THE NAVAL AND MILITARY MAGAZINE - 1827 -------------------------------------- The following lst of names (mostly Army & Navy) has been extracted from Volume 1, No. 1 of the above magazine published in London in March 1827. The following abbreviations have been used in the transcription of the data, many of them are the same in the magazine:- (18) = 18 in number guns. (Bg) = Brig. (Bomb) = Bomb ship. (FV) = Fire vessel. (GV) = not known (RB) = not known (Sch) = Schooner. b.1813 = Blown up 1813 Cav. = Cavalry Ceylon -> Chatham = Means that the regiment was en route from Ceylon to Chatham. d.1813 = Drowned 1813 Drag. = Dragoons EIC = East India Company Gibraltar - Chatham = Stationed at Gibraltar - home base at Chatham. k.1813 = Killed 1813 POW = Prisoner of War. v. = Vice w.1813 = Wounded 1813 In some instances the expression 'Blown up' will be found. this refers to the person being blown up not the ship. Transcribed in Auckland New Zealand by Ted WILDY July 6, 1994. NAMES RANKS. COMMENTS. PAGES. --------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------- ------------- ABERCOMBY General Retired near Aa in 1794 22, ABERCROMBY Sir R. GCBColonel 75th Foot Regiment In Castlebar in March1827 278 ABERNETHY Mr. Author of "Gunshot Wounds" 88-90 ADAIR CB Major Royal Marines in Portugal 1827 256 ADAMS Frank Gent To be Ensign 28th Regt viceEVERY 318 ADDAMS Jesse Dr. for owners of "Killingbeck"Collision with "Acorn" in 1824 274 AIREY Sir G. KCH Colonel 39th Foot Regiment In Chatham -> NSW March 1827 277 AIREY Sir George Lt General Appt Colonel of Dorset Regt1823 111, ALDERCRON John Colonel Dorsetshire Regiment CO in 1752 99 ALVER Thomas Suriety Prize money for 'Triton' 1815 271 ALVINTZY Lieut General Austrian Army in 1793 12, AMSINCK Henry Esq Royal Navy Marr Charl. Eliza WILSON6/1/1827 323 ANDERSON David Negotiated peace with Scindia1780 172 ANGLESEY Marquis of Colonel 7th Hussars at Edinburgh in 1827 276 ARBUTHNOT Sir T. KCB Major General i/c 2nd Brigade in Portugal1827 256 ARMSTRONG R. Lieut on half pay 61st FootTo be Captain of Infantry 322 ARNOLD John Major General Made KCB Jan 12 1827 317 ARTHUR George Lieut Colonel arrested Col Bradley 282-286, 306-1 ARTHUR Walter Gent To be Ensign 93rd Regt viceSMITH 319 ASKEW C.C. Captain HMS Shamrock in 1814 194 ASPELT Captain of brig Medusa Resident of Jersey. 255 ASPINWALL Colonel Consul General in London 1827 71, ATCHESON Surgeon Commissioned HMS Cordelia (10) 257 ATKINS D. Post Captain HMS Defence (74) drowned 1811 181 ATKINSON T. Cornet 7th Drag Gurads To be Lieut vice DUNNE 321 AULDJO John Lieut on Half Pay To be Lieut 34th Regt Foot 318 AYRE T.E. Asst Surg. 83rd Foot To be Asst Surg. 31st Dragoons 322 BACKUS Colonel 69, BACON Anthony Esq Appointed Major 1st BerksYeomanry 317 BADELEY William C. Lt Col. 29th Bengal Native Made CB December 1826 316 BADENACH Walter Captain "Inquiry into Indian Army" 265 BAGNOLD Captain On Indian Gun Barrels. 95-96 BAILLIE M. Asst Surg 92nd Foot To be Asst Surg 79th Drag. vGRANT 322 BAILY E. Lt Colonel 2nd Prov Batt Allowed to dispose of Half Pay 321 BAIN W. Asst Syrg. 9th Foot To be Asst Surg, 15th Dragoons 322 BAINES Thomas Frs. (w.1813) 1st Batt. Dorset Regt inPortugal 104, BAIRD George Lieut (k.1810) 2nd Batt Dorset Regt in 1804 105, BAIRD Rt Hon Sir DavidColonel 24th Foot Regiment In Limerick March1827 277 BAKER Henry Commander HMS Pelican (slp)(16) drowned1804 180 BAKER J. Eades Lieut HMS Winchelsea (32) drowned1805 180 BALFOUR Nesbit Major General Dorsetshire Regiment CO in 1794 100, BARKER Scory Post Captain Wr. in Le Tribune drowned 1797 179 BARKER Sir Robert Brigadier General C in C in India 1769 155 BARKER Sir Robert Brigadier in 1770 Commanded 1st Brigade 159 BARNARD Sir A.F. KCB Colonel 2nd Batt Rifle BgdeIn Halifax - Drogheda March1827 278 BARNES Sir E. KCB Colonel 78th Foot Regiment In Ceylon- Fort George March1827 278 BARROW Charles James Late Brevet Col. 43rd Foot To be Lieut Col. (Local) 319 BARWELL Richard Mr. Appointed Counsellor - Bengal1774 160 BASDEN James L. Major of 89th foot Appt CB in 1826 316 BATEMAN Lieut late 2nd Vet Batt Died at Bristol 7/1/1827 324 BAYLEY Henry Col. 8th Foot regiment at Newry in 1827 276 BAYNES Donald Christ. Gent To be Ensign 62nd vice SHORTT 319 BEAMISH North Ludlow Captain 4th Drag Guards To be Major of Infantry 320 BEARD Edward Mr. Office of Garnishees 30, BEAUCLERK Lord A. Command of Royal Marines 1827 256 BEECHEY H.W. Captain RN "Exped to North Africa Coast" 265 BELFORD William Lieut Colonel 3rd Vet CorpsAllowed to dispose of Half Pay 320 BELL C. Lieut HMS Revenge to HMS Ariadne 256 BELL William Ensign 83rd Regt Foot To be Lieut vice HODGSON 319 BENESKI D. ex Colonel Mexican Army 258 BENNETT James Lieut HMS Maria (bg)(14) killed 1808 180 BENTINCK Lord F. CB Colonel 58th Foot Regiment In Naas in March1827 277 BENTINCK Lord W. Colonel 11th Light Dragoonsat Bengal in 1827 276 BERESFORD Viscount Colonel 16th Foot Regiment In Ceylon - Weedon in March1827 277 BEST John Stratford Cornet 8th Dragons To be Lieut vice LYON 318 BETTESWORTH G.E.B. Post Captain HMS Tartar (32) killed 1808 180 BEVIANS W. Lieut HMS L'Insolente (GB) drowned1801 179 BIDDLE Captain of Artillery Battle of Chippewa Plains7/7/1814 80, BIGLAND W.B. Captain HMS Bann in 1818 197 BISHOPP Cecil Lt Colonel of 14th foot Appt CB in 1826 316 BISSELL Austin Post Captain HMS Blenheim (74) drowned 1807 180 BLAKENEY George Gent To be Ensign 83rd Regt Foot 319 BLAKENEY Sir E. KCB Major General i/c 1st Brigade in Portugal1827 256 BLYTH Samuel Commander HMS Boxer (14) killed 1813 181 BOLLAND Mr. Counsel for the Plaintiff 1826 32, BOLTON Sir Robert Colonel 7th Dragoon Guards at Dublin in 1827 276 BONAR Andrew Cornet of Midlothian Yeo. Appointed Cornet BerwickshireYeo 317 BONNEAU General French Corps Commander 1794 17, BOURCHIER Henry Captain RN C.O Quarantine Est,StandgateCreek 256 BOURKE A.L. Cornet & riding Master To be Lieut 3rd Regt Dragoons 322 BOUVERIE Kenelm Fran. Captain on half pay To be Capt 62nd Regt Foot 319 BOUVERIE Sir H. KCB Major General Command of Guards in Portugal1827 256 BOWEN H.N. Lieut HMS Ballahou (sch)(4) killed1806 180 BOWEN Richard Post Captain HMS Terpsichore (32) killed1797 179 BOWLES G. Lt Col. Coldstream Guards Member of Court Martial in 1826 122 BOWYER Cornelius Major 60th Bengal Native Appointed CB in Dec 1826 317 BOWYER Geo. Dowglass Gent Cadet R.M.College To be Ensign 90th Regt viceFOOT 319 BOYD Robert Sir KB Colonel Dorsetshire Regiment CO in 1766 100, BOYER Baron Major General Commander of Swedes atGluckstadt 195 BRADFORD Sir J. KCBColonel 94th Foot Regiment In Gibraltar - Plymouth March1827 278 BRADLEY T. Colonel Arrested by Col. Geo.ARTHURAppealed to Parliament8/12/1826 282-286, 306-1 BRAND G.R. Lieut HMS Unique (sch)(8) killed 1806 180 BRETT Richard Wilford Captain 8th Dragoons To be Major 317 BRIDGES Major Company of Artillery,Portugal1827 256 BRIDGES Mary Ann youngest dau of T.W.BRIDGESdied at Taunton, 1/2/1817 324 BRIEN R. Surgeon RN Son born 25/1/1827 323 BRINE James Captain (w.1811) 2nd Batt Dorset Regt in 1810 106, BRISBANE Sir T.M. KCBColonel 34th Foot Regiment In Dublin in March 1827 277 BRODIE James Lt Col. 18th Madras Native Made CB December 1826 316 BROOKS Henry Gent To be Cornet 16th Dragoons 318 BROOKS James Henry Gent To be Hospital Asst to theforces 320 BROWN J.W.B. Captain on half pay To be Capt 5th Dragoons 322 BROWN Jacob Major General American Army 1775 Pennsylvania 59-79 BROWN John Lieut HMS Morne Fortuneee (12) d.1809 180 BROWN John Brother of General BROWN 63 BROWN Samuel Mr. (invented Chain Cable) 3rd Lieut HMS Phoenix 215n BROWN Samuel son of General BROWN 61 BROWN W. Asst Surgeon 87th Foot To Surg. 45th Drag. vice SMYTHW. 