


A Topographical Dictionary of England


 Samuel Lewis (1831)

Transcript copyright Mel Lockie (Sep 2016)


DENBURY, a parish in the hundred of HAYTOR, county of DEVON, 2½ miles (S. W. by S.) from Newton- Abbots, containing 412 inhabitants. The living is a rectory, in the archdeaconry of Totness, and diocese of Exeter, rated in the king's books at £12. 7. 6. The Duke of Bedford was patron in 1798. The church is dedicated to St. Mary. Denbury, said to have been anciently a borough, belonged, with the manor, to the abbey of Tavistock, the superior of which, in 1285, obtained for it a weekly market and a fair; the market, is disused, but there is a cattle fair on the llth of September. A school-room has been built by subscription, on a plot of ground given by Mr. Bartlett, of Newton- Abbots, the National Society having contributed £25 towards defraying the expense; it is endowed, chiefly from the parish lands, with about £30 per annum, and is conducted upon Dr. Bell's system.