
Northam Glebe Terrier c.1680


Devon Archives ref: DEX/8/a/274

Transcribed by David Carter 2023

Spelling remains verbatim. All paragraphs and punctuation added by the transcriber.
Assumed missing letters, and explanations have been added in square brackets.

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Catalogue Entry:

Northam Glebe Terriers, c1601- c1680
Reference number: DEX/8/a/274
Description: Northam Glebe Terriers, c1601, 1613, c1680
3 Items

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Transcribers Notes:

A ‘Terrier’ is a survey of land, and the ‘Glebe’ is the property owned by a Parish Church.
Therefore a ‘Glebe Terrier’ is a survey of Church land and property.

James Watson was vicar from 1664 to 1701.

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[Undated, but c.1680]

A Terrier of the Vicaridge of Northam.

To the Vicaridge of belongeth a dwelling house, in which a hall, parlour and kitchin, with a seller [cellar] and two other little under-roomes.
Above stairs are six chambers well planched and plastred [i.e. floors are boarded, and walls are plastered], one study and a closet.
Without doors: a woodhouse & table and pigstye.
To this Vicaridge house belonges one little orchard and herbgarden within the gate.
Alsoe one field containing one acre of land or thereabouts bee it more or lesse. Bounded on the north with the church yard, and on the south with two herbgardens belonging to the said vicaridge, togeather allsoe, with twelve dwelling houses with herbgardens, next to them adjoining lyeing or being on the west side of the street leading to the church. And alsoe one other dwelling house being in the southeast corner of the churchyard with a garden there unto adjoining and belonging.

James Watson vicar
Thomas Melhuishe – churchwarden

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