322 BROWNE Clements Lt Col. Bengal Artillery Made CB December 1826 316 BROWNE Edmund Major 36th Regt, Court Martial in1826 121-138 BROWNE G. Colonel 44th Foot Regiment In Bengal - Deal March 1827 277 BROWNE Hon John Late Brevet Col. 13th Drag.To be Lieut Col. (Local) 319 BROWNRIGG Sir R. Bart Col. 9th Foot regiment at Plymouth in 1827 276 BRUCE Charles Lt Colonel 1st Batt Dorset Regt in 1810 BULLER John Lieut HMS Superieure (16) Killed 1807 180 BUNN Mrs Relict of Capt BUNN EIC died 1/1/1827 324 BURGESS R,. Rund. Post Captain HMS Ardent (64) killed 1797 179 BURGOYNE Lieut Colonel i/c Royal Engineers, Portugal1827 256 BURGOYNE John James H.Ensign from 32nd Regt Foot To 33rd Regt of Foot vice LOWE 318 BURKE E. Lt Col. 63rd Regt. Member of Court Martial in 1826 122 BURKE Henry Commander HMS Sea Gull(Bg) drowned 1805 180 BURKE T.K. CB Col. R. Newfoundland Vet CoIn Newfoundland in March1827 279 BURN Henry Esq Marr Eliza Maria BELLINGHAM14Feb 323 BURNS J. Ensign (w.1813) 1st Batt Dorset Regiment 108, BURRELL William Henry Asst Surgeon 72nd Foot To be Asst Surgeon to theforces 320 BURROWES A.Saund Post Captain HMS Constance (22) killed 1806 180 BURTON M. Colonel 1st Batt 60th Foot In Portugal- Devonport March1827 278 BYAM William G. Ensign 43rd Regt Foot To be Lieut vice FLETCHER 318 BYNG Sir J. KCB Colonel 2nd West India In New Providence in March1827 278 BYRON Lord Captain RN "Yoyage of HMS Blonde 1824-5" 265 CALCRAFT Granby Hales Lieut of 28th Foot To be Captain of Infantry 320 CALCRAFT M.Anne wife of Major Gen CALCRAFT died London 8/2/1827 324 CALHOUN Hon J.C. US Secretary for War 1823 265 CAMAC Lt Colonel Commanded attack on Scindia1780 172 CAMBRIDGE Duke of Col. 1st Batt Coldstream Gdat Tower of London in 1827 276 CAMBRIDGE Duke of Col. 2nd Batt Coldstream Gdat Dublin in 1827 276 CAMERON Hugh Commander HMS Hazard (18) killed 1809 181 CAMERON Sir A. Colonel 79th Foot Regiment In Quebes- Cavan March1827 278 CAMERON Sir John Commanding Officer West Dist. 264 CAMPBELL A. Colonel 32nd Foot Regiment In Birr in March 1827 277 CAMPBELL Archibald Paymaster 92nd Regt Allowed to dispose of Half Pay 320 CAMPBELL D. Colonel 91st Foot Regiment In Jamaica-Longford March1827 278 CAMPBELL Duncan Captain 1st Batt Dorset Regt in 1810 107, CAMPBELL James of 12th Regt of Foot Died aged 86 in 1827 at Dyke 323 CAMPBELL John Colonel Dorsetshire Regiment CO in 1737 99 CAMPBELL John Lieut HMS Observateur (bg) killed1807 180 CAMPBELL Sir A. Major General Appointed KCB in Dec 1826 316 CAMPBELL Sir ArchibaldMajor General "Burma War" 1824-26 228-229 CAMPBELL Sir Neil Kt Col. Royal Africa Corps In Sierra Leone etc in March1827 279 CAMPBELL Sir R. KCB Colonel 88th Foot Regiment In Corfu - Clonmell March1827 278 CAMPBELL W.H. Lieut on half pay To be Lieut 4th Regt Dragoons 322 CAMPBELL Wm Huntley Ensign 4th Regt Foot To be Lieut of Infantry 320 CANES Edward J. Commander HMS L'Utile (slp)(18) drowned1801 179 CARTAN P. Lieut on half pay 4th Foot To be Captain of Infantry 322 CARTHEW Charles Captain C/O Light Company 1811 106, CARTHEW G Captain (w. 1813) 1st Batt. Dorset Regt inPortugal 104, CARTWRIGHT General - Col 1st Dragoons Died in London age 74 9/2/1827 324 CATHCART Earl of 2nd Regt Life Guards at Hyde Park Barracks 1827 275 CAVAN Earl of KC Colonel 45th Foot Regiment In Madras- Chatham March 1827 277 CHADS Henry Ducie Captain Rn Appt CB in 1826 316 CHALMER F.D. Captain 7th Drag Guards To be Major vice DALY 321 CHALMERS Capt late 52nd Foot Marr Miss LAWRENCE 7/2/1817 323 CHAMBERLAYNE William Unattached To be Lieut Col 2nd Dragoons 320 CHAMBERS Edward Ensign 46th Regt Foot To be Lieut vice TAYLOR 318 CHAMBERS Peter L. Major of 41st Foot Appt CB in 1826 316 CHAMPAGNE J. Colonel 17th Foot Regiment In Mullingar in March1827 277 CHAMPION Alexander Colonel 2nd in command Bengal Army in1774 159 CHAPMAN Colonel 2nd in Command Bengal Army 159 CHAPMAN J.F. Captain HMS Nautilus in 1822 197 CHATHAM Earl of Col. 4th Foot regiment at Portugal - Portsmouth in1827 276 CHILDERS Michael Lieut Col. 11th Dragoons 316 CHITTY Charles Captain 43rd Regt Allowed to dispose of Half Pay 320 CHOWNE G. Colonel 76th Foot Regiment In Low, Canada -Jersey March1827 278 CLARK Sir A. Col. 7th Foot regiment at Corfu - Chester in 1827 276 CLARKE A. Major 46th Foot Regt Member of Court Martial in 1826 122 CLARKE John Frederick Asst Surgeon 51st Foot RegtTo be Surgeon vice SWEENEY 320 CLARKE Mrs. Connected with Duke of York 9, CLAVERING General Appointed Counsellor in 1774 160- 163 CLAYTON Mr. Solicitor marr Emily BELLIS 9/1/1827 323 CLAYTON Emilius Lieut 3rd Reg Foot To be Captain vice DRUMMOND 318 CLELAND Captain RN Resided Shrewsbury 147 CLERFAYT General Relief of Ypres 1794 17,20,23,24 CLINTON Sir H. Col. 1st Batt 3rd Foot regtat Bombay & Chatham in 1827 276 CLINTON Sir W. Lieut General CinC Portugal in 1827 256 CLINTON Sir W.H. GCBColonel 55th Foot Regiment In Cape of Good Hope -Berwick1827 277 COCHRANE G. Lieut on Half Pay 65th FootTo be Captain of Infantry 322 COLCHESTER Thomas Gent To be 2nd Asst Surg. viceNELSON 321 COLE Hon G.L. GCB Colonel 27th Foot Regiment In Demarara - Gosport March1827 277 COLLINS Lady relict of Sir John COLLINS died at Chichester 11/1/1827 324 COLVILLE Hon Sir C. Colonel 74th Foot Regiment In Nova Scotia- Edinburgh 1827 278 COMBE William Commander HMS Heureux (18) killed 1808 180 COMBERMERE Viscount Colonel 3rd Light Dragoons at Dundalk in 1827 276 COMPTON Wm. Commander HMS Lily (slp)(16) killed 1804 180 CONN John Post Captain HMS Swiftsure (74) drowned 1810 181 CONRAN H. Colonel 98th Foot Regiment In Cape of Good Hope-Kinsale 1827 278 COOK James Commander HMS Spitfire (Sloop) drowned1794 178 COOKE Edward Post Captain HMS La Sybille (44) killed 1799 179 COOKE John Post Captain HMS Bellerophon (74) killed1805 180 COOKE Sir G. KCB Colonel 77th Foot Regiment In Jamaica- Belfast March1827 278 COOKNEY F. Ensign 56th Native InfantryCourt Martialled Calcutta 1826 250 COOPER Edward Cornet 13th Light Dragoons To 4th Dragoons 317 COOTE Richard Colonel Dorsetshire Regiment CO in 1702 99 COOTE Sir Eyre Lt General Arrived from England 1779 171-175 COPE John Colonel Dorsetshire Regiment CO in 1730 99 CORNWALL Harry Qtr Master Serjeant To be Qtr Master 1st WIndiaRegt 319 CORSELLIS Caesar Lieut HMS Telegraph (bg)(16)drowned1801 179 COTTON Captain Royal Artillery Witness at Court Martial in1826 127 COTTON Willoughby Colonel 47th Regt of Foot 316 COURTENAY William A. Ensign (w.1810) 1st Batt Dorset Regt 106, COURTNEY Wm Augustus Post Captain HMS Boston - killed 1793 178 COWPER Mr. Bengal Civil Servant in 1778 176 COX Charles Ensign (w.1810) 1st Batt Dorset Regt 106, COX Richard Henry Esq Garnisher in Mayor's CourtLondon 26-32 CRAIG H. Lieut HMS Staunch (14) drowned 1811 181 CRAWFORD Catlin Brig- General Commanded division in 1809 103, CROKER J.W. Secretary Admiralty Office 1827 243 CROLE George Seymour Captain 41st Foot To be Major of Infantry 320 CROSS J. Asst Surg. 66th Foot Asst Surg, 3rd Dragoons viceDAWN 322 CROTTY C. Frs. (w.1813) 1st Batt. Dorset Regt inPortugal 104, CULVERHOUSE John Post Captain drowned 1809 180 CUMBERLAND Duke of Royal Horse Guards At Windsor 1827 276 CUNNINGHAM Allan Poet of "Mariner's Song" 