
Newspaper extracts for Monmouth


There are many references to this area in the 15 million Welsh and English language articles from Welsh newspapers transcribed by the NLW and viewable on Welsh Newspapers Online
Below are English language articles that have been re-transcribed and extracted randomly to illustrate what is available, there are many that are not extracted here that include names of local people

  • From the Monmouthshire Merlin 21st June 1872

MONMOUTH. BOARD or GUARDIANS.—The usual meeting of the Board took place on Saturday last, when S. R. Bosanquet, Esq., presided. There were a large number of Guardians present, the business being of rather an important character.—The Master's report showed the number of inmates to be 107, an increase of four on the last week, and of eight on the corresponding week of last year. Number of vagrants relieved during the past week, 46 being a decrease of one on the last week, and of 12 on the corresponding week of last year,- A letter was read from the Local Government Board refusing an emigration grant applied for, as in the case in question, the parties who wished to emigrate to America had no relatives out there, and no prospect of continual employment, and the American Government had objected to having emigrants sent to that country which would probably become a burden on it.—A letter was also read from the same Board, complaining that the Clerk had not answered certain letters, upon which the Clerk produced his letter-book, and said that such letters had never come to hand.—Complaints of non-attendance were in two cases laid against Dr. Mayou, the medical officer for Trelleck, and in one case a woman died, death being accelarated by her not having proper attendance, which complaint was lodged by Mr. Coroner Batt;  the second complaint was lodged by a Guardian. A discussion ensued, but it was decided that the questions should not be finally considered until Dr. Mayou should attend the Board, his re- appointment to be put off until that time. .....(part extract).....

  • From the  Monmouthshire Merlin 14th January 1876

MONMOUTH. SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND ART. —The prizes awarded to the successful students in the Science and Art School were distributed in the Borough Court on Wednesday. The Vicar presided, and there was a large gathering of the residents of the town. In the course of the evening Mr. Buckmaster, of South Kensington, gave a lecture, with practical illustrations, on cookery. .....(part extract).....

  •  From the Monmouthshire Merlin 3rd October 1879

MONMOUTH, Mr. Amphlett, the revising barrister at Monmouth, decided that a large number of the Liberal objections were frivolous, and characterised them as a wholesale attempt at disfranchising voters. He ordered costs in so many cases that the funds of the Liberal agent were exhausted and the remaining objections fell through. The net result was a considerable gain to the Conservatives.

  • From the Monmouthshire Merlin 6th October 1882

MONMOUTH. THE RESTORATION OF ST. MARY'S result of the recent bazaar for the benefit of this fund has produced over £ 600.

TOWN COUNCIL.—The usual monthly meeting held on Monday, when Mr. G. P. Tippins, mayor presided. A discussion arose as to the desirability of enforcing the Market Act with the view of stopping the nuisance occasioned by hucksters purchasing live fowl in the streets and the outskirts of the town to the detriment of the lessee of the tolls. The matter was deferred. The Mayor suggested that it would be an improvement to hold the butter and poultry market on the ground floor of the New Market, instead of upstairs in the hall. The subject was referred to the Market Committee.  .....(part extract).....

  •  From Monmouthshire Merlin 24th November 1871

MONMOUTH. LECTURE AT THE WORKING MEN'S INSTITUTE.— On Monday night, Mr. Edward H. Jones (late President of Bristol Scientific Society) delivered a lecture entitled "an Evening with the Oxyhydrogen Lantern" to a very large and appreciative audience. The lecture was illustrated by over 200 painted slides and photographs taken from the Franco-German war, Her Majesty's Iron Clad Fleet (including a really splendid picture of the Captain), castles and abbeys of Great Britain, statuary views in the Holy Land, natural phenomena  .....(part extract).....

  • From the Monmouthshire Merlin 19th December 1873

MONMOUTH. MONMOUTH FARMERS' CLUB.—A general meeting of the members was held at the Beaufort Arms Hotel, recently, for the purpose of auditing the accounts and transacting the necessary business. John Allan Rolls, Esq., the president, took the chair, and was supported by several of the acting committee. The statement of accounts was considered satisfactory.  .....(part extract).....

  • From the  Monmouthshire Merlin 6th August 1875

MONMOUTH. PAVING COMMISSIONERS. — The monthly meeting was held on Monday. The Mayor presided. Present - Alderman Watkins, Messrs John Rees, W. S. Whitehead, T. R. Hyam, T. James, J. Coates, T. Prosser, J. Thomas, and T. J. A. Williams.—In reference to the gas question, a letter was read from the secretary announcing that the Company would supply the public lamps for the sum of 5s. per 1,000 feet of gas burned by metre, and would keep in repair, light, and extinguish the said lamps for the further sum of 15s. for each lamp per annum. —Mr. James proposed that the present arrangement for the lighting of the gas lamps remain in force. The new proposal of the Company was, in his opinion, exhorbitant.    .....(part extract).....

  •  From the Monmouthshire Merlin 20th July 1861

MONMOUTH. SOCIETY FOR. THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL.— We have been informed that it is the intention of the friends of the above society in this town, to hold a meeting in aid of its funds the latter end of this month. Sermons will also be preached by the deputation of the society.

