Name Index
Notes on slips connected with Devonshire. Part VII
Trans. Devon Assoc., vol 16 (1884), pp. 605-626.
W. Pengelly
Prepared by Michael Steer
The paper, presented and discussed at the Association's 1887 Plympton meeting is the third in a series providing notes on Devon celebrities whose names appear either in Prince, or in volumes 7 to 10 of the Dictionary of National Biography, or in both. The two earlier parts in the series provide notes on celebrities whose names appear in the Dictionary's first six volumes. The celebrities mentioned in Parts I & II were numbered 1-82. In this (Part III) they are numbered 83-143 inclusive. Part III begins with William Browne (83) and concludes with Roger the Cistercian (143). Google with the Archive Organization has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. The Internet Archive makes available, in its Community Texts Collection (originally known as Open Source Books), books that have been digitised by Google from a number of libraries. These are books on which copyright has expired, and are available free for educational and research use. This rare book was produced from a copy held by the Princeton University Library, and is available from the Internet Archive.
Page | |
A | |
Agassiz | 242-3 |
Amidas, Elizabeth | 245 |
Amidas, John | 245 |
Amidas, Mary | 222 |
Amidas, Mr | 222 |
Anne, Queen | 277 |
Arundel, John Earl of | 222 |
Aubrey | 227 |
B | |
Ball, James | 266 |
Banks, Mr William | 263 |
Barlow, Bishop | 268 |
Barton, Andrew | 286-8 |
Bathurst, Allen, Earl of | 247-8 |
Bathurst, Lady Jane | 247-8 |
Bedford, Duke of | 297 |
Bell, Joane | 259 |
Benedict VII, Pope | 257 |
Benwell, Miss | 266 |
Binning, Miss | 267 |
Birmingham, Lord Walter de | 280 |
Blackenall, William | 288 |
Blake, William | 266 |
Blandford, Marquis of | 238 |
Bodley, Sir Thomas | 278 |
Bolles, Anne | 259 |
Bolles, John | 259 |
Boniface, Saint | 255-6 |
Bonner, Bishop | 268 |
Bray | 217, 253 |
Britton & Brayley | 218 |
Brooke, Henry James | 217 |
Browell | 217 |
Browne, Ann | 236 |
Browne, Eleanor | 222 |
Browne, Elizabeth | 222, 231 |
Browne family | 221-2 |
Browne, Joane | 222 |
Browne, John | 222-3 |
Browne, Mary | 222 |
Browne, Robert | 222 |
Browne, Thomas gent | 221-2, 299 |
Browne, Tymothe | 222, 236 |
Browne, William | 217-30, 234-7, 256 |
Bruce, Eliza | 237 |
Bruce, Sir James Lewis Knight | 237 |
Bruce, William | 237 |
Bryant, Jacob MA | 238 |
Brydges, Sir E | 218, 222-3 |
Buckingham, Elizabeth | 259 |
Buckingham, George Duke of | 231 |
Buckingham, Mary | 231 |
Buckingham, William | 259 |
Buckland, Rev Charles | 239 |
Buckland, Elizabeth | 239 |
Buckland, F T | 239-41 |
Buckland, Mary | 241 |
Buckland, Rev S | 239-40 |
Buckland, Dr William, DD, FRS, FLS | 239-43 |
Budd, George, MD, FRS | 243-4 |
Budd, Samuel | 242 |