99, CUPPAGE J. Major 39th Foot. Member of Court Martial in 1826 122 D'AETH H. Capt RN Son born 18/1/1827 323 DACRES J.R. Captain HMS Bacchante 192 DALHOUSIE Earl of GCBColonel 26th Foot Regiment In Dublin in March1827 277 DALRYMPLE Sir H. GCB Colonel 57th Foot Regiment In NSW - Burnley in March1827 277 DALWAY Robert Colonel Dorsetshire Regiment CO in 1739 99 DALWIG Lieut General Retired across Nethe in 1794 21, DALY D. Major 7th Drag Guards To be Lt Colonel of Infantry 321 DARCY George P. Captain 1st Batt Dorset Regt in 1810 107, DARLING R. Colonel 90th Foot Regiment In Cefalonia - Carlisle March1827 278 DASHWOOD Captain At Algiers in 1816 139 DAVIES John Gent To be Surgeon Herts Militia 321 DAWES William Henry Gent To be Ensign 43rd vice BYAM 318 DAWN Js. Asst Surgeon 3rd Lt Drag. To be Surgeon vice PURD 320 De BLAQUIERE Peter T. Ensign 46th Regt Foot from 3rd Foot to be Lieut 318 De COURCY Michael Lieut (k. 1813) 1st Batt. Dorset Regt inPortugal 104, de LACY J. Lieut on half pay 61st FootTo be Captain of Infantry 322 DEARE G. Lieut (died 1824 in London)Passenger in "Grenville" 1768 150 DELAMAON John Lt Col. 58th Bengal Native Made CB December 1826 316 DENNIE William H. Major of 13th Foot Appt CB in 1826 316 DENNIS N.R. Revd. from half pay To be Chaplain to the Forces 322 DERMON Captain Quartermaster Battle of Niagara 7/8/1814 82, DICKENS George Commander HMS Sylph (18) drowned 1815 181 DICKENSON J. Commander HMS Penguin (18) killed 1815 181 DICKENSON Jas. Esten Lieut 2nd West India Regt To be Adjutant vice CONRON(dec'd) 319 DIGHTON Francis Witnessed Will of Duke ofYork1826 264 DILKE T. Lieut RN to be Flag Lt to Adm Codrington 256 DISNEY B. Major 7th Foot Regt Member of Court Martial in 1826 122 DISNEY Sir M. KCB Colonel 15th Foot Regiment In Galway in March1827 277 DIXON J.W.T. Post Captain HMS Apollo (38) drowned 1804 180 DODSON Dr.- representing sureties Prize money for 'Triton' 1815 271 DODWELL James Captain Portugese Officers Allowed to dispose of Half Pay 320 DOLPHIN William Lieut of 11th Foot To be 1st Lieut Rifle Brigade 319 DON Sir G. GCB Colonel 36th Foot Regiment In Bolton-le-Moor in March 1827 277 DON Sir George at Gibraltar in 1826 123 DONKIN Sir R.S. Colonel 80th Foot Regiment In Malta- Isle of Man March1827 278 DONOUGHMORE Earl of Colonel 18th Foot Regiment In Corfu - Portsmouth March1827 277 DOUGLAS Major Company of Artillery,Portugal1827 256 DOUGLAS P.S. Captain HMS Polythemus (84) in 1812 194 DOYLE Sir J. Colonel 87th Foot Regiment In Bengal - Chatham March1827 278 DOYLE Sir John Lieut General Govenor of Guernsey in 1808 103, DRESCHEL Baron F. Lieut General German Legiondied at Hanover 12/1/8172 324 DREW Lieut Lost left arm at Salamanca 260 DREW James Commander HMS De Brak (cutter) drowned1798 179 DREW John Post Captain HMS Cerberus (32) drowned 1798 179 DREW W. Lieut RN in command of HMS Grecian 1827 257 DRINKALD Ship Owner of brig Miranda"Collided with "Lively" 273 DRUMMOND Barclays Captain 3rd Regt of Foor To be Capt & Lt Col. viceRODNEY 318 DRUMMOND George Lieut 93rd Foot To be Captain of Infantry 320 DRUMMOND Hugh Lieut Inventor of night signallinglamp 120,150 DRUMMOND Sir G. GCB Colonel 71st Foot Regiment In Quebec- Devonport March1827 278 DRURY Charles Captain of Half Pay To 32nd Regt Foot vice POWER 318 DUFF George Post Captain HMS Mars (74) killed 1805 180 DUFF Hon A. MP Colonel 92nd Foot Regiment In Jamaica- Armagh March1827 278 DUFF Sir J. Knt Colonel 50th Foot Regiment In Jamaica -> Belfast Glasgow1827 277 Duke of York HRH Marr. Princess Frederica29/9/1791 9, DUMARESQUE H. Col. Royal NSW Vet Coy. In New South Wales in March1827 279 DUMOURIEZ General French Army in 1793 11, DUNDAS Henry Captain Commissioned HMS Sapphire(28)1827 256 DUNDAS Sir David 6, DUNN F. Lieut 7th Drag Guards To be Captain vice CHALMER 321 DURNFORD G.A. Lieut on half pay 19th FootTo be Captain of Infantry 322 DURNFORD G.A. Capt. on half pay To be Paymaster 39th Dragoons 322 DWYER Henry Brevet Major on Half Pay To be Lieut Colonel 319 DYER John Edward Cornet of 2nd Dragoons Promoted Lieut Jan 18th 1827 317 DYOTT W. Colonel 63rd Foot Regiment In Portugal- Chatham March1827 278 EARL John Major of Wiltshire To be Lieut Col of Infantry 320 EARLE Sir James re Gunshot wounds 89 EDGECOMBE James Lieut. Naval Biography - died22/7/1826 192-198 EDMONDS H. Lieut on Half Pay 66th FootTo be Captain of Infantry 322 EDMONDS Robert Joseph Gent To be Ensign 46th Reg Foot 318 EDMONDSON Joseph Gent To be Hospital Asst to theforces 320 EDWARDS Valent. Post Captain HMS Sceptre (64) drowned 1799 179 EFFINGHAM Lord Howard Colonel 70th Foot Regiment In Canada- Guernsey March1827 278 ELIOT Francis B Late Brevet Major 64th FootTo be Major (Local) 319 ELLIOT T.H. Capt. from half pay To Capt. 40th Dragoons viceRYAN 322 ELPHINSTONE C. Post Captain HMS Blenheim (74) drowned 1807 180 ELRINGTON Major of Plymouth Emigrated to NSW in "Elizabeth" 255 ELRINGTON Major 5th Battery RA Complaint about soldier's bread 253 ELRINGTON George Lieut Col. 47th Regt of Foot 316 EMERSON J. Lieut on half pay 35th FootTo be Captain of Infantry 322 ERLY John MD Dep Insp of Hospitals To be Insp of Hospitals 320 ERSKINE Sir William 14, EVANS Richard L. Major 22nd Madras Native Appointed CB in Dec 1826 317 EVANSON E.A. Captain 54th Foot Died in London en route Ireland 324 EVELYN William Lieut HMS Pelter (14) drowned 1809 181 EVERARD Matthias Lt Colonel of 14th foot Appt CB in 1826 316 EVERY John Ensign 28th Regt Foot To be Lieut. vice CALCRAFT 318 EWART J.F. Lt Col. 67th Regt. Member of Court Martial in 1826 122 EWING David Asst Surgeon 21st Foot To be Asst Surgeon to theforces 320 FAGAN C. Lt Colonel 68th Regt BengalMade CB December 1826 316 FAIR Alex. Lt Col. 10th Madras Native Made CB December 1826 316 FALLO Major 20th Foot. Member of Court Martial in 1826 122 FANE Henry Lieut 4th Dragoons Promoted Capt Jan 18th 1827 317 FANE Sir Henry Colonel 4th Dragoon Guards at Coventry in 1827 276 FARIS G. Capt Madras Cavalry Marr Mary BUCKLAND 3/1/1827 323 FAULKNOR R. Post Captain HMS Blanche (32) killed 1795 179 FERGUSON Henry Robert Major of Half Pay To be Major 34th Regt of Foot 318 FERRARS Thomas Colonel Dorsetshire Regiment CO in 1719 99 FESTING B.M. Lieut HMS Brazen - promoted Cdr 1827 256 FIELD F.V. Commander HMS Curlew (bg) (18) drowned1796 179 FINCH Hon E. Colonel 22nd Foot Regiment In Jamiaca - Youghall March1827 277 FINCH Hon John Lieut Col. Half pay unattached 1826 316 FINCHAM John School of Naval Architect. "Treatise on Mast Making" 265 FINDLAY Alexander Captain 2nd W.I. Regt To be Major Royal African Corps 319 FINLAYSON Robert Surgeon RN Essay on preserving healthycrews 223-228 FISHER James William Lieut 62nd Foot Regt To be Captain of Infantry 320 FITZGERALD W.V. Lieut on half pay 5th Foot To be Captain of Infantry 322 FITZGIBBON Robert Lieut 3rd Regt Foot Allowed to dispose of Half Pay 320 FITZROY Hon C. Colonel 25th Foot Regiment In Barbados - Edinburgh March1827 277 FITZROY Lord C. Colonel 48th Foot Regiment In Madras- Deal March 1827 277 FLAMSTEAD Rich. Wm. D.Gent To be Ensign 41st Regt Foot 318 FLETCHER R.T. Lieut from half pay To be Lieut 58th Dragoons vFRASER 322 FLETCHER Richard John Lieut 43rd Regt To be Captain of Infantry 320 FLETCHER William Gent To be Hospital Asst to theforces 320 FLINT Anstruther Chas.Gent To be Ensign 68th Regt Foot, vice FORSTER 319 FOLEY O. Lieut Post to HMS Asia 1827 256 FOOT Dixon Ensign 90th Regt Foot To be Lieut vice BOWLBY 319 FORBES Gordon Colonel 29th Foot Regiment In Mauritius - Tralee March1827 277 FORBES Lord Colonel 21st Foot Regiment In Portsmouth in March1827 277 FORBES R,. Hon. Post Captain HMS Dryad (36) drowned 1795 179 FORSTER William Ensign 68th Regt Foot To be 1st Lt 23rd Regt Foot 318 FORTESCUE Lieutenant RN of HMS Barham ( frigate) 299 FOSS T. Hosp Asst. 59th Dragoons To be Asst Surg. viceSIEVWRIGHT 322 FOX Major General Brigade Commander 1793 16 FRANCIS Mr. Appointed Counsellor - Bengal1774 160 FREEMANTLE Lieut Colonel Dorsetshire Regiment CO in 1794 100, FREMANTLE John Lieut Colonel ADC to CinC - Jan 1827 242 FRENCH J.M. Royal Exchange, ChronometerPrize. 