Newspaper extracts for Aberavon
There are many references to this area in the 15 million Welsh and English language articles from Welsh newspapers transcribed by the NLW and viewable on Welsh Newspapers Online
Below are English language articles that have been re-transcribed and extracted randomly to illustrate what is available, there are many that are not extracted here that include names of local people
- From The Cardiff Times 15th November 1873
ABERAVON. IMPROVEMENTS OF THE HARBOUR—Considerable satisfaction is expressed by the tradespeople and others interested in the welfare of the ancient borough, at the result of the recent meeting of the shareholders of the Port Talbot Harbour Company to expend about £40,000 in the improvement of the harbour. It is understood that the Lord Lieutenant has consented to advance the required sums, and that the works are to proceed forthwith. These improvements, and the consequent increase in the trade of the port, together with the re-opening of the Morfa Colliery, and the starting of the new tin works, and the contemplated railway up the Avon Valley, augur well for the future of Aberavon.
- From the South Wales Daily News 18th November 1886
ABERAVON. TOWN COUNCIL.—An adjourned quarterly meeting of the town council was held on Wednesday.—The town clerk was directed to call the attention of the Local Government Board to the objectionable position of the outlet of the drainage system proposed to be constructed by the Margam Local Board. Messrs Clayton and Co.'s tender of £68 10s for re-sheeting a small gasholder was accepted,—It was decided to offer the committee of the Aberavon and District Mechanic's Institute £45 for the permanent improvements made by them on their premises at the Market-place.
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 24th December 1897
ABERAVON. SHEBEENING.—For selling beer without a licence at her house in Water-street on Sunday last, Mrs Sarah Ann Smith was fined £10, including costs, or, in default, one month.
CHRISTMAS EVE EXTENSION.—A number of licensed victuallers made an application for an hour's extension on Christmas Eve, and same was granted.
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 9th November 1897
ABERAVON. ISOLATION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE.-At Aberavon County Police Court on Monday (before Major David, in the chair, and Messrs J. M. Smith and Edward Davies), David Davies, a copperworker, living at Penycae, Port Talbot, was summoned by Mr W. F. Bishop, inspector of nuisances, for obstructing him in the removal of a case of infectious disease to the Margam Sanatorium. Mr Edward Powell, solicitor, Neath, appeared for the defendant. Defendant's little girl was suffering from scarlet fever. He refused to let the child go to hospital even when a justice's order was obtained. Defendant's medical man told the inspector there was no occasion for the girl's removal, as the case was efficiently isolated, and it appears the defendant was acting on his medical attendant's advice when he refused to allow the child to be taken to the Sanatorium. It was also elicited in cross-examination that notification of the disease had been made five or six days previously to the officer's attempt at removal.—The Bench dismissed the summons
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 1st September 1896
ABERAVON. TOWN COUNCIL.—A special meeting of the Town Council was held on Monday afternoon, presided over by the Mayor (Councillor W. Williams). A resolution was adopted to apply to the Local Government Board for sanction to borrow the sum of £9,000 for the purposes ot erecting a new gasholder and tank, a manager' s house, and the construction of a railway siding into the works. The Council have recently obtained a Provisional Order authorising them to expend the sum of £20,000 in new gasworks.
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 21st July 1897
ABERAVON. ODDFELLOWSHIP.—The ordinary half-yearly meeting of the Aberavon District of Odd- fellows (M.U.) was held on Saturday at the Borough of Avon Lodge, New Market Tavern. Prov. G.M. B. T. Davies presided. The financial statement showed—amount received, £191.2s.8d; payments, £ 177. 7s 11d, including funeral benefits on the deaths of 9 members, 7 wives, and 1 widow. After business had been disposed of, the members sat down to a capital spread prepared by the host and hostess, Mr and Mrs Evans.
