


The Devonshire Family of Walter

Devon & Cornwall Notes and Queries vol. VII, (1912-1913), Exeter: James G. Commin. 1913, pp. 175-176.


F. de H. Larpent

Prepared by Michael Steer

The Note supplements the author’s original submission on the Walter family that appeared in volume VI of the journal (pp 240-241). The original submission sought information about a Mr Walters who might (or might not) have been a curate at Moretonhampstead in the mid-1700’s and provides information about a Hawkes-Walter marriage at Moreton in October 1757. The article, from a copy of a rare and much sought-after journal can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.

Note 127. THE DEVONSHIRE FAMILY OF WALTER. - I made some enquiries concerning a branch of this family in Part VIII., October 1911, pp. 240-41, and from a search of the Registers of the Church at Moretonhampstead and a perusal of the will of Philip Walter, of Moretonhampstead and Chagford, proved at Exeter September 17th, 1756, as well as from other sources, I am enabled to insert some further and more correct information concerning this family. I do so in the hope that some of your readers may be able and willing to assist my researches by communicating further particulars concerning the persons mentioned.

Philip Walter, describing himself as a Yeoman of Moreton-Hampstead, and as the owner and leaseholder of lands, houses, orchards and gardens at Chagford, as well as at Moreton-Hampstead, some of which were in his own occupation, and some in the occupation of tenants or under tenants, was buried at Moreton-Hampstead, August 25th, 1756, his wife Jane (maiden name unknown) having been also buried there, June 2nd, 1755. Their children seem to have been: -

Jane Walter, mentioned in the will as a daughter and as the wife of Edmund Marden, of South Tawton, co. Devon.

Mary Walter, baptized at Moreton-Hampstead, November 19th, 1724, and married April 13th, 1742, to George Lang.

Philip Walter, baptized at Moreton-Hampstead, April 10th, 1728, (Clare College, Cambridge, Matriculated June 29th, 1749, B.A., 1753) Rector of Crayford, Kent, 1758-1806, died at Crayford July 5th, 1806, his wife bore the Christian name of Mary, and her maiden name is supposed to have been Hall. She died at Crayford June 6th, 1771, aged 39.

Elizabeth Walter, baptized at Moreton-Hampstead April 30th, 173 1, married before 1751, Thomas Cunningham, R.N., and after his death re-married Dr. Webster, died at Folke, co. Dorset.

Sarah Walter, baptized at Moreton-Hampstead, November 6th, 1733, and married there October 22nd, 1757, to Jeremiah Hawkes, who is said to have migrated to London from Moreton-Hampstead or Okehampton. They lived in Cecil Street, Strand, he was a Coal Merchant at Whitefriars Wharf, was many years Churchwarden of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, in which Church he was buried July 24th, 1799, aged 65. She was buried there April 29th, 1819, aged 86. Any information about anyone mentioned above and their descendants and ancestors would be gratefully received

by                                                        F. de H. LARPENT.