254 FRENCH Richard Ensign 52nd Regt Foot To be Lieut vice WILSON 318 FREYTAG F.M. Mr. 1793 12, FRITH William Lt Colonel Appt CB in 1826 316 FROST J. Esq FAS Cambridge Marr Harriet VOSY 22/1/1827 323 FRYER William Henry Gent To be Hospital Assistant 89thFoot 320 FULLER F. Lieut General Commanding in Jamiaca 8/7/1814 314 FULLER Francis Lt Colonel of 59th foot Appt CB in 1826 316 FULLER Sir J. Colonel 96th Foot Regiment In Bermuda- Devonport March1827 278 FYNMORE, CLARKE & FYN. Solicitors for Garnishees. 32, GAIRDNER James Penman Lieut Rifle Brigade Allowed to dispose of Half Pay 320 GALBRAITH M. Capt. 5th Regt Foot To be Capt. 27th Dragoons vTALBOT 322 GARDINER J. Deputy Adjutant General Adjutant General -- Dublin 1827 244 GARNIER C. Post Captain HMS Aurora (28) drowned 1796 179 GARTH Thomas Colonel 1st Dragoons at Dublin in 1827 276 GASCOYNE J. MP Colonel 54th Foot Regiment In Madras- Chatham in Mar1827 277 GIBSON J. Lieut HMS Fox (Cutter)(12) killed1797 179 GIBSON James Brown Gent To be Hospital Assistant 38thFoot 320 GILES S. Lieut KTS Royal Marines - Tagus in 1827 256 GIMINGHAM J. Esq Marr Cartaret SAUMAREZ27/1/1827 323 GLADSTONE Robert Liverpol Ship Owners Assn 254 GLOUCESTER Duke of Col. 3rd Batt Coldstream Gdat Westminster 1827 276 GODWIN Henry Lieut Col. 41st Regt of Foot in 1826 316 GOODALL William Lieut HMS Grace (RB)(3) Drowned 1797 179 GOODWIN Francis Green Captain 4th Foot Allowed to dispose of Half Pay 320 GORDON John Late Major 2nd Foot To be Major (Local) 319 GORDON Sir J.W. Quarter Master General Wife's pension of Stg 800 2n,258 GORDON Sir J.W. Bart Colonel 23rd Foot Regiment In Portugal - Brecon March1827 277 GORE Hon, J. Commander HMS Scorpion (18) drowned 1812 181 GOTT T. Lieut HMS Cormornant (16) blown up1796 179 GOULD J. Lieut on half pay 76th FootTo be Captain of Infantry 322 GRANT F. Lt Col. Grenadier Guards Member of Court Martial in 1826 122 GRANT Hugh Colonel Resigned in 1774 157 GRANT James Major unattached Allowed to dispose of Half Pay 320 GRANT Sir Colquhuon Colonel 15th Hussars at Ballinrobe in 1827 276 GRANT Walter Asst Surg. of 79th To be Ass Surg 10th Reg Foot 318 GREEN A.P. Captain HMS Shamrock in 1812 194 GREEN Sir C. Bart Colonel 37th Foot Regiment In Cork in March 1827 277 GREENOCK Lord Colonel Royal Staff Corps Member of Court Martial in 1826 121 GREENWOOD Charles Esq Garnisher in Mayor's CourtLondon 26-32 GREGORY C.M. Commander HMS Carnation (bg)(18) killed1808 180 GREGORY Edward Late Brevet Col. 44th Foot To be Lieut Col. (Local) 319 GRENFELL William of Grenfell Peyton GrenfellPrize money for Demarara -Hearing 267 GREY Hon H. Commander HMS Weazle (slp) drowned 1799 179 GREY Hon H.G. Colonel 13th Light Dragoonsat Bengal in 1827 276 GREY Sir Charles 14n, GRIFFIN Philip Lieut HMS Ignition (FV) drowned 1807 180 GROSVENOR T. MP Colonel 65th Foot Regiment In Dublin March1827 278 GUERIN J. Commander HMS La Sirenne (16) drowned1796 179 GUINNESS Arthur Lieut 41st Regt Foot To be Captain vice CROLE 318 GUION D.O. Post Captain HMS St George (98) drowned 1811 181 HAGGITT W. Commander HMS Orestes (slp) drowned 1799 179 HALKET Sir C. KCB Colonel 95th Foot Regiment In Malta- Sunderland March1827 278 HALL G.J. Colonel 99th Foot Regiment In Mauritius - Birr March1827 278 HALL Jas. Gallopine Lt on half pay To be Lt 54th Regt vice CLARKEH.R 319 HALL William Amherst Gent to be Ensign 52nd Regt Foot 319 HAMILTON James Asst Apothecary Court Martialled at Calcutta1826 249 HAMILTON Sir J. Bart Colonel 69th Foot Regiment In Portsmouth March1827 278 HAMMERSLEY Charles Esq Garnisher in Mayor's CourtLondon 26-32 HAMMERSTEIN Major General at Applethorn in 1794 23, HANDFIELD P.C. Commander HMS Delight (18) killed 1808 180 HANLEY Michael Mr. Friend of a Lieut in 1826 261 HANSON James Commander HMS Brazen (slp)(18) drowned1800 179 HARCOURT Lieut General 25, HARCOURT Earl Colonel 16th Lancers at Bengal in 1827 276 HARDINGE G.N. Post Captain HMS St Fiorenzo (36) killed1808 180 HARE R.G. Colonel Military Secretary - Portugal1827 256 HARRINGTON Earl of 1st Regt Life Guards at Regent Barracks 1827 275 HARRINGTON Joseph Deputy Purveyor om half payTo be Deputy Purveyor to forces 320 HARRIS Captain of Dragoons Battle of Chippewa Plains7/7/1814 80, HARRIS J.A.. General 60th Foot died age 83 at Hoddesdon21/1/1827 324 HARRIS Lord GCB Colonel 73rd Foot Regiment In Waterford March1827 278 HART H. Lieut Frs. (w.1810) 1st Batt Dorset Regt 106, HARVEY John Post Captain HMS Brunswick (74) Killed 1794 178 HAWES James Commander HMS Moucheron (bg)(16)drowned1807 180 HAWLEY Robert Toovey Lieut of 78th Foot To be Captain of Infantry 320 HAY Hamilton Ensign 36th Regiment Witness at Court Martial in1826 134-5 HAYWARD Thomas Commander HMS Swift (Slp)(16) drowned1797 179 HEATHCOTE Sir Henry "The cutting & setting ofstaysail 218 HENDERSON John Lieut HMS Marie (sch)(12) drowned1807 180 HERNE Basil Lieut 3rd Regt Foot To be Captain vice MUNRO 318 HEWETT Thomas Lieut RN Prosecutor at Court Martial1826 121-138 HEWITT Rt Hon Sir G. Colonel 61st Foot Regiment In Athlone March1827 278 HEYWOOD Captain of the Port Amboyna in 1802 275 HICKS William Captain (k. 1813) 1st Batt. Dorset Regt inPortugal 104, HILL Lord GCB Colonel 53rd Foot Regiment In Templemore Madras in Mar1827 277 HILL Rowland Sir Lieut General 2 Div Commander 1812 inPortugal. 103 HINDMAN Major of Artillery Battle of Niagara 7/8/1814 82, HISLOP John Thomas Lieut 60th Foot Allowed to dispose of Half Pay 320 HISLOP Sir T. Bart Colonel 51st Foot Regiment In Zante - Portsmouth in Mar1827 277 HISLOP Thomas Lieut Colonel Dorsetshire Regiment CO in 1795 101, HOARE Henry Edward Ensign 76th Regt To be Lieut vice TRENCH 319 HODGSON J. Colonel 83rd Foot Regiment In Ceylon -> Tynemouth March1827 278 HODGSON Studholme JohnLieut 83rd Foot To be Captain of Infantry 320 HOGGE Lieut Col. Daughter born 20/1/1827 323 HOLDEN Robert Cornet 4th Dragoons Promoted Lieut. Jan 18th 1827 317 HOLLINGSWORTH J. Lieut HMS Growler (GV)(12) killed1797 179 HOLLOWAY Sir C. Major General died at Devonport 4/1/1827 324 HOOD Alexander Post Captain HMS Mars (74) killed 1798 179 HOPE Hon James Ensign Coldstream Guards To be Lieut & Captain viceSalwey 318 HOPE Sir A. GCB Colonel 47th Foot Regiment In Bengal - Canterbury March 1827 277 HOPE Sir John GCB Colonel 72nd Foot Regiment In Londonderry March1827 278 HOPKINSON Charles Lt Col. Madras Artillery Made CB December 1826 316 HORNE A. Hospital Asst 2nd Regt DragTo be Asst Surg. vice BELL 322 HOUBLON Chas. Archer Esq Appointed Captain BerksYeomanry 317 HOUSTOUN Sir W. KCB Colonel 20th Foot Regiment In Bombay- Canterbury Mar1827 277 HOWDEN Lord GCB Colonel 43rd Foot Regiment In Portugal- Devonport March 1827 277 HOWELL J. Author "War Galleys of the Ancients" 265 HUGGETT William Lieut HMS Resolution (Bg)(14) d 1797 179 HUGHES Hugh Captain 5th Foot Allowed to dispose of Half Pay 320 HUGHES R. Lieut on half pay 48th FootTo be Captain of Infantry 322 HUGHES William J. Lieut (pow 1810) 1st Batt Dorset Regt 106, HUGONIN Francis Colonel 4th Light Dragoons at Bombay in 1827 276 HULSE Sir S. Colonel 62nd Foot Regiment In Enniskillen March1827 278 HUMPHREY W.C. Hosp. Asst 35th Dragoons To be Asst Surg. vice CRICHTON 322 HUNTER George Major 41st Bengal Native Appointed CB in Dec 1826 317 HUNTLY Marquis of Col. 2nd Batt 1st Foot regtat Madras - Chatham in 1827 276 HUNTLY Marquis of Col. 1st Batt 1st Foot regtat Barbadoes - Stirling in 1827 276 HUTT John Post Captain HMS Queen (98) killed 1794 178 INGESTRE Lord ViscountLieut HMS Philomel - promoted Cdr1827 256 INGLEFIELD S.H. Captain HMS Daedalus 192 IRONSIDE Colonel Appt in command 3rd Brigade1775 161 IRVINE Arthur 2nd Lieut. 