Kitchen superintendent
- LabM Labour master
- Labr Labourer
- LabW Labourer's wife
- Lad Lad
- Lady Lady
- LCmp Lady's companion
- Lctr Lecturer
- LdgB Lodger's brother
- LdgC Lodger's child
- LdgD Lodger's daughter
- LdgF Lodger's father
- LdgH Lodger's husband
- LdgK Lodge keeper
- LdgM Lodger's mother
- LdgN Lodger's nephew or niece
- LdgS Lodger's son
- LdgW Lodger's wife
- LdKS Lodge keeper's son
- LdyH Lady helper
- LdyM Lady's maid, Lady's matron
- Legt Legitimate
- LetC Letter carrier
- LgGC Lodger's grandchild
- LgGD Lodger's granddaughter
- LgGS Lodger's grandson
- LgMd Lodger's maid
- LgtM Lighterman
- LivT Living together
- LkSm Locksmith
- Llrd Landlord
- LIrS Landlord's son
- LMat Laundry matron
- LndL Landlady
- Lndr Laundress
- LnMd Laundrymaid
- Lodg Lodger
- LovC Love child
- LSgt Lance sergeant
- LSis Lodger's sister
- LSDa Lodger's stepdaughter
- LSSn Lodger's stepson
- Ltnt Lieutenant
- Mach Machinist
- Maid Maid, Maidservant
- Majr Major
- Male Male
- Malt Malster
- Man Man
- MarD Married Daughter
- Marr Married
- MarS Married son
- Mast Master
- MasW Master's wife
- Mate Mate
- MedA Medical assistant
- MedO Medical officer
- MedS Medical superintendent
- Memb Member
- MemH. Member of household
- Mesg Messenger
- MidW Midwife
- Mill Miller
- Milt Military
- Mtnr Minor
- MisD Mistress's daughter
- MisS Mistress's son
- M1kC Milk carrier
- M1kM Milk man, Milk boy
- Mlnr Milliner
- MMan Militiaman
- Mngr Manager, Manageress
- Mnst Minister
- Mntd Maintained
- MoLS Mother-in-law's son
- MotA Mother's aunt
- MotC Mother's cousin
- MotD Mother's daughter
- MotF Mother's father
- Moth Mother
- MotH Mother's help
- MotL Mother-in-law
- MotP Mother of patient
- MotS Mother's son
- MotU Mother's uncle
- Mrnr Mariner, Seaman
- Mrs Mrs.
- MSDa Mother's stepdaughter
- MSis Mother's sister
- MStu Medical student
- MtIM Mantle maker
- Mtrn Matron
- Mtrs Mistress
- MusT Music teacher
- Nany Nanny
- NAtd Night attendant
- NDau Natural daughter
- Ndlw Needlewoman
- Nebr Neighbour
- NepC Nephew's child
- NepD Nephew's daughter
- Neph Nephew
- NepL Nephew-in-law
- NepS Nephew's son
- NepW Nephew's wife
- Niec Niece
- NieC Niece's child
- NieD Niece's daughter
- NieH Niece's husband
- NieL Niece-in-law
- NieS Niece's son
- NiSv Niece's servant
- None None, No relation
- NotK Not known
- NrsC Nursed child
- Nrsd Nursed
- NrsG Nursegirl
- Nrsl Nursling
- NrsM Nursemaid
- Nrsy Nursery
- NSon Natural son
- NurB Nurse's baby
- NurC Nurse's child
- NurD Nurse's daughter
- NurH Nurse's husband
- Nurs Nurse
- NurS Nurse's son
- Ocup Occupant, Occupier
- OffD Officer's daughter
- Offr Officer
- OffS Officer's son
- OffW Officer's wife
- Ofkp Office keeper
- OfsS Officer's sister
- OneC One of a community
- Ordl Orderly
- Orph Orphan, Orphanage
- Oslr Ostler
- Othr Other
- Over Overman
- Ownr Owner
- Page Page
- Para Paramour
- PauC Pauper's child
- PauD Pauper's daughter
- Paup Pauper
- PauS Pauper's son
- PauW Pauper's wife
- PBoy Postboy/Postman
