
Abstract Number 10941

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1611 robert lovegrove hungerford brk dean of sarum will inv 10941
Estate of robert lovegrove of hungerford
1) will of robert lovegrove of hungerford, berks, labourer (nuncupative)
spoken in the presence of john wirral vicar, robert field constable of hungerford and others the 21st november 1611
to his brother that dwelleth at horwell co south 20s
to his son who is the smith
to his younger son who is the husbandman
the residue to thomas seiven who is sole execuot
signed joh: wirral, robert fellde
probate 28 november 1611 at hungerford [the official of the peculiar in rowland hill]
2) inventory of robert lovegrove of hungerford, husbandman
taken by humphrey poore and thomas seyton (sexton?) 27 november 1611
total £7-11-6

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