Budd, William, MD, FRS | 244 |
Budeokshed, Ann | 245, 247 |
Budeokshed, Robert | 245 |
Budge, Anne | 247 |
Budge, Edward BA | 247 |
Budge, John | 247 |
Budokeside, Alan de | 245-7 |
Budokeside, Anthony | 245-6 |
Budokeside, Cecily | 245 |
Budokeside, Elizabeth de | 245 |
Budokeside, Nicolas | 245-6 |
Budokeside, Phillip | 245-6 |
Budekeside, Robert | 245-7 |
Budokeside, Roger | 245-6 |
Budokeside, Thomas | 245-6 |
Budokeside, Walter | 245 |
Budokeside, William | 245-6 |
Budokshed family (pedigree) | 246 |
Budokshed, Thomas | 245 |
Buller family | 254 |
Buller, Sir Francis (Judge) | 247-54 |
Buller, Sir Francis Buller Yarde | 254 |
Buller, James Esq | 247-8 |
Buller, Lady Jane | 247-8 |
Bulteel, Eleanor | 255 |
Bulteel, Henry Bellenden MA | 255 |
Bulteel, Thomas | 255 |
Burchard, Saint | 255-7 |
Burgess, John | 257 |
Burgoin, Joane | 259 |
Burgoin family (pedigree 258-9) | 258-60 |
Burgoin, John | 259 |
Burgoin, Julian | 259 |
Burgoin, Philip | 258 |
Burgoin, Thomas | 259 |
Burgoin, Walter | 259 |
Burgoin, William Esq | 259-60 |
Burgoin, William jnr | 259 |
Burgoine, Alice | 259 |
Burgoine, Elizabeth | 259 |
Burgoine, Geffrey | 259 |
Burgoine, George | 259 |
Burgoine, Katherine | 259 |
Burke | 218, 247 |
Burlegh. Captain John | 260-1 |
Burley, Elizabeth | 260 |
Burley, Jone | 260 |
Burt, Joseph | 261 |
Burt, William | 218, 251, 261 |
Burthogg, Elizabeth | 261 |
Burthogge, Honor | 261 |
Burthogge, Richard MD gent | 261 |
Bury, Rev Arthur DD | 263-5 |
Bury family | 262 |
Bury, John Esq | 301 |
Bury, John, DD | 262, 264 |
Bury, Colonel John | 263 |
Bury, Vice Admiral Richard | 262 |
Bury, Thomas Esq | 262 |
Bury, Wilmot | 301 |
Butter, John MD | 265 |
Byrth, John | 265 |
Byrth, Mary | 265 |
Byrth, Mary Kingdom | 265 |
Byrth, Thomas DD. FSA | 265-6 |
C | |
Caernarvon, Earl of | 223-4, 231, 233 |
Calamy | 257 |
Calvert, Edward | 266-7 |
Calvert, Roland | 266 |
Camden | 218, 278, 285 |
Cann, Abraham | 267 |
Cann, Robert | 267 |
Cardmaker, alias Taylor, John | 267-9 |
Carew | 218 |
Carew, Ann | 275 |
Carew, Anne | 276 |
Carew, Bamfylde Moore | 269-70, 272-3 |
Carew, Cicily | 281 |
Carew, Dorothy | 275 |
Carew, Sir Edmund | 273-5, 278, 282, 286 |
Carew Edward | 280 |
Carew, Elizabeth | 271, 274, 280, 286 |
Carew family | 271, 273-4, 283 |
Carew, Sir Gawen | 275, 281-3 |
Carew, Dr George | 275-6 |
Carew, Earl George | 275-9, 281, 285 |
Carew, Sir Henry Knt | 271, 273 |
Carew, Isabell | 275 |
Carew, Jane | 306 |
Carew, Sir John snr | 279-80 |
Carew, Sir John Knt | 273-4, 279-80 |
Carew, Joan | 279 |
Carew, Joice | 278 |
Carew, Jone | 274 |
Carew, Katherine | 274-5, 286 |
Carew, Leonard | 280 |
Carew, Lady Margaret | 280-1 |
Carew, Mary | 270 |
Carew, Sir Nicholas Bt | 273-4, 280, 306 |
Carew, Sir Peter | 275, 277, 280-5 |
Carew, Sir Philip | 281 |
Carew, Rev Theodore | 269 |