3rd Regt Foot To be Ensign vice de BLAQUIERE 318 JACKSON H.G. Captain 2nd Regt Artillery To be adjutant vice GRANTHAM 321 JACKSON J. Lieut half pay 94th Foot To be Lieut 19th Dragoons 322 JACKSON Sir R.D. KCB Colonel Royal Staff Corps In Hythe, Portugal etc March1827 278 JAMES Abraham Late Major 67th Foot To be Major (Local) 319 JAMESON Ship Owner of brig "Lively"Sunk in collision by "Miranda" 273 JERDAN John Esq Bro of Lt Col JERDAN died at Walworth 15/1/1827 324 JERVIS Wm. Henry Post Captain HMS Tonnant (80) drowned 1805 180 JESSUP Major Battle of Chippewa Plains7/7/1814 79, JOHN Lieut Commissioned HMS Cordelia (10) 257 JOHNSON Sir H. Bart Col. 5th Foot regiment at Hull in 1827 276 JOHNSTON George Lieut 1st W.I. Regt. To be Captain of Infantry 320 JOHNSTONE Hen. Hope Lieut RN marr Maria Grace CASTLEMAN2/1/27 323 JONES Baynham jun. Gentleman in 26th Dec 1826 Appointed Ensign Worcs Militia 317 JONES John Captain (died 1773) Captured Dellamcottah 1769 153 JONES Josh A. Lieut (w.1810) 1st Batt Dorset Regt 106, KEAME George Michael Captain on half pay to 17th Dragoons vice CHAMBRE 318 KEILLY R. Commander HMS Busy (bg) (18) drowned 1807 180 KELLY Stephen Darcy Major unattached Allowed to dispose of Half Pay 320 KEMPT Sir J. Colonel 81st Foot Regiment In Halifax - Guernsey March1827 278 KENNEDY Captain Command of Naval vessels7/7/1814 79, KENNEDY Dr. Surgeon on Staff Witness at Court Martial in1826 133 KEPPEL Sir W. GCB Colonel 67th Foot Regiment In Windsor March1827 278 KETCHUM Captain of detachment Battle of Niagara 7/8/1814 83, KIDD Joseph Lieut HMS Hirondelle (sch)(16) d.1808 180 KILMOREY Earl of Colonel 86th Foot Regiment In Leeward Is- Roscrea March1827 278 KING J.D. Ensign 13th Native Regt. Court Martialled 8th July 1826 218 KING Parker Captain RN "Survey of W. Holland 1817-22" 265 KING Wm. Commander HMS Prospero (bomb)(8)drowned1807 180 KNOWLES J. 2nd Lieut Reg of Artillery To be 1st Lieut vice WOOD E.W. 321 KRAY General Attacked Marchiennes Oct 1793 14, LAMB William Suriety Prize money for 'Triton' 1815 271 LAMBERT Henry Post Captain HMS Java (96) killed 1813 181 LAMBERT Sir I. KCB Col. 10th Foot regiment at Portugal - Buttevant in 1827 276 LANE John Ensign 16th Foot To be Lieut of Infantry 320 LAW Charles Ewen Hon. Counsel for the Plaintiff 1826 32, LAW Hon Henry Spencer Captain 28th Regt Foot From half Pay vice Rich KELLY 318 LAWES Ed. R.N. "Naval Book-Keeping" 265 LAWRENCE James Lieut HMS Rook (sch)(8) killed 1808 180 LAYARD Brownlow EdwardGent To be 2nd Lt Ceylon Regt 319 LEAKE W.T. Mart. Lieut HMS Swift - killed 1804 180 LEARY Patrick Troop Serj.major 14th Drag.To be Adjutant (Cornet) 318 LESLIE Matthew Colonel (died 3/10/1778) of Bengal Detachment in 1774 169 LILLYMAN Major Passenger in "Grenville" 1768 150-152 LINDESAY Patrick Lieut Col. Commanded Dorset Regt -12/8/1824 111, LINDESEY P. Col. 39th Regt. Member of Court Martial in 1826 121 LINDESEY Patrick Lieut Colonel 1st Batt Dorset Regt CO in 1811 102, LINDSAY Sir C. bart Post Captain HMS Daphne (20) drowned 1799 179 LINSINGEN William Count - Lieut Col. Defendant in Mayor's CourtLondon 26-32 LINTON W. Hosp Asst. 66th Dragoons To be Asst Surg. vice CROSS 322 LITTLEJOHN Adam Post Captain HMS Berwick (74) killed 1795 179 LLOYD Robert Gent To be Ensign 76th Regt Foot 319 LOFTUS William 1st Dragoon Guards at Manchester in 1827 276 LONDONDERRY Marquis ofColonel 10th Hussars at Portugal - Ipswich in 1827 276 LONG G. Commander HMS Vincego (Bg)(18) killed1801 179 LONG Stephen H. Major USTE. i/c exped to Lake Winnipeck 265 LONGDEN J. Major on half pay From 33rd Regt of Foot 322 LONSDALE James Faunce Ensign 27th Regt Foot To be Lieut vice BROOKE dec'd 318 LORD Thomas Lieut (k.1810) 1st Batt Dorset Regt 106, LOWE H.P. Quarter Master Rutland Cav.Died 10/1/1827 324 LOWE Joe. Weare SparksGent To be Hospital Asst to theforces 320 LOWE Sir H. KCB Colonel 93rd Foot Regiment In Antigua- Perth March1827 278 LUCAS St John Wells Captain 97th Foot Allowed to dispose of Half Pay 320 LUDLOW Earlof GCB Colonel 38th Foot Regiment In Bengal- Canterbury March 1827 277 LUKEY Frederick Prize Agent Prize money for 'Triton' 1815 271 LUSHINGTON Doctor Prize money for Demarara -Hearing 268 LYDIARD C. Post Captain HMS Anson (40) drowned 1807 180 LYGON Hon H.B. Colonel i/c Household Brigade in 1827 242 LYNCH Thomas Captain 87th Regt To be Major vice GILES 319 LYNEDOCK Lord GCB Colonel 14th Foot Regiment In Bengal - Chatham in March1827 277 LYNER William Captain 18th Regiment Witness at Court Martial in1826 127-129,135 LYON Captain i/c Expedition to North Pole 259 LYON George Lieut 2nd Life Guards To be Captain of Infantry 320 LYON Sir J. KCB Colonel 97th Foot Regiment In Ceylon - Cork March1827 278 LYON William Lieut 8th Dragoons To be Captin vice BRETT 317 M'MUNN R.A. Asst Surg on half pay To be Asst Surg 10th Dragoons 322 M'VICAR Edward 2nd Lt Ceylon Regt To be 1st Lt vice FELLOWES(dec'd) 319 MABERLY William LeaderMajor of 72nd Regt To be Lt Col. 96th Regt v.HERRIES 319 MACFARLANE Sir R. Colonel 89th Foot Regiment In Madras- Canterbury March1827 278 MacGREGOR Patrick Witnessed Will of Duke ofYork1826 264 MacKENZIE C. Brevet Lt Colonel from 60th Foot 322 MACKEY George Captain Kelso Regt. Allowed to dispose of Half Pay 320 MacLEAN Sir F.J.G. Colonel 84th Foot Regiment In Jamaica - Buttevant March1827 278 MacLEAN Sir John Major General President of Court Martial 1826 121 MacLEOD Angus Lieut Cape Regt. Allowed to dispose of Half Pay 320 MacLEOD Donald Hume Gent To be Ensign 63rd Regt vicePEDDER 319 MacPHERSON Duncan Late Brevet Col. 78th Foot.To be Lieut Col. (Local) 319 MacPHERSON Ewen Lieut. Promted Capt 10Oct1826 28, MAINWARING Jemmett Post Captain HMS La Babet (20) drowned 1801 179 MAITLAND F. Colonel Ceylon Rifles In Ceylon - in March1827 278 MAITLAND H.T.H. Lieut HMS Spitfire killed 1793 178 MAITLAND James Gent To be Hospital Asst to theforces 320 MALCOLM James Gent To be Hospital Assistant toforces 320 MALCOLM Sir John Governor of Bombay 256 MALING Thomas Major Assist Secretary to CinC 28, MALLETT John W. Lieut Col. 86th Regt of Foot 316 MARRYATT F. Captain RN Appt CB in 1826 316 MARSHALL A. Captain HMS Shamrock in 1812 194 MARSHALL James Lieut HMS Watchful (GV)(14) drowned1805 180 MASON Samuel Lieut HMS Pandour (bg)(14) drowned1797 179 MAURICE F. Moore Commander HMS Magnet (10) drowned 1812 181 MAXTONE T. Commander HMS Bermuda (18) drowned 1796 179 MAY J.S. Rear Admiral died at Rotterdam age 6321/1/1827 324 MAY John Lieut on Half Pay To be Lieut 11th Regt Foot 318 McCABE Mr Quartermaster 36th RegimentWitness at Court Martial in1826 