Estate Duty Office Will of William Windeatt (1832/3)
© Crown Copyright
Devon Record Office 1078/IRW/W/1064
Transcribed by Pam Jackson, provided by Sandra Windeatt
[This transcription has been typed from a photocopy of an Estate Duty copy of the original Will, obtained from the Devon Record Office, and is a copy of that in my Windeatts on the Web pages (partially archived copy), where much more information is available. The surnames have been changed to uppercase to aid family historians.]
In the name of God Amen I William WINDEATT of the borough of Tavistock in the County of Devon Woolstapler do make this my last Will and Testament in manner following (that is to say) I give and bequeath all my personal estate and effects whatsoever unto my dear Wife Mary Anne WINDEATT to and for the use and benefit of my dear children to be applied and disposed of by her at such ages in such manner and in such proportions as she in her own discretion may think proper And I do hereby appoint my said dear Wife sole Executrix of this my last Will And I also nominate and appoint her Guardian of my said children during their respective minorities But in case my said Wife shall happen to die before my said children shall have attained their respective ages of twenty one years then I appoint my brother Thomas WINDEATT Guardian of my said children during their respective minorities And my Will is that all my personal estate and effects which shall remain undisposed of at the time of her decease shall then vest in the said Thomas WINDEATT to and for the like use and benefit of my said children to be applied and disposed of by him in like manner as I have before directed by my said Wife In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this third day of December One thousand eight hundred and thirty two.
Witnesses Sarah ANGAS, Margaret BOX
Proved 25.11.1832 [?1833?] by Mary Anne WINDEATT