Carew, Mr Thomas | 286-7 |
Carew, Thomasine | 281 |
Carew, Sir Thomas | 270-1, 274, 286, 288, 290 |
Carew, Sir William | 275, 280-2, 286 |
Carlile, Jane | 290 |
Carlile, Mary Anne | 290 |
Carlile, Richard | 290-1 |
Carpenter, Anna | 291 |
Carpenter, John | 293 |
Carpenter, Rev Lant, LLD | 291-2, 295 |
Carpenter, Mary | 291-2 |
Carpenter, Nathaniel DD | 292-5 |
Carpenter, Dr William Benjamin | 292, 295-6 |
Carr, Isabella | 298 |
Carr, Sir John | 297 |
Carr, Lady Charlotte | 298 |
Carr, William | 298 |
Carr, Sir William | 298 |
Carr, William Holwell, MA, FRS | 297-8 |
Carrington, Frederick George | 218, 298-9 |
Carrington, Mr H E | 299 |
Carrington, Noel Thomas | 298-9 |
Carslake | 222 |
Cartwright, Joseph | 299-300 |
Cary, Ann | 302 |
Cary, Arthur | 300 |
Cary, Dorothy | 305-6 |
Cary, Dudley | 304 |
Cary, Edward | 304 |
Cary, Elizabeth | 300-1, 304 |
Cary family | 273, 300 |
Cary, George | 304, 306 |
Cary, George DD | 305-7 |
Cary, Sir George, Knt | 300-4 |
Cary, Gertrude | 305-6 |
Cary, Grace | 300 |
Cary, Gregory | 300 |
Cary, Sir Henry | 304 |
Cary, Jane | 306 |
Cary, Johan | 300 |
Cary, Sir John | 300, 304-6 |
Cary, Lucy | 301 |
Cary, Margaret | 300 |
Cary, Mary | 300 |
Cary, Robert Esq | 300-1, 304-6 |
Cary, Richard Esq | 300, 305 |
Cary, Thomas Esq | 300, 304 |
Cary, Thomazin | 301 |
Cary, William | 305-6 |
Cary, Wilmot | 301-2 |
Carye, Dr William | 247 |
Cecil, Sir Robert | 279 |
Chalmer | 218 |
Chamberlaine | 303 |
Chambers | 218 |
Champernon, Frances | 245-6 |
Champernon, Sir John | 275 |
Champernon, Katherine | 275 |
Champernon, Sir Phillip | 245-6, 275 |
Champernown | 283 |
Charles I | 260 |
Charles II | 306 |
Chantry, Sir Francis | 241 |
Charlemagne | 256-7 |
Chichester, Sir Arthur | 303 |
Churston, Lord | 255 |
Clarendon | 233, 235 |
Clarkson | 217 |
Clermont, Lord | 218 |
Clopton, Joice (or Anne) | 278 |
Clopton, William | 277 |
Coke | 248 |
Cole family | 262 |
Collins | 218 |
Conybeare | 242 |
Cookworthy family | 265 |
Cope, Richard LLD | 265 |
Corbit, Elizabeth | 280 |
Cotton, Sir Robert | 273, 278 |
Cotton, Bishop William | 293 |
Coulthard, Mr | 248 |
Courtenay, Elizabeth | 286 |
Courtenay family | 274 |
Courtenay, Sir Hugh | 274 |
Courtenay, Humfrey | 286 |
Courtenay, John | 286 |
Courtenay, Jone | 274, 280 |
Courtenay, Sir Philip | 286 |
Courtenay, Earl William | 274, 280 |
Cranworth, Lord | 237 |
Cressy, F Serenus | 257 |
Cromwell, Oliver | 263 |
Cumberland, Duke of | 270 |
D | |
Daubeny, Dr | 241 |
De la Beche | 242 |
Devon, Edward Earl of | 274 |
Dormer, Alice | 231 |
Dormer, Anna Sophia | 231, 233 |
Dormer, Elizabeth | 231 |
Dormer family | 231 |
Dormer, Hon Robert (later Baron) | 223, 231, 233 |
Dormer, Sir William | 231 |
Drake, Sir Francis | 221 |
Dredge, Rev John Ingle | 261 |
Dubois, Edward | 297 |
Dunsford | 218 |
E | |