131-132 McCARTHY William Lieut HMS Musquito (GV)(5) drowned1795 179 McCOMBE John Colonel 14th Regiment of foot 316 McDONELL Mr. Consul General At Algiers in 1816 138 McGREGOR Sir E.M. Colonel Dep Adj General, Portugal 1827 256 McINERHENY John Lieut HMS Marie Antionette K. 1797 179 McKENZIE William Lieut United Brothers (16) killed1807 180 MEADE Hon R. Colonel 12th Foot Regiment In Gibraltar Kinsale March1827 277 MEARS Roger Commader Mackerel Transport - drowned 179 MEIN James Commander HMS Primrose (slp)(18)drowned1809 180 MILDMAY G.W.St John Captain Commissioned HMS Cordelia (10) 257 MILLER R.W. Post Captain HMS Theseus (74) blown up 1799 179 MILLER Robert Mr. Superintending Garnishers 1826 29, MILLER Robert Gent To be Cornet 13th Dragoons 318 MILN James Lieut. HMS Avenger (slp) killed 1794 178 MILNE Sir David Rear Admiral Prize money for Demarara -hearing 267 MIREHOUSE Mr. Counsel for the Garnishees 1826 32, MITCHELL A. Captain HMS Bann in 1818 197 MITFORD Henry Post Captain HMS York (64) drowned 1803 180 MOLYNEUX J. Hosp. Asst. 51st Dragoons To be Asst Surg vice CLARKE 322 MONSON Colonel Appointed Counsellor - Bengal1774 160 MONTAGU James Post Captain HMS Montague (74) killed 1794 178 MONTAGUE James Captain of Artillery 1778 176 MONTGOMERIE Jas. MP Colonel 30th Foot Regiment In Madras- Canterbury March1827 277 MONTRESOR Sir H.T. Colonel 11th Foot Regiment In Portugal - Fermoy in March1827 277 MOOR J. EIC Bombay Artillery Marr Mrs M.A.SEALY 14/1/1827 323 MOORE William Yorke Lieut 39th Regt Foot To be Lieut vice LORAINE 318 MOORSOM Sir Robert Vice Admiral C in C. Chatham 1827 256 MORGAN James Colonel In Command of 1st Brigade 1777 166 MORRIS Edward Lieut HMS Griner (bg)(14) drowned1807 180 MORRISON E. Colonel 13th Foot Regiment In Bengal - Chatham in March1827 277 MORRISON H. Lieut on Half Pay 46th FootTo be Captain of Infantry 322 MORRISON John Post Captain HMS Heureux (22) drowned 1806 180 MORTIMER W.W. Liverpol Ship Owners Assn 254 MORTLOCK Lewis Commander HMS Wolverine (GV)(12) killed1799 179 MORTON William Purser Commissioned HMS Cordelia (10) 257 MOSSE J.R. Post Captain HMS Monarch (74) killed 1801 179 MOUNTAIN Armine SimcoeCaptain 76th Foot To be Major of Infantry 320 MULGRAVE Earl of GCB Colonel 31st Foot Regiment In Bengal - Shorncliffe Mar 1827 277 MULSO William Commander HMS Hermes (14) drowned 1797 179 MUNRO A. Lt Col. Dep Judge Advocate Member of Court Martial in 1826 122 MUNRO Sir Hector General At siege of Pondicherry 1778 170 MUNRO Sir Thomas Indian Army 256 MURRAY Sir G. GCB Colonel 42nd Foot Regiment In Gibraltar - Paisley March 1827 277 MURRAY Sir J. Bart Colonel 56th Foot Regiment In Manchester in March1827 277 NATION Stephen. Lt Col. 23rd Bengal Native Made CB December 1826 316 NELSON Horatio Vice Admiral HMS Victory (100) killed 1805 180 NELSON Wm Fredk. 2nd Asst Surgeon Ordnance To be Asst Surgeon vice STEWART 321 NEWLAND Captain/Master "Kelsall" 149 NEWMAN James N. Post Captain HMS Hero (74) drowned 1811 181 NEWTON William Colonel Dorsetshire Regiment CO in 1722 99 NICHOLLS Jasper Major General Appointed KCB in Dec 1826 316 NICHOLLS O. Colonel 66th Foot Regiment In Limerick March1827 278 NICHOLLS T.W. Lieut of HMS Bramble Prize money for 'Triton' 1815 271 NICOLL John youngest son of Lt Col. died age 14 at Hendon 19/1/1827 324 NIGHTINGALL Sir M. KCBColonel 49th Foot Regiment In Cape of Good Hope- Glasgow1827 277 NORTON J. Lieut Killed in HMS Hero in Baltic1811 193 NORTON William SpencerEnsign 33rd Regt Foot To be Lieut Vice YOUNG 318 NORWAY William Surity Prize money for 'Triton' 1815 271 NOTT W. Lt Col. 43rd Native Infy. Pres. Court Martial of J.D.King 218 NUGENT Sir G. Col. 6th Foot regiment at Bombay - Canterbury in 1827 276 O'CALLAGHAN R.W. Hon. Lieut Colonel 1st Batt Dorset Regt CO in 1804 101-111 O'Donoghue John Wm. Lieut Col. 47th Regt of Foot in 1826 316 O'GRADY Thomas Gent To be Ensign 15th Regt Foot 318 O'KEEFE James Paymaster 12th Regt Foot To be Paymaster vice MURRAY T. 318 OAKELEY Charles Writer in Madras India School fellow of Col Scott 149 OGILVY John Lieut of 1st Foot To be Captain of Infantry 320 OKE John Major 61st Foot Allowed to dispose of Half Pay 320 OLIVER Colonel Commandant at Amboyna in 1802 275 OLIVER Joseph Mr. 1st Lieut HMS Phoenix 215n ONSLOW Richard Colonel Dorsetshire Regiment CO in 1738 99 ORMSBY James Late Brevet Col. 63rd Foot To be Lieut Col. (Local) 319 OSWALD Sir J. GCB Colonel 35th Foot Regiment In St Lucia - Gosport March 1827 277 PACEY T.S. Lieut HMS Mary (Cutter) drowned 1805 180 PAGET Hon Sir E. GCB Colonel 28th Foot Regiment In Corfu - Gosport in March1827 277 PAGET Lord W. Commander HMS Philomel - promoted Capt1827 256 PAGET Lord W. Marr Fanny De ROTTENBURGH22/1/27 323 PAKENHAM E. Post Captain HMS Resistance (44) blown up1799 179 PAKENHAM Hon W. Post Captain HMS Saldanha (36) drowned 1811 181 PALMER Edmund Commander HMS Nautilus (slp)(18)drowned1807 180 PARKER Lieut Colonel Killed 23rd April 1781 164 PARKER E.T. Commander Gunboats at Boulonge- Killed1801 179 PARKER Frederick Commander HMS Derwent (bg)(18)drowned1809 181 PARKER H. Revd. from half pay To be Chaplain to the Forces 322 PARKER H.H. Commander HMS La Vipere (18) drowned 1797 179 PARKER R. Post Captain HMS Intrepid (64) drowned 1797 179 PARKER Sir Peter Post Captain HMS Menelaus (38) killed 1814 181 PARKINSON John Solicitor Witnessed Will of Duke ofYork1826 264 PARLBY Brook P. Lt Col. 30th Madras Native Made CB December 1826 316 PARRY Edward Mr. East India Company Director 157 PARRY Reverend At Calcutta 1768 150 PARSONS Thomas Lieut HMS Hecate (GV) drowned 1803 180 PASCO Captain HMS Rota in 1815 196 PASLEY C.W. Lt Col. R.Engrs. Member of Court Martial in 1826 122 PAWSEY Edmund Ensign of 78th Regt Foot To be Lieut vice HAWLEY 319 PAYNE Sir William BartColonel 3rd Dragoon Guards at Cork in 1827 276 PEARSE J & B. Messrs Army Clothiers in 1826 29,32 PEARSON Lt Col. EIC died 25/1/1827 324 PEAT Richard Josiah Captain 59th Regt Allowed to dispose of Half Pay 320 PEMBROKE Earl of Colonel 6th Dragoons at Dorchester in 1827 276 PEPPER Henry S. Lt Col. 6th Bengal Native Made CB December 1826 316 PHILIPART Sir John Author "East India Military Calendar" 265 PHILLIMORE Doctor Prize money for Demarara -Hearing 268 PHILLIPS F Lieut Col. Dau b 1/1/1827 at Flint 323 PHILLIPSON G.B. Late Major EIC died 7/1/1827 324 PHIPPS Hon E. Colonel 2nd Batt 60th Foot In Demarara Portsmouth March1827 278 PICHEGRU General 1793 16,19, PIGOT H. Post Captain HMS Hermione - killed by crew1797 179 PIGOT H. Colonel 82nd Foot Regiment In Mauritius- Halifax March1827 278 PIGOT Robert Post Captain HMS Java (36) drowned 1807 180 PILKINGTON T. Lieut on half pay 6th Foot To be Captain of Infantry 322 PINCARDI Doctor Prize money for Demarara -Hearing 268 PINE Horace Commander HMS Scorpion (Slp) drowned 1798 179 PITCAIRN David Gent To be Hospital Asst to theforces 320 PITFIELD Charles Robt Gent To be Hospital Asst to theforces 320 POE Purefoy Ensign (w.1810) 1st Batt Dorset Regt 106, POLLARD J. William Ensign (w.1811) 2nd Batt Dorset Regt in 1810 106, POLLEXFEN John Lieut HMS Margaret (tender) drowned1798 179 POLLOCK George Lt Col. Bengal Artillery Made CB December 1826 316 POOLE H. 2nd Lieut 2nd Regt ArtillerTo be 1st Lieut vice JOHNSON 321 POPHAM William Captain In India 1778 171 POWER Captain 5th Battery RA Complaint about soldier's bread 253 POWER Manley Captain of 32nd Foot To be Capt 85th vice Lord WPAULET 319 PRENDERGAST Capt of 