Pigot's London Provincial Directory,1822-1823.
Transcribed by Phil Mustoe
CARDIFF The capital of Glamorganshire, is a handsome well built town, pleasantly seated on a fertile flat, about three miles from the eastern extremity of the county, where it is joined by Monmouthshire, 40 miles from Bristol, 2 from Llandaff, 12 from Newport, and 160 from London. The river Taff runs along the west side of the town, over which is a good bridge of five arches, and falls into the Bristol Channel 3 miles below, which, with the River Elai, forms the harbour of Penarth. The town contains two parishes, St. John's and St. Mary's; and several good streets, which are well lighted with gas. It was inclosed by a stone wall, in which were four gates, and a deep ditch, with a watch tower still to be seen. At present there is only one church, for, by a great innundation of the sea in 1607, the church of St. Mary, with many other buildings in that parish, were undermined and swept away. The church of St. John stands near the centre of the town, is a plain Norman structure, supposed to have been erected in the 13th century. The arch of the west door is rich and handsome; the tower, of more modern date than the body, is a lofty square building of great beauty, having at the corners open pinnacles or lanterns, much admired for their elegance and exquisite workmanship, which have been lately repaired in a manner highly creditable to the artist. The interior of the church is handsome, though there are no objects of antiquarian interest. There are also six Dissenting Meeting houses, viz:- two Methodist, two Baptist, and two Independent; in one of each the service is perfomed in English, the other in Welsh. The castle still forms a most interesting object. The Western front has a remarkable fine appearance from the road approachingthe town from that side, the interior was repaired and modernised some years since, but the additions do not harmonise with the ancient architecture. The ditch that formerly surrounded the building has been filled up, and the whole of the ground laid out in a fine level lawn. The rampart, within the external wall, has been planted with shrubs, and on the summit a terrace walk extends the whole length, affording a most delightful prospect; among the most striking objects are the bold promontory of Penarth, and two islands in the Bristol channel, called the Flat and Steep Holmes, about three leagues distant; on the former of which stands a light house. The Town hall is a respectable modern erection, and stands in the middle of High street : here the assizes for the county are held, and near it is the county jail, built upon the plan of the late Mr. Howard. Cardiff is an ancient corporation, under the government of the constable of the Castle, two bailiffs, (the present bailiffs are Wm. Prichardand John Bird), twelve aldermen, twelve capital burgesses, a steward, town clerk, two sergeants at mace, (who are sheriffs of the town), a water bailiff, two common attorneys, and several inferior officers. The town in conjunction with the contributory boroughs of Swansea, Neath, Cowbridge, Lougher, Aberavon, Kenfigg, and Llantrissiant, sends one member to Parliament. The present member is Wyndham Lewis, Esq. The town and neighbourhood carries on a considerable trade with Bristol, sending great quantities of oats, barley, poultry, &c. but its greatest trade is the export of wrought iron, tin, &c. of the former, not less than 100,000 tons are shipped annually for London and other ports. It is brought from Merthyr and its vicinity by the means of a curious canal, cut through a mountainous country, with great ingenuity, for more than 25 miles; the head of which, at Merthyr-bridge, is above 568 feet higher than the tide lock. Four miles from Cardiff, on the river Taff, are the extensive tin-works of Richd. Blackmore, Esq. & Co. called "Melin Griffith," and 2 miles farther, are the iron furnaces and forges, called "Pentyrch," belonging to the same Company; a little higher is the porcelain china manufactory of Mr. Young, and at the distance of 4 miles from that is the coal works of B. Grover, Esq. called "Porth-y-Gloe." The population, according to the last returns, was 1,841 females and 1,680 males, total 3,521. Market days: Wednesday and Saturday. Fairs, 2nd. Wednesday in March; 2nd. Wednesday in April; 2nd. Wednesday in May; 29th. June; 19th. September; and 20th. November.
Post Office. Castle-street - John Bird, Post Master. Mail to Bristol every morning at eight, to Swansea and Ireland every evening at half-past five, to Merthyr Tydfil every evening at six.
Custom House
Collector, Thos. Bourne, Esq.Collector's Clerk, Thomas Stephen Todd, jun.
Comptroller, John Davies, Esq.
