
Places within 6 miles of Plank Lane, Leigh, United Methodist Free Church

The entries shown on the map are places recorded in the Genuki gazetteer. The location of other small places can be found by following the Place search link above.


The shape of the icons indicates the precision of the gazetteer entries. A teardrop is used for exact locations, with a square icon used for approximate locations. A grey icon appears for those entries that have not yet been associated with a place node, and for the rest, those entries linked to the same place page have a common colour. We do have just twelve colours so there will be inevitable re-use of a colour.

The icon in the top right hand corner of the map lets you change the source of the base map.

Options:Search distance: miles

Map features:
  • Historic County
  • Parish
  • Township
  • Town
  • District
  • Village
  • Hamlet
  • Building
  • Natural Feature
  • Boundary (K&O)
  • Metropolitan district


Location types

Name Description Count Boundary
Historic County



Ancient parish


A sub division of an ancient parish designated as a township. Townland in Ireland.

Town 3

Usually in a town but also rural ones.


A reasonable number of buildings, maybe a church, school etc.


A few buildings or a named area without habitations. Over time towns have developed and so what was historically a hamlet is now just a district within a town. Viewed in a historical context it is useful to have these still designated as a hamlet to differentiate from modern districts which tend to be named after housing estates.

Building 6
Natural Feature 4
Boundary (K&O)

Boundaries on Kain/Oliver maps which include Parishes, Townships and sub-divisions of townships. These were drawn on 1" maps and are good at the resolution, although there a small number of minor mistakes. However at higher resolutions they don't tend to match the exact boundaries when viewed over the 25" historic OS maps layer which contains the exact boundaries.

Metropolitan district

A modern administrative unit at the same level as a county in the hierarchy.