Fifth Report of the Botany Committee
Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. 45, (1913), pp. 117-126.
W.P. Hiern. (Ed.)
Prepared by Michael Steer
The Committee’s Fifth Report was presented at the Association’s Buckfastleigh meeting, 23rd July, 1913. Botony refers to the scientific study of the physiology, structure, genetics, ecology, distribution, classification, and economic importance of plants. The Association’s Botany Section was founded in 1908 to promote the study and enjoyment of Devon's wild plants, including bryophytes (mosses), lichens and fungi. Their Report can be found in a copy of a rare and much sought-after journal that can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.
Committee Members.
Miss Rose E. Carr-Smith,
The Hon. Mrs. Colborne,
Sir Alfred Croft,
Miss C. E. Larter,
Mr. C. H. Laycock,
Dr. H. G. Peacock,
Miss C. L. Peck,
Dr. A. B. Prowse,
Miss Helen Saunders,
Mr. A. Sharland,
Mr. T. Wainwright,
Mr. W. P. Hiern (Secretary)
Page | |
Acharius, Erik | 120 |
Allioni, Carlo | 120 |
Armstrong, E.F | 117, 120 |
Armstrong, H.E | 117, 120 |
Ascherson, Paul Friedrich August | 125 |
Asher, William Willard | 120 |
Beauverie, Jean | 120 |
Bell-Irvine, Mrs | 122-3 |
Benthall, Rev C.F | 122 |
Bernhardi, Johann Jacob | 126 |
Bory, Jean Baptiste, de Saint-Vincent | 122 |
Brent, Francis | 126 |
Brokenshire, Mr F.A | 118 |
Brown, Robert | 125 |
Buchenau, Franz Georg Philipp | 122 |
Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de | 125 |
Carr-Smith, Miss | 121-2 |
Crantz, Heinrich Johann Nepomuk von | 120, 124-5 |
Curtis, William | 120 |
Dixon | 123 |
Donn, James | 121 |
Druce, Mr | 118, 122 |
Dunn, T.S | 125 |
Ehrhart, Jacob Friedrich | 123 |
Focke, Wilhelm Olbers | 118 |
Foucaud, Julien | 124 |
Fries, Elias Magnus | 123 |
Gærtner, Joseph | 120 |
Gay, Claude | 120 |
Genevier, Léon Gaston | 125 |
Gray, S.F | 124 |
Harvey, Rev H.H | 118 |
Haworth, Adrian Hardy | 121 |
Hayne, Friedrich Gottlob | 119-20 |
Hicking, Mr J | 118 |
Hoffmann, Georg Franz | 123 |
Hoppe, David Heinrich | 120 |
Horton, E | 117, 120 |
Hudson, William | 124 |
Hull | 122 |
Ingham, Mr W.H | 123 |
Kersten, Otto | 120 |
Kitaibel, Pàl | 119, 121-2 |
Klebs, Georg Albrecht | 123 |
Kützing, Friedrich Traugott | 118-20, 125 |
Larter, Miss | 117-8, 121-3 |
Lea, Mr T | 122 |
L’Heritier, Charles Louis, de Brutelle | |
Léssing, Christian Friedrich | 123 |
Lindberg, Sextus Otto | 123 |
Luscombe, Ellen | 125 |
Mackenzie, F | 120 |
Marshall, E.S | 125 |
Mill, Phillip | 120-1, 124 |
Moss, Charles Edward | 122 |
Müller, P.J | 118, 120 |
Nylander, Wilhelm | 118 |
Peacock, Mr H.G | 120, 123 |
Peck, Miss | 120 |
Persoon, Christiaan Hendrick | 121 |
Philippi, Rudolfo Amando | 123 |
Pulman | 120 |
Quélet, Lucien | 123 |
Rogers, Mr | 119, 125-6 |
Roth, Albrecht Wilhelm | 120-1 |
Rouy, Georges | 124 |
Royle, John Forbes | 120 |
Russow, Edmund August Friedrich | 123 |
Saunders, Miss H | 119 |
Schott, Heinrich Wilhelm | 118 |
Schreber, Johann Christian Daniel von | 120 |
Schultz, Carl Friedrich | 121 |
Scopoli, Giovanni Antonio | 120, 124 |
Scott, M.M | 122 |
Sharland, Mr A | 120 |
Smith, James Edward | 124 |
Sonder, Otto Wilhelm | 120 |
Stenton, R | 122 |
Swanton, E.W | 121-2, 124 |
Trinius, Carl Bernhard von | 120 |
Tulk, Miss | 124 |
Unger, Franz Joseph Andreas Nicolaus | 121 |
Wainwright, Mr T | 117 |
Waldstein, Franz de Paula Adam von | 119, 121 |
Warnstorf, Carl Firedrich | 123 |
Weihe, Carl Ernst August | 120 |
Wettstein, Richard | 122 |
Willdenau, Carl Ludwig von | 118 |
Williams, F.N | 125 |
Wilson, William M | 123 |
Wood, William | 124 |
Young, Dr T | 118 |