36th Regt Witness at Court Martial in1826 124 PREVOST Sir George In America 73, PREVOT A. Hill Major St George Han Square Marr Helen WYSE of Dorset6/1/1827 323 PRICE Thomas Lieut HMS Firefly (sch)(14) drowned1807 180 PRINGLE Sir W.H. KCB Colonel 64th Foot Regiment In Gibraltar- Jersey March1827 278 PROWSE Thomas Commander HMS Martin (slp)(18) drowned1806 180 PULLIBLANK Ab. Lieut HMS Pigmy (Cutter) died 1793 178 PULLING J.K. Post Captain HMS Form of the Penguin d. 1798 179 PULTENEY J. Civil Servant War Office memo 29/10/1807 102, QUINCEY John Asst Surgeon 15th Lt Drag. To be Surgeon 320 RAMSAY Lt General Foot Artillery Died 10/2/1827 324 RANKING John Author "Wars of the Mongols & Romans" 265 RAYNOR John Commander HMS Railleur (20) drowned 1800 179 RAYNSFORD R. Post Captain HMS Athenienne (64) drowned1806 180 REDFORD Captain RN Steam Boat Co at Aberystwith 251 REID William Gent To be Hospital Asst to theforces 320 RENNIE John Post Captain HMS Invincible (74) drowned1801 179 REYNE Peter Bennet Lieut Ceylon Regt To be Capt vice PARKER(retiring) 319 REYNELL Thomas Major General Appointed KCB in Dec 1826 316 REYNOLDS Coyne Frs. (w.1813) 1st Batt. Dorset Regt inPortugal 104, REYNOLDS R.C. Rear Admiral HMS St George (98) drowned 1811 181 REYNOLDS R.Carth. Commander HMS Curieux (slp)(16) killed1804 180 RHODES Robert Ensign (w.1810) 1st Batt Dorset Regt 106, RICH T.W. Commander HMS Spitfire (Schooner) d. 1794 RICHARDS Alfred Lt Col. 34th Bengal Native Made CB December 1826 316 RICHARDS E. Lieut Post to HMS Asia 1827 256 RICHARDS William Lt Col. Bengal Native Inf. Made CB December 1826 316 RICHBELL Edward Colonel Dorsetshire Regiment CO in 1743 99 RICHMOND Lieut Commissioned HMS Cordelia (10) 257 RIOU Edward Post Captain HMS Amazon (38) killed 1801 179 RIPLEY Brig General 77, RITSON Mr, Merchant of Liverpool Former owner of "Speedwell" 273 RIVAROLA Count Col. Royal Malta Fenc. RegtIn Malta in March 1827 279 ROBB Charles Commander HMS Apelles (14) drowned 1813 181 ROBERTS Lieut & Adjutant Witness at Court Martial in1826 125 ROBERTSON J. Lieut on half pay 42nd FootTo be Captain of Infantry 322 ROBERTSON Lewis Post Captain HMS Veteran (64) killed 1794 178 ROBINSON J.P. Commander HMS Trompeuse (18) drowned 1800 179 ROCHE J. Gent To be Cornet 2nd Life viceTROTTER 321 ROGERS T. Lt Col. R.Artillery Member of Court Martial in 1826 122 ROLLES Henry Gent To be Ensign 51st Regt Foot 318 RORIE J. Lieut Commanded HMS Morne Fortunee1810 192 ROSE Captain Passenger in "Grenville" 1768 150 ROSE Hugh Henry Captain 19th Foot To be Major of Infantry 320 ROSS A. Colonel 59th Foot Regiment In Bengal - Chatham in March1827 278 ROSSER & JONES Solicitors 32, ROSSLYN Earl of Colonel 9th Lancers at Glasgow in 1827 276 ROWE John Commander HMS Trincomalee(slp) blown up1799 179 RUDDLE George Ensign 61st Foot To be Lieut of Infantry 320 RUSSELL Lord W. To be Lieut of HMS Philomel1827 256 RYVES George Fred. Commander RN Appt CB in 1826 316 SALE Hon John Lieut Col. Half pay unattached 1826 316 SALMON John Lieut HMS Clinker (bg)(14) drowned1806 180 SALWEY Henry Captain from Coldstream GrdTo be Lieut Col of Infantry 320 SANKEY Nicholas Colonel Dorsetshire Regiment CO in 1703 99 SAUNDERSON Hardress Captain (w.1811) 2nd Batt Dorset Regiment 108, SAUNDERSON Hardress R Brevet Major 1st Foot To be Major of Infantry 321 Saxe Coburg Prince of Colonel 5th Dragoon Guards at York in 1827 276 SCANLON Colin Colonel (w.1810) 1st Batt Dorset Regt 106, SCOTT Edward Gent. To be Cornet 4th Light Dragoons 317 SCOTT J.Woodward Lieut HMS Princess Augusta Killed1803 180 SCOTT John Ensign in Bengal Brother of Col Scott 149 SCOTT Richard Lieut. Colonel Memoirs 147 - 176 SCOTT Robert Post Captain HMS Boreas (22) drowned 1807 180 SCOTT William Lieut HMS Althorpe(16) drowned 1805 180 SCOTT William Cornet Appointed Lieut Berks Yeomanry 317 SCOVELL Sir G. Colonel Royal Waggon Train at Croydon & Portugal in 1827 276 SECCOMBE Thomas Post Captain HMS Glatton (50) killed 1808 180 SEMPHILL Colonel married sister of Lord Clive 148 SEROCOLD Walter Commander Killed at a battery againstCalvi 178 SEYMOUR S. Commander HMS Arab (18) drowned 1796 179 SHAKESPEAR Colin Postmaster General. Design of rope bridges. 90-92 SHALER M. America Consul General At Algiers in 1816 146 SHARP Wm. Edward FloodGent. To be Cornet 8th Dragoons 318 SHAW Theophilus 2nd Lieut HMS Bacchante in 1806 192 SHAW Thomas Late Brevet Major 6th Garr.To be Major (Local) 319 SHERBROOKE Sir J.C. Colonel 33rd Foot Regiment In Jamaica- Boyle in March 1827 277 SHERRIFF J. Commander HMS Curieux (18) killed 1807 180 SHERWOOD Mr Henry Master "Princess Royal" Witness at Court Martial in1826 123-133 SHERWOOD W. Lieut RN Marr Sophia Anne SMITH17/1/1827 323 SHIPLEY Conway Post Captain HMS La Nymphe (36) killed 1808 180 SHORTLAND John Post Captain HMS Junon (44) killed 1810 181 SHORTT Thomas Dr. Physician on half Pay To be Physician to the Forces 320 SHORTT William T. Ensign 62nd Regt To be Lieut vice FISHER 319 SIEVWRIGHT Francis Ass Surgeon 59th Foot Regt to 11th Dragoons vice CAMPBELL 318 SINCLAIR John Hartley Hospital Assistant To be Asst Surg 86th Regt Foot 319 SKINNER J.W. Lieut HMS Tickler (g-br)(14) killed1808 180 SKINNER James Lt Col. Irreg. Cavalry To be Lieut Colonel (Local) 319 SKINNER James Lt Col. Bengal Native Cav. Made CB December 1826 316 SKINNER S.J. Esq Royal Artillery Marr Charl. Sophia ELTON2/1/1827 323 SKYNNER L. Post Captain HMS La Lutine (32) drowned 1799 179 SLABBER Mr E. To be Master of HMS Sybille 1827 256 SLADE W.M. Lieut RN died age 30 26/1/1827 324 SMEIL Baron Von at Amboyna Amboyna in 1802 275 SMELF William Lieut Col. 41st Regt of Foot 316 SMITH John Commander HMS Lord Mulgrave (20)drowned1797 179 SMITH John Private (killed Jan 1822) 1st Batt Dorset Regiment 111, SMITH John Carrington Late Brevet Col. 19th foot.To be Lieut Col. (Local) 319 SMITH John Hankey Ensign 93rd Regt To be Lieut vice DRUMMOND 319 SMITH Webber Lieut Colonel i/c Artillery Coys Portugal1827 256 SMYTH John Nugent Col. Com & Supt. In Honduras in May 1814 313 SNODGRASS Major "Narrative of the Burma War" 265 SNOW Edw W. Lt Col. 23rd Madras Native Made CB December 1826 316 SNOW William Captain on Half Pay To be Capt 97th Regt viceREEVES 319 SOMERSET H. Lt Col. Col. Cape Corps Cavalry In Cape of Good Hope in March1827 279 SOMERSET Lord C.H. Colonel 1st West India In Trindad in March1827 278 SOMERSET Lord R.E.H. Colonel 17th Lancers at Hounslow in 1827 276 SOMERVILLE Major E.I.C. Son born 3/1/1827 at Chatham 323 SORELL Thomas Stephen Late Brevet Col. Rec Corps.To be Lieut Col. (Local) 319 SORELL Thomas Stephen Major Bradshaws Recruiting Allowed to dispose of Half Pay 320 SOULSBY Major 2nd Dragoon Guards Died at Manchester 8/1/1827 324 SPEARING G.A. Lieut HMS Subtle (sch) killed 1808 180 SPENCER Sir B. GCB Colonel 40th Foot Regiment In NSW -> India March 1827 277 SPIERS Alex. G. Frs. (wounded 1813) 1st Batt. Dorset Regt inPortugal 104, SPOONER William D. Late Major 2nd Drag. To be Major (Local) 319 SPRING William Gent To be Ensgin 24th Regt Foot 318 St CLAIR Hon M. Commander HMS Martin (slp)(16) drowned1801 179 St JOHN Hon Chas Robt To be Ensign 95th Regt viceBEVILL 319 STEELE George Lieut HMS Seaforth (bg)(18) drowned1806 180 STEPHENSON Benj Chas. Colonel Beneficiary in Will Duke ofYork 263 STEUART Sir James BartColonel 2nd Dragoons at Cahir in 1827 276 STEWART C. Lieut on Half Pay To be Captain of Infantry 322 STEWART Hon Sir W. Lieut General Died