
Colfa / Colva


" COLVA, a parochial chapelry in the hundred and county of RADNOR, SOUTH WALES, 9 miles (E. by N.) from Builth, containing 233 inhabitants. This place, which is situated on the river Edwy, and on the road leading. from Kington to Builth, appears to have been formerly only a hamlet, or chapelry, within the parish of Glascomb, in the church of which the inhabitants had pews appropriated to their use ; it is still, together with Rulen, partially dependent upon that parish, as the inhabitants of both contribute to the repairs of the church of Glascomb; but in all civil matters they are independent parishes. Colva, in the king's books, is described as a chapel to Glascomb, of the certified value of £ 10 : the great tithes of the whole are an impropriation belonging to the Bishop of St. David's, and the vicar of Glascomb receives the small tithes of each, holding both Colva and Rulen by the same presentation, institution, and induction, as Glascomb. The chapel of Colva, like the church of Glascomb, is dedicated to St. David. ........" ( A Topographical Dictionary of Wales, Samuel Lewis, 1833)



St David, Colva

Church History

Church and chapel data from The Religious census of 1851 : A Calendar of the returns relating to Wales, Vol 1, South Wales. Ed. by   I.G   Jones, & D. Williams. UWP,  Cardiff, 1976. The names given towards the end of each entry are those of the informants.

Colva Parochial Chapelry; Statistics; Area 2293 acres; Population 96 males, 88 females, total 184

  • Colva. A Parochial Chapelry (under Glascombe)     Attendance - afternoon 24      1 service in English    David Vaughan, Curate

Church of St David, Colva on the Radnorshire Churches Survey site

See Welsh Chapels and Churches for a photograph of  Colva St Davids


Church Records

Detailed information on deposited registers and transcripts for this parish is given on the Powys Archives page Radnorshire parish registers

As a guide only, the principal extant parochial church records for this parish span the dates shown below (as detailed in Parish Registers of Wales, NLW 2000) but exact current holdings should be confirmed with the individual Archives;

  • Baptisms 1663-1794, 1813-1988; Marriages 1663-1753, 1756-1811, 1813-1971; Burials 1663-1794, 1813-1991 Banns 1825-1844
    Parish Registers, or copies, for all or part of these dates are held at the NLW and/or Powys Archives.  
    Bishops Transcripts for various periods are held at the NLW  

Description & Travel

You can see pictures of Colfa / Colva which are provided by:





Will of John Vaughan of Colva, 1624 -  abstract on Hugh Wallis's site from LDS transcriptons



Kain, R.J.P., Oliver, R.R., Historic Parishes of England and Wales: an Electronic Map of Boundaries before 1850 with a Gazetteer and Metadata [computer file]. Colchester, Essex: History Data Service, UK Data Archive [distributor], 17 May 2001. SN: 4348.   Here is a gazetteer/finding aid plus a set of overview maps to accurately identify the position of parishes within the county

Family Search have an interactive map called "England and Wales Jurisdictions 1851" showing parish (and other) boundaries with optional background maps such as Ordnance Survey. There is also a Search facility, do read the guidance notes to get maximum benefit from this useful resource. See here for further background information to assist in the interpretation of this data

You can see maps centred on OS grid reference SO191538 (Lat/Lon: 52.170326, -3.172632), Colfa / Colva which are provided by: