
Support Ticketing - Guide


Help and Guidance 2020: Draft: Modified Page: Version 1


Notes for Maintainers submitting tickets

To raise a new ticket, please select "Add content/Support ticket" from the "Shortcuts" menu. At the "Create Support Ticket" screen you should then:

  • Enter a title for the ticket
  • Enter a brief description of the issue.  Please provide as much information as possible including the screen you were using, the error messages you received
  • Do NOT put multiple distinct issues in a single support ticket. For very closely related items such as more than one field being wrong in a single display, a single ticket is acceptable. If changes need to be made by more than one person in multiple places then these are distinct issues.
  • Click "Save" at the bottom of the screen
  • NB. Please do not change the priority or status of the ticket, or try to assign it to anyone.  All three fields will be changed by a member of the support team when reviewing your ticket.
  • If you have any further relevant information to add at a later stage, please add a comment to the ticket.

If you wish to see a complete list of all the support tickets, please select "Tickets" from the "Shortcuts" menu.  You will see all the open tickets by default, but there is another tab showing closed tickets. You can use the search filters to shorten the list, and you can sort the table by clicking on any column heading.


Notes for Support Team responding to tickets

  • Please review the list of tickets regularly
  • New tickets should be re-prioritised accordingly
  • When starting work on a ticket, please change the status and add your name to the "assigned to" box
  • When you have completed work on a ticket, please add a comment to the ticket describing what you have done, change the status to "needs review", and send an email to the originator asking them to test the change/fix.
  • Once the originator has confirmed they are happy with the solution, you should close the ticket.