- Phys Physician
- Plum Plumber
- PIwB Ploughboy
- PIwM Ploughman
- PMst Paymaster
- Pntr Painter
- Pnts Pointsman
- Polc Police, Police constable
- PoIW Police officer's wife
- PorD Porter's daughter
- PorS Porter's son
- Port Porter, Portress
- PorW . .. Porter's wife
- P0th Pathologist
- PotM Potman
- Prbn Probationer
- Pres President
- Prin Principal
- Pris Prisoner
- PrMd Parlormaid
- Pint Parent
- Proc Procurator
- ProD Proprietor's daughter
- Prof Professor
- Prop Proprietor
- ProS Proprietor's son
- Prot Protector
- PrsC Prisoner's child
- Prst Priest
- Prtg Protégée, Protégé
- Prvt Private
- Psnr Pensioner
- PSon Principal son
- PtnD Partner's daughter
- Ptnr Partner
- PtnS Partner's son
- Ptnt Patient
- PtnW Partner's wife
- PtWi Patient's wife
- Pupl Pupil
- QMst Quartermaster
- Rcut Recruit
- Rdnt Resident
- Rect Rector
- Rela Relative
- ReIC Religious condition
- RelO Religious order
- Sail Sailor
- SBDa Stepbrother's daughter
- SBro Stepbrother
- SBSn Stepbrother's son
- SBWi Stepbrother's wife
- SChd Stepchild
- Schl Scholar, Student
- SchM School mistress, schoolmaster
- ScMd Scullery maid
- SCou Stepcousin
- SDaL Stepdaughter-in-law
- SDau Stepdaughter
- SDDa Stepdaughter's daughter
- SDSn Stepdaughter's son
- SeaW Seaman's wife
- Secr Secretary
- Sell Seller
- Senr Senior
- Sent Sentry
- SerB Servant's baby
- SerC Servant's child
- SerD Servant's daughter
- SerH Servant's husband
- SerM Servant's mother
- SerN Servant's nephew or niece
- SerS Servant's son
- Serv Servant
- SerW Servant's wife
- SFaL Servant's father-in-law
- SFat Stepfather
- SFtL Stepfather-in-law
- SGCh Step grandchild
- SGDa Step granddaughter
- SGDL Step granddaughter-in-law
- SGMo Step grandmother
- SGSn Step grandson
- Shef Sheriff
- Shep Shepherd
- ShoL Shoplad
- ShoM Shoemaker master
- Shop Shopman, Shopwoman
- ShpA Shop assistant
- ShpG Shop girl
- ShpK Shopkeeper
- ShpW Shop walker
- SiGD Sister's granddaughter
- SIGS Sister's grandson
- SiLO Sister-in-law's daughter
- SilM Sailmaker
- 5mm Special inmate
- Sis Sister
- SisC Sister's child
- SisD Sister's daughter
- SisH Sister's husband
- SisL Sister-in-law
- SisN Sister's niece
- SisR Sister in religion
- SisS Sister's son
- S1dC Soldier's child
- SIdD Soldier's daughter
- SIdN Soldier's niece
- Sldr Soldier
- S1dS Soldier's son
- SldW Soldier's wife
- SLMn Slaughter man
- S1Sn Sister-in-law's son
- SMan Salesman
- SMGd Granddaughter's stepmother
- SMjr Sgt. Major
- SMoL Stepmother-in-law
- SMot Stepmother
- Smth Smith
- SMtr Sub-matron
- SNep Stepnephew
- Sngl Single
- SNie Stepniece
- SnLD Son-in-law's daughter
- SnLS Son-in-law's son
- SnLW Son-in-law's wife
- SnML Son's mother-in-law
- SnSi Son's sister
- SNur Sick nurse
- SnWS Son's wife's sister
- SOcu Sole occupant
- Son Son
- SonC Son's child
- SonD Son's daughter
- SonF Son's father
- SonL Son-in-law
- SonS Son's son
- SonW Son's wife
- Spin Spinster
- Spnr Spinner
- SrgS Sergeant's son
- Srgt Sergeant
- SrgO Surgical officer
- SSgt Staff Sgt.
- SSis Stepsister
- SSnC Stepson's child
- SSnD Stepson's daughter
- SSnL Stepson-in-law
- SSnS Stepson's son
- SSnW Stepson's wife
- SSon Stepson
- Staf Staff
- StbB Stableboy
- StbH Stable help
- StBL Stepbrother-in-law
- StbM Stableman
- Step Step
- Stew Steward
- Stkp Storekeeper
- Stkr Stoker
- Strg Stranger
- Strs Seamstress
- StSL Stepsister-in-law
- Supr Superintendent
- Sups Superioress
- SupV Supervisor
- SurA Surgical assistant
- Surg Surgeon
- Surr Superior
- Swep Sweep
- SWiD Son's wife's daughter
- SW1S Son's wife's son
- Swmn Saleswoman
- Swth Sweetheart
- Talr Tailor
- TAst Trade assistant
- Tchr Teacher
- TchS Teacher's son
- TCIk Telegraph clerk
- TelG Telegraphist
- Temp Temporary
- Tent Tenant
- TKep Tent keeper
- TKey Turnkey
- Tray Traveller
- Trmp Tramp
- Trnr Trainer
- Trpt Trumpeter
- TskM Taskmaster
- Tunr Tuner
- Tutr Tutor
- TWif Traveler's wife
- Twin Twin
- Umar Unmarried
- Uncl Uncle
- UncL Uncle-in-law
- UnCr Under care
- Undr Under
- UnGr Undergraduate
- Unin Union
- UnNr Undernurse
- Ushr Usher
- Valt Valet
- Vctr Victor
- VgrD Vagrant's daughter
- VgrS Vagrant's spm
- Vgrt Vagrant
- VgrW Vagrat's wife
- VicG Vicegerent
- VicP Vice principal
- Vicr Vicar
- VisC Visitor's child
- VisD Visitor's daughter
- VisN Visitor's nephew or niece
- VisS Visitor's son
- Vist Visitor
- VisW Visitor's wife
- VMst Vice-master
- VPre Vice-president
- VSer Visitor's servant
- VSis Visitor's sister
- VSnL Visitor's son-in-law
- WagB Wagom boy
- Wait Waiter, Waitress
- Ward Ward, Reared
- WarH Warehouseman
- Watm Watchman
- WbrL Wife's brother-in-law
- WChd wife's child
- WGAt wife's grandaunt
- Wgnr Waggoner
- Widr Widower
- Widw Widow
- WifA Wife's aunt
- WifB Wife's brother
- WifC Wife's cousin
- WifD Wife's daughter
- Wife Wife
- WjfF Wife's father
- WifM Wife's mother
- WifN Wife's nephew or niece
- WifP Wife's parent
- WifS Wife s sister
- WifU Wife's uncle
- WiGD Wife's granddaughter
- WiGF Wife's grandfather
- WiGM Wife's grandmother
- WiGS Wife's grandson
- WilD Wife's illegitimate daughter
- WiIS Wife's illegitimate son
- Wind Winder
- WiSB Wife's stepbrother
- WiSD Wife's stepdaughter
- W1SL Wife's son-in-law
- WiSM Wife's stepmother
- WiSn Wife's son
- WiSS Wife's stepson
- WiSv Wife's servant
- WMak Watchmaker
- WMst Workmistress
- Wndr Wanderer
- Womn Woman
- WrdM Wardsman
- Wrdn Warden
- Wrdr Warder
- WrdW Wardswoman
- WrkM Workman
- Wrkr Worker
- WrkW Workwoman
- WSis Wife's step sister
- WSDa Wife's sister's daughter
- WSSn Wife's sister's son
- WWrt Wheelwright
- YrdB Yard boy
- YrdM Yardman
- lCou First cousin
- lHuD First husband's daughter
- IHuS First husband's son
- lWif First wife
- 1WiS First wife's son
- 2Coh Second coachman
- 2Cou Second cousin
- 2Crp Second corporal
- 2HuD Second husband's daughter
- 2Mst Second master
- 2Nep Second nephew
- 2Nie Second niece
- 2Sgt Second sergeant
- 2Son Second son
- 2WiD Second wife's daughter
- 2Wif Second wife
- 2WiM Second wife's mother
- 2WiS Second wife's son
- 3Cou Third cousin
- 3Son Third so