Norfolk Newspapers -
Norfolk Chronicle
Extracts from April 27th 1782
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Copyright © Pat Newby
May 2005
Norfolk Chronicle Extracts from April 27th 1782
Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.
These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.
Note: the Norfolk Chronicle was published in Norwich. When no place is referred to exactly, or the term "this city" is used, Norwich is the place referred to. Similarly, mentions of "the Castle", the City Gaol" etc refer to institutions in Norwich.
Page 1, column 4
To be peremptorily Sold by Auction, At the King's Arms in East Dereham, Norfolk, on Friday the 31st of May next between the Hours of [unreadable word] and four of the said Day, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then and there be produced (unless before disposed of by private Contract, of which timely Notice will be given in this Paper)
The perpetual Advowsons of two Rectories in the Neighbourhood of East Dereham aforesaid (well known to be a healthy Part of the said County) together of the yearly Value of 335 pounds.
N.B. The Churches are within three Miles of each other, and the Livings are very moderately assessed to the Land Tax.
To purchase the above by private Contract, or for further Particulars of the Avowsons apply to Thomas MENDHAM, of Briston, in the said County.
Page 2, column 3
This week the third, or Prince of Wales's regiment of dragoon guards, marched from this city for Nottingham, as did the 9th regiment of foot for Windsor.
The West Norfolk regiment has received orders to remain at Hull.
Thursday ended the sessions for this city, held by adjournment, when one CHANDFLOWER, charged with stealing coals from a brewing office, was acquitted, and two women, found guilty of petty larceny, were ordered to be privately whipped.
On Friday, the 19th inst. Samuel BALDWIN, servant to Mr Benjamin JERMYN, of Fretton, was convicted before Robert FELLOWES, Esq., (on his own view) of riding on and furiously driving the said Benjamin JERMYN's waggon [sic], and paid the penalty.
Monday was committed to the Castle, by the Sitting Magistrates at Wroxham, William FLEMING, of Caistor, near Yarmouth, charged on the oath of Robert FOX of Catfield, with having on the 15th of March last, in the evening, assaulted him on the King's highway, in company with another person not yet taken, striking him several blows with a stick, and taking from him a pair of Bags, containing a quantity of tea.
An on Tuesday was committed by Sir Martin Brown FOLKES, Bart., Biddal CATER, labourer, and Robert THORPE, butcher, the former charged with stealing four fat sheep, and the latter with receiving them, knowing them to be stolen, the property of Mr Jermyn PATRICK, of Wiggenhall St Germain, farmer.
Yesterday the body of George CLARKE, one of the men on the impress service in this city, who was drowned some time since in going to Yarmouth, was taken up at the mouth of Langley-ditch, near Buckenham ferry.
On Tuesday last, the 23d inst., was married, (by the Rev. Mr Robert PHILLIPS,) at Wells, in this county, Mr John HILL, tertius son of John HILL, Esq., an eminent merchant of that town, to Miss SPRINGOLD, only daughter of Mr John SPRINGOLD, of the same place, an amiable young lady, with a genteel fortune.
On Saturday last died, at country apartments near this city, Lieutenant Thomas BEEVOR, of the Royal Artillery.
On Wednesday died, esteemed as a man, and beloved as a clergyman, the Rev. Harry HANKEY, rector of East Bergholt, and of Brantham, in Suffolk.
Page 2, column 4
Sadlery, Coach-Harness and Collar-Making Business.
Joseph FEARMAN, Nephew and Successor to Mr Joseph WALSINGHAM, deceased, in St Simon's, Norwich, begs leave to inform the Friends of his late Uncle, and the Public in general, that he has taken into joint Partnership Mr John MARTIN, Sadler, and that they intend carrying on the business in all its various Branches; humbly solicits the Continuance of the former Customers, and all others who please to make Trial may depend on their Orders being executed in the neatest Manner, of the best Materials, and on the most reasonable Terms, and their Favours acknowledged with Gratitude by their most humble Servants,
Brooke Boarding-School.
J. BRIGHAM most respectfully returns sincere Thanks to his Friends for their many obliging favours, and begs Leave to acquaint them, and the Public, that he has lately had considerable Additions made to his House, whereby it is now in his Power to accommodate the young Gentlemen who are, and may be, under his Care in the genteelest Manner.
He also takes this Opportunity of informing his Friends, and the Public, that on Monday, April 22, 1782, in genteel and commodious Apartments, near the School above mentioned, was opened a Boarding and Day-school for young Ladies, by Miss LINFIELD, who for several Years had the sole Conduct of a Lady's Boarding-school at Windsor, and who has superintended a Lady's School of great Repute in London.
Terms for English, Embroidery, and of all Kinds of Needle-work, fourteen Guineas per Ann. and one Guinea Entrance. -- French, Geography, etc will be a separate Expence [sic]. -- Dancing by Mr BROWN.
Page 3, column 2
Money to be Lent on Mortgages.
Several Sums of Money, from Three Hundred Pounds to Five hundred, may be had upon good Mortgages of Land, by applying to Mr ROPER, at the New India Warehouse, in Norwich.
To be Sold by Auction, by Robert ANSELL, on Friday, the third day of May, 1782, The Household Furniture and Implements in Husbandry of Mr William HALL, at Ludham, in the County of Norfolk; consisting of Mahogany and other Chairs, Tables, Bureau, Beds, Clock, Jack, Brewing and Dairy Utensils, two Road and one Market-cart, Roll, Plough, Harrows, Harness, Halter, etc etc
Note. The sale to begin at ten o'Clock precisely.
The Creditors of the said William HALL are desired to send their Accounts to Mr William BOWER, at Potter-Heigham, or Mr James HARBY, at Hickling, on or before the first day of June next, ensuing.
Page 3, column 4
Notice to Debtors.
All Persons indebted to the Estate and Effects of Mrs Mary KIRBY, late of Pig-lane, in the Parish of Saint Simon and Jude, in the City of Norwich, Single-woman, deceased, are requested to pay their respective Debts to Mr Samuel NOCKELLS, of the Parish of Saint Peter of Hungate, in the said City, Shoemaker, and Administrator: -- And all Persons having in their Custody any Bonds, Notes, or other Securities made to the said Mary KIRBY, and unpaid at her Decease, are desired immediately to deliver up the same to the said Administrator, otherwise they will be sued without further Notice. -- And as it is supposed that some of such Securities were left by the Deceased in the Hands of Mary LIFE [might be LISE], Widow, her Mother, therefore all Persons indebted on such Securities, or otherwise, are to take Notice, that if any Monies due to the said Mary KIRBY, at the Time of her Decease, shall be paid to the said Mary LIFE [might be LISE], they will be obliged to pay the same over again to the said Administrator; and if they, or any other Person or Persons, will make a Discovery where any Moneys, Goods, or Securities belonging to the deceased at the Time of her Death, are due, left, or secreted, such Person, or Persons, shall receive of the said Administrator Five Shillings in the Pound of all such Moneys or Goods which shall be recovered.
Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.
These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.