  •  From the Monmouthshire Merlin 2nd March 1861

MONMOUTH. WHITEBROOK PAPER MILLS. -The above mills, situate in the pictursque little village of Whitebrook, near this town, which have been now for some time at a stand still, have been purchased by Messrs. Houghton and Company.

  • From the  Monmouthshire Merlin 17th November 1860

MONMOUTH. THE MAYOR'S DINNER.—This annual event came off on Tuesday last, at the King's Head Hotel, and host Webb fully bore out his previous character as caterer on the occasion The spread was all that could be desired, was served up in a capital style, and amply discussed by about sixty gentlemen, who met to do honour to their new chief magistrate, J. L. Nicholas, Esq. Several speeches were made, some good songs were sung, and after enjoying a few hours in conviviality the company separated. The band of the Monmouth Volunteer Rifles, under the skilful leadership of Mr. J. Wilson, was in attendance, and considerably enhanced the pleasures of the evening. Mr. Bowen, confectioner, served the pastry, among which, in the centre of the table, was a cake neatly piped in sugar, Britannia standing in the centre, and around the surface the inscription " Prosperity to His Worship, J. L. N., Esq."

  • FromThe Cardiff Times 2nd November 1872

MONMOUTH. At Monmouth only 469 voters went to the poll, out of 886, many objecting to vote by ballot.

  •  From the South Wales Daily News 10th October 1883

MONMOUTH. FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE. From a report just issued it appears that the whole county is now free from foot-and-mouth disease.

  •  From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 7th December 1897

MONMOUTH. TOWN COUNCIL.—The Mayor (the Right Hon. Lord Llangattock) presided at the monthly meeting on Monday. It was decided to send a memorial to the Haberdashers' Company pointing out that the County Governors have not carried out that part of the scheme of Jones's Charity relating to pensions for the aged poor and extra almshouses at Monmouth and Newland, and praying that an annual grant be made for that purpose. On the motion of Colonel Walwyn it was unanimously decided to send a memorial to the directors of the Great Western Railway Company asking a reduction of the present excessive railway rates, which press so hard on the trade of the town.

  •  From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 1st December 1896

MONMOUTH. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND DRAINAGE SCHEME.—A special meeting of the Monmouth Town Council was held on Monday, the Mayor, Right Hon. Lord Llangattock, presiding. The object of the meeting was to receive and open tenders for carrying out the combined scheme of drainage and electric light for public and private use in the borough. There were 16 tenders for the drainage portion of the scheme, and seven for the installation of electricity. Our correspondent was subsequently informed that all the tenders were forwarded to the engineers for inspection.

  • From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 12th May 1894

MONMOUTH. CONCERT.—The largest audience that ever assembled in the Roll's Hall witnessed a concert given by Bandmaster G. Reneele's choral class, in conjunction with the Monmouth Orchestral Society, on Thursday evening. Miss Gertrude Drinkwater, of the Royal Welsh Ladies' Choir, was soprano, and Mr J. S. Powell, of Coventry, was tenor. The capital rendering of the glees by the choral class and the precision with which they followed the baton of their leader did equal credit to both. The orchestral band was also much applauded, as was the violin solo of Mr Austin, Worcester. Miss Drinkwater was the centre of interest, and her singing well deserved the applause accorded her. Mr Powell, who is well-known in the musical world, is a Monmouth gentleman, and met with a hearty reception, his fine tenor voice being heard to much advantage.

  •  From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 2nd September 1896

MONMOUTH. SALMON FISHING.—The salmon fishing season in the Wye, which closed at midnight on Monday, has been the least productive since Jubilee year 1887. The low water and continued drought causing cattle to come from the land to the river for water is given by Messrs Miller Brothers (the lessees) as the combined causes

  •  From the Weekly Mail 29th November 1890

MONMOUTH. PREVALENCE OF DIPHTHERIA.—In consequence of the prevalence of diphtheria in the town and district St. Thomas's Schools, St. Mary's National Schools, and Infants' Board School have been closed bv order of the district medical officer (Dr. Prosser), who in an interview with our correspondent on Monday described the prevailing form of diphtheria of a very mild type. Cases are numerous in the town, but only a few deaths have resulted up to the present.

  •  From the Weekly Mail 10th October 1885

MONMOUTH. GIFTS TO INMATES OF THE WORKHOUSE.—The usual meeting of the Board of Guardians was held on Saturday, when Lieut.-Colonel Davies presided and the Rev. C. M. Roberts occupied the vice- chair, there being a large attendance of members. The Master reported that Mrs. Potter, wife of the Vicar of St. Thomas, gave the inmates a treat of fruit and cake, with toys for the children, on Monday, and that the annual treat so kindly provided by her Grace the Duchess of Beaufort of a bountiful tea, with tobacco and snuff for the old inmates, was given on Tuesday evening. The inmates enjoyed both very much, and expressed their sincere gratitude. The board said they were greatly obliged to both ladies.