Edgecombe, Ann | 302 |
Edgecombe, Sir Richard Knt | 302 |
Edward I | 246-7 |
Edward II | 246 |
Edward III | 279-80 |
Edward IV | 274 |
Edward VI | 267-8, 281, 283 |
Egilward | 257 |
Ekart | 257 |
Elizabeth I | 277-8, 284, 301, 303 |
Errol, James Earl of | 298 |
Erskine, Mr | 249-50 |
Essex, Earl of | 277, 303 |
Estlin, Mr | 295 |
Evans | 218, 267 |
Eversfield, Sir Thomas | 222 |
Eversfield, Tymothe | 222 |
F | |
Fabyan | 218 |
Faraday, Professor | 241 |
Farley, Felix | 299 |
Ferrers family | 254 |
Fison | 218 |
FitzAlan, Eleanor | 222 |
FitzAlan, Sir Thomas | 222 |
Fortescue family | 218 |
Foxe | 218 |
Froude | 218 |
Fulkroy, William (also Fulkerham) | 305 |
Fuller, Dr | 218, 222, 258 |
G | |
Gardiner, Bishop | 268 |
George, Dorothy | 305-6 |
George, Sir Edward (also Gorges) | 305-6 |
Gibbes | 283 |
Gifford, John | 301 |
Gifford, Thomazin | 301 |
Gifford, William | 273, 290 |
Gifford, Wilmot | 301 |
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey | 277 |
Gilfillan | 218 |
Gilray | 249 |
Glanvill, Serjeant John | 221 |
Gomme | 218 |
Gorges, Wenefride | 245 |
Gorges, Sir William | 245 |
Gray, Miss Mary | 270 |
Greenough, Mr G B | 242-3 |
Grey, Lady Jane | 282 |
Grose | 218, 226 |
Grylls | 222 |
Gubbins | 226 |
Gullet, Mr | 250, 253 |
H | |
Hall | 218 |
Halwell, Sir John Knt | 245-6 |
Halwell, Margaret | 245-6 |
Harcourt, Rev William Vernon | 241 |
Harding | 218 |
Harvy, Anne | 276 |
Harvy, Sir Antony Knt | 276 |
Harvy, Sir Nicholas | 276 |
Hay, Lady Charlotte | 298 |
Haydn | 218 |
Hazlitt | 218 |
Healen, Joane | 222 |
Henrietta Maria, Queen | 277 |
Henry, Philip | 258 |
Henry, Prince | 234, 256 |
Henry III | 245, 247 |
Henry VI | 222, 245 |
Henry VII | 259 |
Henry VIII | 259, 274, 281, 286-8 |
Herbert, Anna-Sophia | 231, 233 |
Herbert, Anne | 231 |
Herbert, Charles, Lord | 230-5 |
Herbert family | 224, 230-2, 234-5 |
Herbert, Sir Henry KG | 231 |
Herbert, Lord | 275 |
Herbert, Mary | 231 |
Herbert, Sir Philip | 231, 233-4 |
Herbert, Susan | 231 |
Herbert, Sir William KG | 231, 234 |
Hill, Agnes | 245 |
Hill, Oliver | 245 |
Hobling, Mary | 265 |
Hoker | 218, 267, 283 |
Holinshead | 218 |
Holland | 218 |
Holwell, Edward | 297 |
Holwell, Isabella | 297 |
Holwell, Rev William, BD, FRS | 298 |
Hone | 218 |
Hooker | 283 |
Hoper, Bishop | 269 |
Howard, Sir Edward | 288-9 |
Howard, Lord Thomas | 286, 288-9 |
Huddlesfield, Katherine | 274, 286 |
Huddlesfield, Sir William | 274, 286 |
Hume, Lord | 218, 288 |
Huth, Henry | 225 |
I | |
Incledon, Captain Richard | 262 |
Irving, Rev Edward | 255 |
Izacke | 218 |
J | |
James I | 223-4, 229, 236, 277-8, 294, 304 |
James II | 262 |
James IV (Scotland) | 286-7 |
Jenkins | 218 |
Jennings, Michael | 294 |
Jermyn, Michael | 293-4 |
Jewitt, Mr | 270 |
John, King | 246 |
Johns, A B | 266 |
Jones, Pitman Esq | 227 |