Comptroller's Clerk, Richard Jones Todd
Surveyor, Francis Minnitt
Searcher, Landing & Coast waiter, Edward Thomas
Allen Miss, (ladies'), St. Mary'sPhipson Mr. (gentlemen's), Trinity street
Vaughan Miss, (ladies'), High st
Dalton Thomas, Castle stHomfray Jeston, Angel-street
Matthews Wm., St. Mary's
Morgan Henry, St. Mary's
Richards Edw. Priest, High street
Thomas Thomas, Duke-street
Williams Richd. Windham, High-st
Wood Nicholl, Duke street
Watkins Thomas, High streetWilkes Giles, Broad street
Bakers, &c.
David Llewellyn, Angel streetDimond Samuel, Duke-street
Edy John, Duke-street
Lewis Joseph, St. Mary's
Thomas Robert, St. Mary's
Savery, Towgood & Co., High stWood, Wood & Co. Duke-street
Boot & Shoe Makers
Lewis Philip, St. Mary'sLeyshon Evan, High street
Booksellers, Printers, and Stationers
Bird William, (and actuary to the savings bank; commissioner for taking special bail in the courts of King's bench, common pleas and exchequer), Castle streetLloyd Richard, Angel-street
McLode Daniel, Duke-street
Reed William, Duke-street
Braziers, Tinplate-workers, & Plumbers
Bird Edward, Angle-streetWilliams Wm., St. Mary's street
Walters James, (and maltster), St. Mary's-street
Builder and Architect
Wheeler Joseph, Trinity street
Cabinet Makers & Upholsterers
Harris Wm., High streetRobotham John, Duke street
Rugg Wm., Duke street
Chemists, Druggists & Surgeons
Bird James, High streetEvans Edward, Duke-street
Vachell Charles, Duke street
Vachell William, High st
Coal Dealers
Price John, St. Mary's streetThomas Robert, St. Mary's street
Thomas John, Crockherb-town
Coal Fitter and Ship Agents
Davies Edward, (agent only), WharfFairclough Morgan, High street
Vine William John, (fitter only), Sea-locks
Morgan John, Womanby streetYorath Ann, Womanby street
Corn, Flour, & Seed Merchant
Hogg William, High street
Curriers & Leather Cutters
Redwood William, High streetHogg William, High street
Fire and Life Offices
Albion, Wm. Jenkins, Trinity stGuardian, David Evans, Duke st
Norwich Union, Edward Thomas, Wharf
Phoenix, John Bird, Castle Parade
Royal Exchange, Wm. Bird, Castle street
West of England, Edw. Bird, jun. Wharf
Grocers and Tea Dealers
Daniell Eleanor, Duke streetEvans Thomas, High street
Gower John, High street
Hogg William, High street
Hook Nicholas, Angel street
Hopkins Thomas, Angel street
Lewis David, High street
Morgan William, Angel street
Thomas Robert, (and maltster), St. Mary's street
Thomas Wm. (& maltster), Duke st
Yorath Llewellyn, Duke st
Hop Merchants
Hopkins Thomas, Angel streetMorgan William, Angel street
Hat & Shoe Warehouse
French Nathaniel, sen. Angel st
Angel, Wm. Davies, Angel stCardiff Arms, Wm. Barriett, Broad st
Iron and Brass Founders
Bird Edward, jun. & Co., Cardiff Iron Foundry; and agent for Acraman's patent chain cables, Wharf
Bird Edward, Angel stRugg William, Duke st
South John, Duke st
Williams Wm., St Mary's st
Iron Merchants
Thomas Robert, HayesWood & Bird, Wharf
Blakemore Richard, Esq. and Co. (ironmasters) Pentyrch
Linen & Woollen Drapers, &c.