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 27th December 1893
ABERAVON. RAILWAYMEN'S TEA AND ENTERTAINMENT. -On Christmas Day, December 25th, 1893, the first annual tea and entertainment among railwaymen in connection with the A.S.R.S. and Railway Mission was held at the Temperance Hotel, Cwmavon-road. A good number sat down to tea. At 7 p.m. the entertainment commenced, a string band giving an excellent opening piece, accompanied on the piano by Miss Davies, following which came a number of solos. A party of 12 voices sang two Christmas carols in excellent style. Master Davies rendered very effectively a Welsh recitation. Mr Lewis entertained the company with imitations. Miss Davies accompanied throughout in an efficient manner. Master Davies also gave a violin solo "Winter."
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 28th December 1893
ABERAVON SCHOOL BOARD.—An adjourned meeting of the board was held at the magistrates' room on Wednesday afternoon, Mr Rees Thomas in the chair, —The question of the renting of the unsectarian schools again came up for discussion.—The Rev. J. Foulkes, on behalf of the managers of the schools, said the latter were only prepared to let the schools for three months, and not for twelve months as suggested by the board.—After considerable discussion, the matter was again referred to the managers. The meeting closed without any definite conclusion being come to.
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 6th July 1900
ABERAVON. Breach of Factory Acts.-On Thursday (before the Mayor, Councillor T D. Evans) and other justices) the Aberavon Tinplate Company Limited, were summoned by Inspector Augustus Lewis for committing a breach of the Factory Acts by employing lads at their work for more than six consecuti\e nights in two weeks. Mr E. T. Evans, solicitor, defended, and pleaded guilty, and in mitigation urged that it was very difficult to procure boys to do the work. The company were charged in respect of several boys, and fines and costs amounting in all to £3 ls were imposed.
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 30th May 1894
ABERAVON. SCHOOL BOARD.—A special meeting of this board was held on Tuesday afternoon —Mr Rees Thomas presiding.—It was decided to accept the tender of Mr Thomas James, Porthcawl, for the erection of an infant school at Sandfields, at the sum of £1,260, subject to the approval of the Education Department, and to his furnishing efficient sureties.—-The question of the appointment of an assistant master was gone into, and it was resolved to select Mr William David, of Ferndale, and W. G. Rhys, of Hirwain, to appear before the board on Friday next.—Several applications from teachers were made for increase in their salaries, and, in most cases, increases of £5 a year were conceded.—-The clerks to the board applied for an increase of salary in consequence of the great increase of the work since the formation of the board. The latter fact was very readily admitted, and the board unanimously agreed to raise the salary from £25 to £50 per annum.
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 23rd May 1896
ABERAVON. PROPOSED HORTICULTURAL SHOW.—An influential meeting of tradesmen and others was held at the Magistrates' Room on Thursday evening, the Mayor presiding, for the purpose of taking into consideration the establishment of a Horticultural Society in Aberavon. It was decided to start such a society, the first show to be held in September next. A sum of over £20 was collected in the room.
- From the Weekly Mail 12th September 1885
ABERAVON. CHOLERA PRECAUTIONS.—At the meeting of the council on Wednesday, the mayor (Alderman Jones) presiding, it was stated that the suggestions given by the Local Government Board concerning cholera had been generally adopted in the borough, and the sanitary condition of the borough had been carefully attended to.
- From the Weekly Mail ??
ABERAVON. APPOINTMENT OF TOLL COLLECTOR.—At a meeting of the Market Committee of the Town Council on Wednesday Mr. James Foley, of Margam-terrace, was appointed toll collector, at a salary of £1 per week.
- From the Weekly Mail 25th June 1887
Aberavon. Her Majesty's Jubilee was celebrated at Aberavon on Monday by the opening of a new road, called the Victoria-road, to the sea beach on the Aberavon side. The opening was preceded by a monster demonstration, consisting of the Friendly Societies of Aberavon, Cwmavon, and Taibach, the various Sunday Schools, the Taibach and Aberavon Detachment of the 1st Glamorgan Rifles Volunteers, the Mayor Mr. R. Cook Jenkins) and the members of the corporation. The Mayor, in a very suitable address, declared the Victoria-road opened, remarking that they had one of the finest beaches in the kingdom. ...... (part extract).....