Jones, Sir William | 249 |
Jonson, Ben | 227-9, 235, 273 |
K | |
Keil | 261 |
Kerslake | 225 |
Kidd, Dr | 240 |
Kilian, Saint | 256-7 |
King, R J | 220-1 |
Kirkham, Cicily | 281 |
Kirkham, Sir Thomas | 281 |
Kirkham, Thomasine | 281 |
Knight, John | 237 |
Knight, Margaret | 237 |
Knight, Miss | 240 |
L | |
Lacy, Bishop | 285 |
Lansdowne | 229 |
Laskey, John | 252 |
Lawrence, Sir J | 292 |
Leaman, Mr Thomas | 251 |
Leland | 218 |
Littleton | 248 |
Locke, Mr | 261 |
Lysons, D & S | 218 |
M | |
Macaulay | 218 |
Machyn, Henry | 218 |
Maclean, Sir John | 274, 279 |
Mallock, Mr | 305 |
Mansfield, Lord | 249 |
Manwood, Thomas | 234 |
Marlborough, Duke of | 238 |
Martin, Dr | 268 |
Martin, Saint | 256 |
Mary, Queen | 268, 282 |
Megingaud | 256-7 |
Milman, Mr H S | 228 |
Milne | 242 |
Milton, Anne | 247 |
Milton, Mr | 225, 247 |
Mohun, Lord John de | 280 |
Mohun, Lady Margaret | 280 |
Molineux, Alice | 231 |
Molineux, Sir Richard | 231 |
Montagu, Antony (Browne) Viscount | 231, 233 |
Montgomerie, Susan Countess of | 230, 234 |
Moore, Dr Edward | 218, 265 |
Morland, Mr Banjamin | 241 |
Morland, Mary | 241 |
Morris | 219 |
Mount Edgecumbe, Earl | 266 |
Mountjoy, Lord | 303 |
Müller, Johannes | 296 |
Murray | 219 |
N | |
Newte, Eliza | 237 |
Newte, Isabella | 297 |
Newte, Thomas | 237 |
Nicholas | 219 |
Northumberland, Earl of | 303 |
Norton | 304 |
O | |
Oke, Elizabeth | 239 |
Oke, John | 239 |
Oldys, William | 236 |
Oliver, Dr | 219, 227 |
Ormond, Earl of | 284 |
Osborne | 229, 232 |
Oxford, Earl of | 231-2 |
P | |
Paine, Thomas | 238, 290 |
Paris, T | 220 |
Parker, Archbishop | 301 |
Parr, Anne | 231 |
Parr, Thomas Lord | 231 |
Peacock | 262 |
Peel, Sir Robert | 242 |
Pembroke, Mary Countess of | 227-30 |
Pembroke, Philip Earl of | 232 |
Pembroke, Philip Herbert, Earl of | 233 |
Pembroke, William Earl of | 223-4, 231-3 |
Penn, Anna | 291 |
Pepin, King | 256 |
Percy | 218 |
Perrott, Sir John | 277 |
Petre, Sir William | 298 |
Phillips | 219 |
Phillpotts, Dr H | 247 |
Pole, Sir William | 219 |
Polkinghorne, James | 267 |
Pollard, Sir Hugh Knt | 281 |
Pollard, Lewis Esq | 301 |
Polwhele | 219 |
Polwield, Elizabeth | 222 |
Polwield, John | 222 |
Pomeroy, Ann | 245-7 |
Pomeroy, Edward | 246-7 |
Pomeroy, Sir Thomas | 245, 247 |
Poyntz, Sir Antony | 274 |
Poyntz, Elizabeth | 274 |
Poyntz family | 274 |
Pridham | 219 |
Prince | throughout |
Pring | 219 |
Prous, Jone | 245-6 |
Prouse, John | 246 |
Prous, Richard | 245 |
Pulman | 219, 240 |
R | |
Raleigh, Sir Walter | 277-8 |
Rapin | 219 |
Ray | 219 |
Rees | 219 |
Rich, Lucy (also Lettice) | 301 |
Rich, Robert Lord | 301 |
Richard II | 262 |
Richmond, Mr | 266-7 |
Risdon | 219, 250 |
Roe, Sir Thomas | 279 |
Roger the Cistercian | 217 |
Rogers | 219 |
Rowe | 219 |
Rowley, Thomas | 238 |
Roy, Mr | 237 |
Rudyard, Sir Benjamin | 231, 233-4, 236 |
