
Abstract Number 10322

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1681 steven osmond ramsbury wil dean of sarum inv bond 10322
inventory and bond: steven osmond of ramsbury
1) inventory of goods of steven osment taken last day of march 1681 by jonathan knackston, thomas smith (both sign)
sum £16-4-6
exhibited 11 may 1681 per joannam osmond relictum
2) bond: presentes nos joanna osmond of ramsbury viduam et edwardum jones de axford par de ramsbury yeoman et robertum meadcalfe de ramsbury carpenter in £140
11 may 1681
the above bounden joannah osmond the relict and adtrix of the goods of stephan osmond of ramsbury intestate
sign: joanna (x) osmond, edward jones, robert meadcalfe

Copyright © 1998, Nick Hidden [Last revised 03 Apr 1998]