Welcome to Genuki: Lincolnshire, Sleaford, May Fair Compliments of Jenny Fripp, Birmingham, UK ------------------------------------- From the Boston edition of the Guardian, dated 20th May 1882 "On Saturday last the annual statutes were held and being "leaving day" also a large number of lads and lasses attended from the surrounding villages. Business seemed their chief aim and a desire to quickly return to their homes. On "May Monday" following a different feeling predominated, and although hiring was presumably the chief object, little was done and the majority of the vast concourse of people gave themselves up to jollity and pleasure. Of course the usual discordant noises of the musical (?) appendages to the steam roundabouts, and the usual "monstrosities" were in full force, and combined with the noise of the shooting galleries and hoarse voices of the itinerant vendors of almost every conceivable article that a profit might be made upon, formed a babel of sound anything but pleasing to the sensitive ear. The fun, although in some instances rather rough, continued from early morn till late at night. In many cases "freshness" was apparent, very little of actual drunkenness was noticeable. The shopkeepers had made great preparations, and the show in the various windows was far superior than for many years past; and we are pleased to say as a whole the tradesmen are very gratified at their receipts. We hear that a party of pickpockets visited the town and relieved some of the superfluous cash and jewellery. It is estimated that between 8000 and 9000 visitors attended this market, 2321 coming by rail. Carriers’ vans were crowded and in many cases returned for those left behind; and every conceivable vehicle from the smart trap to farmer’s wagons and carts were utilised to bring visitors to the town." ------------------------------ Created 20-July-2012