Rushworth | 219 |
S | |
Sadler, C J | 255 |
Sadler, Eleanor | 255 |
Scott, Sir Walter | 297 |
Selden | 273 |
Seldon, John | 236 |
Seymour, Edward | 304 |
Seymour, Sir Edward Bt | 304 |
Seymour, Elizabeth | 304 |
Seymour, Henry | 304 |
Seymour, Robert | 304 |
Shakspeare | 220 |
Shelly, Mr J | 233 |
Shildon, Julian | 259 |
Shildon, Maud | 259 |
Shipley, Very Rev William Davies | 249 |
Shrewsbury, Mary | 231 |
Shrewsbury, Lord Gilbert | 231 |
Shuttleworth, Dr | 242 |
Sidney family | 230, 232 |
Sidney, Mary | 227, 229 |
Sigwius | 257 |
Skipworth, Margaret | 281 |
Skipworth, Sir William | 281 |
Smarte, Elisabeth | 286 |
Smarte, William | 286 |
Smith, Margery | 246 |
Smith, Robert | 246 |
Sotheby & Wilkinson, Messrs | 225 |
Southcot, John Esq (Bovey Tracey) | 274, 300 |
Southcott, Mary | 300 |
Southey | 290 |
Spain, King Philip of | 282 |
Speed. Mr | 219, 286 |
Spencer, Lord Charles | 238 |
Squier, Hugh | 248 |
Stapeldon, Sir Richard | 285 |
Stapylton, Sir Thomas | 238 |
Stewart, Dr | 265-6 |
Stewart, Mary Kingdom | 265 |
Stoninge, Katherine | 259 |
Stowell, Dorothy | 275 |
Stowell, John | 275 |
Strode, Elizabeth | 245-6 |
Strode, John | 260 |
Strode, Jone | 260 |
Strode, William | 245-6 |
Stucley, Nicholas | 246 |
Suffolk, Duke of | 283 |
Surius de Sanctis, Laurentius | 257 |
Surrey, Thomas Earl of | 286-9 |
Sutcliffe, Dean | 294 |
Swithun, Saint | 255 |
Sydney, Sir Henry | 231-2 |
Sydney, Mary | 231-2 |
Sydney, Sir Philip | 231-2 |
Sykes | 242 |
T | |
Tailboys, Lord George | 281 |
Tailboys, Margaret | 281 |
Talbot, Gilbert Lord | 279 |
Talbot, Joan | 279 |
Taverner, Jone | 259 |
Taverner, Richard gent | 259 |
Taylor, John (Cardmaker) | 219, 267-9 |
Thomson, Wyville | 296 |
Thornton, Rev Samuel | 238 |
Trencrek, John | 245-6 |
Trencrek, Jone | 245-6 |
Trevelrand, Cecily (Trevelard) | 245-6 |
Trevelrand, Henry als Morton (Trevelard) | 245-6 |
Trevelyan | 303 |
Tyler, Wat | 290 |
Tyndall, Professor | 244 |
U | |
Upton, Elizabeth | 260 |
Upton, John | 260 |
Ussher, Archbishop | 294 |
V | |
Vere family | 230, 232 |
Vere, Lord Edward | 231 |
Vere, Susan | 231 |
Viell, Alice | 259 |
Viell, George Esq | 259 |
Vivian, Colonel | 219, 259 |
W | |
Wales, Henry Prince of | 256 |
Walker, J | 254 |
Wallop, Sir Henry | 303 |
Ward, Dr Seth | 306-7 |
Warne, John (Warren or Varren) | 268-9 |
Watson, Sir Thomas | 244 |
Webber, Mr Thomas Nichols | 239 |
Westcote | 219, 226-7 |
Whalley, Peter | 228-9 |
White | 219 |
Wikes, Alice | 259 |
Wikes, William Esq | 259 |
William III | 262 |
Williams, Thomas Esq | 284 |
Wolcot, Dr J (Peter Pindar) | 254 |
Wollaston | 242 |
Wood, Anthony A | 224, 235-6, 261 |
Woodhouse, Mr H S | 233 |
Worth, Mr R N | 219, 270 |
Wyat, Sir Thomas | 283 |
Y | |
Yarde-Buller | 254-5 |
Yarde family | 254 |
Yarde, Francis | 248 |
Z | |
Zacharie, Pope | 256 |