Evans David, (& stamp distributer), Duke stFrench Nathaniel, jun. High st
Lloyd Griffith, Duke st
Williams J. & W. Duke st
Williams Lewis, Duke st
Liquor Merchants
Dalton Mary, Castle stLeyshon Thomas, Duke st
Rees George, St. mary st
Millwrights and Iron Founders
Riddle, Catlaugh and Co., Wharf
Painters and Glaziers
Griffiths John, Castle stHerne Thomas, High st
Thomas Wm., St. Mary's st
Hopkins Wm., Crockherb TownMoore John, Roath
Rope Makers
Morgan Wm., Duke stThomas David, Angel st
Glascott Wm., Angel stWilliams Wm., Duke st
Ship Builders
Davies Wm., WharfTrediven Richd., St. Mary's st
Straw Hat Makers
Gregory David, Broad stMcLode Mary, Duke st
James John, HayesReece Richard, High st
Tailors, &c
Gibbon Morgan, St. Mary's stPayne Olive, Broad st
Thomas Evan, Crockherb Town
Tallow Chandlers
Gower John, High stHogg Wm., High st
Taverns and Public Houses
Bell, John Thomas, High stBlack Lion, David Rees, St Mary's st
Blue Anchor, Jn. Davies, St. Mary st
Cardiff Boat, Edward Evans, Womanby street
Cross Keys, John Thomas, Crockherb town
Crown and Anchor, Jane Jenkins, Duke street
Carpenters Arms, Thos. Morgan, Nelson street
Five Bells, Eleanor Thomas, Broad st
Fives-court, Andw. Powell, Crockherb Town
Globe, John Barrett, Angel st
Glove & Shears, Jn. Smith, Duke st
Griffin, Philip Lewis, St. Mary's st
Horse Shoe, Geo. Watson, High st
Horse & Groom, Evan Jones, Womanby st
Lock Hotel, Jas. Watters, Lockgates
Mason's Arms, Rees -, Crockherb Town
New Green Dragon, David Harris, Duke street
Old Green Dragon, Wm. Emanuel, Duke st
Prince Regent, John James, Crockherb Town
Red Cow, Elizabeth Phillips, Womanby street
Red Lion, Thomas Lewis, Crockherb Town
Rope and Anchor, Wm. Wynn, St. Mary street
Rose and Crown, Ann Rowland, North st
Royal Oak, Thomas Scandrett, St. Mary st
Rummer, Thos. Leyshon, Duke st
Ship and Dolphin, Mary Brewer, Church st
Ship & Launch, David Lewis, Womanby st
Sunderland Bridge, Mary Russell, St. Mary st
Three Castles, M. Davies, High st
Three Cranes, Rees Howell, Crockherb Town
Three Tuns, Morgan Jones, Duke st
Unicorn Jn. Rees, Crockherb Town
Wheat Sheaf, Thos. Evans, High st
White Horse, John Jenkins, High st
White Lion, Philip Woolcott, Castle street
Perkins Wm., near the Castle
Watch & Clock Makers, Silversmiths & c.
Marks Michael, Angel stMarks Solomon, Broad st
Thackwell John, Angel st
Tin Manufacturers
Blakemore Richard, Esq. and Co., Melin-griffith
Farmer Geo., gun maker, Broad stLewis Wm., dealer in fire & common brick, general commission agent, and agent to S. Brown, R.N., & Co. patent chain cable manufacturers, Wharf
Marks Levi, pawnbroker, St. Mary's street
Matthews Samuel, gardener, &c. Crockherb Town
Morris Lewis, collector of the canal tonnage, office Wharf
Pewtriss T., skinner & wool stapler, Womanby street
Thomas M., milliner, Angel st
Wood John, clerk of the peace, St. Mary's
Wood J. B., governor of the county jail, &c.
Caerphilly, Wm. Edwards, everyday (except Tuesday), Green DragonCowbridge, John Thomas, from the Globe, twice a week
Llantrissiant, David Shepherd, from the Globe, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday
Llantrissiant, Thos. Richards, from the White Lion, Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday
By Water
Bristol, Pritchard, Heafley, and Co., every weekBristol, John and Matthew Pride, every week
Merthyr Tydvil, and all places on the canal, James & Thomas, every week
Merthyr Tydvil, J. & M. Pride, daily
Merthyr Tydvil, Thos. Reece amd Co., daily
Regular Traders to Bristol
Amity | Thomas Phillips |
Castle | David Watters |
Friends | John Roberts |
Lydia | Emanuel Todd |
Merthyr Packet | William Brown |
London and Bristol, Royal Mail, from the Angel, every morning at eightSwansea, Royal Mail, from the Angel, every evening at five.
Bristol, the Cambrian, from the Cardiff Arms, every Thrusday, and Saturday at twelve
Gloucester, and Chepstow, the Regulator, from the Cardiff Arms, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at twelve
Swansea, the Cambrian, from the Cardiff Arms, every Monday, Wednesday, & Friday afternoons at two
Swansea, the Regulator, from the Cardiff Arms, every Thursday, and Saturday afternoon at two
[Last Updated : 19 Sept 2002 Gareth Hicks]