at Cumloden 7/1/1827 324 STEWART Jas. 1st Asst Surgeon Ordnance To be Surgeon 321 STEWART R. Lieut on half pay 42nd FootTo be Captain of Infantry 322 STIBBERT Colonel Commander of 3rd? Brigade 1776 163 STOPFORD Hon Sir E. Colonel 41st Foot Regiment In Madras - Dover March 1827 277 STOPFORD M.H. Lieut of HMS Cambrian to HMS Rose1827 256 STOVIN G.S. Commander HMS Chance (16) drowned 1800 179 STRANSHAM Anthony Late Brevet Col. R.Marines To be Lieut Col. (Local) 319 STRATFORD S.J. Hosp Asst. 72nd Dragoons To be Asst Surg, vice BURRELL 322 STUART Charles Gent To be Ensign 4th Reg Foot 318 STURT Cavendish Lieut Colonel 1st Batt Dorset Regt CO in 1810 102, SUASO Capt Baron Author "Theory of Infantry Movement" 264 SUTTON R.M. Post Captain HMS Ardent (64) drowned 1794 178 SWAFFIELD W. Post Captain in HMS Amphion (32) blown up1796 179 SWAINE William W. Late Major 36th Foot To be Major (Local) 319 SWAN Rev C. Author "Voyage in Asia Minor" 265 SYMON J.J. Commander HMS Helena (Slp) (14) drowned1796 179 TALBOT Hon J.C. To be Capt Staffs Militia 321 TARLETON Sir B. Colonel 8th Hussars at Brighton in 1827 276 TAYLOR Major of 9th Foot Regt Arr Plymouth for Barbados Jany. 264 TAYLOR Brydges W. Post Captain HMS Apollo (38) dronwed 1814 181 TAYLOR Hon R. Colonel 6th Dragoon Guards at Nottingham in 1827 276 TAYLOR Sir Herbert Colonel 85th Foot Regiment In Gibraltar- Dover March1827 278 TEMPLE John Post Captain HMS Cresent (36) drowned 1808 180 TEMPLE O. Brevet Major Sub Insp Militia Ionian Is. 322 TEMPLE Wm. Commander HMS Geolan (slp)(16) drowned1805 180 THOMAS John Barry Gent To be 2nd Lt Ceylon Regt 319 THOMPSON William Late Major Royal Marines To be Major (Local) 319 THORNBILL George Major of 13th Foot Appt CB in 1826 316 THORPE Samuel Captain (wounded 1814) 1st Batt Dorset Regiment 110, TIMBOWSKY M. Russian Traveller 92-93 TIPPET James Commander HMS Hawke (slp)(18) drowned1805 180 TODD Andrew Post Captain HMS Queen Charlotte- blown up1800 179 TODD Sir Wm D'Arcy Plaintiff in Mayor's CourtLondon 26-32 TORRENS Henry Adjutant General Signed Court Martial in 1826 137,241,242,24 TORRENS Sir Henry Adjutant General Wife's pension of Stg 800 258 TORRENS Sir Henry Col. 1st Batt 2nd Foot regtat Bombay & Canterbury 1827 276 TOULMIN William Gent To be Hospital Assistant 2ndFoot 320 TREAT Captain of Picquet Battle of Chippewa Plains7/7/1814 80, TRENCH Power Le Poer Lieut 76th Regt Foot To be Capt vice MOUNTAIN 319 TROTTER John Cornet & 2nd Lt 2nd Life To be Lieut vice SCOTT W. 321 TROUBRIDGE Sir T. Rear Admiral HMS Blenheim (74) drowned 1807 180 TURNER Sir H. KC Colonel 19th Foot Regiment In Leeward Is - Spike Is Mar1827 277 TURQUAND W.J. Commander HMS Hound (bg)(18) drowned 1800 179 TUTHILL R. Hosp Asst. 52nd Dragoons To be Asst Surg. vice PATERSON 322 TWIGG Joseph T. Lieut Colonel 2nd Vet Allowed to dispose of Half Pay 320 TWISS Richard Mr. India Company Relative of Col Scott 147 TYETH William Short Lieut 29th Regt Foot Allowed to dispose of Half Pay 320 UDNEY John Robert Late Brevet Col. 1st Foot To be Lieut Col. (Local) 319 UME Robert Gent To be Cornet 13th Dragoons 318 UPTON Hon G. Capt. from half pay To be Capt 60th Dragoons 322 URBAN Henry Author Army,Navy EIC Companion etc1827 223 USSHER F.F. 3rd Dau of Capt USSHER RN died age 15 at Versailles 17Jan 324 VANDELEUR Crofton ThosEnsign 51st Foot To be Lieut of Infantry 320 VANDELEUR Sir J.O. Colonel 14th Light Dragoonsat Newbridge in 1827 276 VANE Charles Birch Gent To be Ensign 62nd Regt Foot 319 VENOUR William Commander HMS Calypso (slp)(16) drowned1801 179 VERE Sir C.B. KCB Colonel Dep QuartermasterGen.Portugal1827 256 VERNER William Late Brevet Col. 12th foot.To be Lieut Col. (Local) 319 VIVIAN Sir Hussay Major General i/c Funeral of Duke of York1827 241 VIVIAN Sir R. Hussey Colonel 12th Lancers at Portugal - Hounslow in 1827 276 VYSE Colonel Garrison at Ostend in 1794 20, WAHAB James Lt Col. Madras Native Infy.Made CB December 1826 316 WALDEGRAVE John James Lieut Colonel 98th foot Allowed to dispose of Half Pay 320 WALKER R.A. Asst Surg died at sea in HC's shipEdinburgh 324 WALKER Sir G.T. Bart Colonel 52nd Foot Regiment In Halifax - Brighton in Mar1827 277 WALL Captain died 1827 age over 80 324 WALL Chas. Wm St John Ensign 46th Foot To be Lieut of Infantry 320 WALLER John Commander HMS Serpent (slp)(16) drowned1806 180 WALTON Robert Captain (w. 1813) 1st Batt. Dorset Regt inPortugal 104, WARBURTON Ric. Eyles EEsq. To be Captain Cheshire Militia 317 WARDE Sir H. Officer Commanding in Barbados 264 WARDE Sir H. Colonel 68th Foot Regiment In Canada - Devonport March1827 278 WARDLE Colonel accused Mrs Clark in Parliament 10, WATERS J. Col. Coldstream Guards Member of Court Martial in 1826 121 WATSON G.R. Hosp Asst. 83rd Dragoons To be Asst Surg vice AYRE 322 WATSON W.L. Adj Gen. of the Army 1826 249 WATSON William L. Major 43rd Bengal Native Appointed CB in Dec 1826 317 WEBB Boleyn Gordon Gent To be Hospital Asst to theforces 320 WELLINGTON Duke of Col. 2nd Batt Gren. Guards at Portman 1827 276 WELLINGTON Duke of Col. 1st Batt Gren. Guards at Portugal in 1827 276 WELLINGTON Duke of Col. 3rd Batt Gren. Guards at 1827 276 WENTWORTH Thomas Colonel Dorsetshire Regiment CO in 1732 99 WERNECK Lieut General Commanded along the Rhine 1794 25, WESTCOTT G.B. Post Captain HMS Majestic (74) killed 1798 179 WESTLAKE John Captain on half pay To be Capt 26th Regt Foot 318 WHEELER Henrietta Eliz late Translator from French 33n, WHITE W. Captain "Events leading to Burma War" 228-229 WHITEHEAD Thomas Lt Col. 41st Bengal Native Made CB December 1826 316 WHITSHED Walter Colonel Dorsetshire Regiment CO in 1740 99 WHITTINGHAM Sir Sam F Major General Appointed KCB in Dec 1826 316 WHITTLE ---- Lieut HMS Caroline (tender) drowned1798 179 WICKHAM J. Esq. To be Dep Lieut of Somerset 321 WILDE Benjamin Captain paymaster 29th footAllowed to dispose of Half Pay 320 WILGRESS Major Company of Artillery,Portugal1827 256 WILLIAMS T. Lieut RN Marr Juliana DRINKWATER27/1/1827 323 WILLIAMS Trevor Lieut (killed 1810) 1st Batt Dorset Regt 106, WILLIAMSON C. Esq Surgeon Bervet Dep Insp. died at Bath 6/1/1827 324 WILLIAMSON John Gent To be Ensign 33rd Regt Foot 318 WILLIAMSON Usher Ensign 51st Regt Foot To be Ensign 27th Regt Foot 318 WILLMOT D. Post Captain HMS Alliance (slp) (20)killed1799 179 WILSON Edw. P. Lt Col. 1st Bengal Euro. Made CB December 1826 316 WILSON George Lieut Colonel 2nd Batt Dorset Regt CO in 1804 101, WILSON Henry Lieut 52nd Foot To be Captains of Infantry 320 WILSON J.F. Lieut on half pay 19th FootTo be Captain of Infantry 322 WILSON James Asst Surgeon from 96th To be Asst Surg 4th Regt Foot 318 WILSON William C. Gent Royal Military Coll. To be Ensign 51st Regt 318 WINDHAM Chas. Ash Gent Cadet. Coldstream Gd. From Royal Military Coll. 318 WITHAM Lieut HMS Ariadne - invalided 1827 256 WOOD Major of Engineers Battle of Chippewa Plains7/7/1814 80, WOOD Major Battle of Niagara 7/8/1814 84, WOODLEY John Post Captain HMS LEDA (36) drowned 1795 179 WOOLRICHE Stephen Dep Insp of Hospitals To be Insp of Hospitals 320 WOOLSEY William Commander HMS Papillon(slp)(18) drowned1805 180 WORSLEY J.W. Capt. from half pay To be Sub-Insp Militia IonianIs. 322 WYNDHAM Colonel i/c Cavalry Brigade Portugal1827 256 WYNNE Lieut of HMS Rose posted to HMSRevenge 256 WYNYARD H. Colonel 46th Foot Regiment In Madras- Chatham March 1827 277 YATES J.B. Liverpol Ship Owners Assn 254 YOULE Midshipman Promoted Lieut of HMS Revenge1827 256