Norfolk Newspapers -
Norfolk Chronicle
Extracts from August 24th 1782
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Copyright © Pat Newby
July 2005
Norfolk Chronicle Extracts from August 24th 1782
Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.
These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.
Note: the Norfolk Chronicle was published in Norwich. When no place is referred to exactly, or the term "this city" is used, Norwich is the place referred to. Similarly, mentions of "the Castle", the City Gaol" etc refer to institutions in Norwich.
Page 2, column 3
The following affidavit was on Thursday last made before the Mayor of Yarmouth, in consequence of which expresses were immediately sent off to the Lords of the Admiralty, and the several Commanders at the different camps along the coast:
Great Yarmouth, in Norfolk. Henry HURST, Master of the pilot boat, called the Mayflower, of Yarmouth, voluntarily came before John REYNOLDS, Esq., Mayor of the said borough, and made oath, that this morning about nine o'clock he boarded a Danish vessel, about ten leagues Southeast of Lowestoft, which was bound from Norway to London, with deals, and had on board her an English pilot, named John CHRISTIE, who dwells in Yarmouth, and has been long known to this deponent, and saith, the Captain of the said ship, who spoke English, also the said John CHRISTIE, told this deponent, that the fleet which they saw a-breast, distant about six miles, were the Dutch, and this deponent thereupon went up into the shrouds of the said Danish ship, and could clearly see the said fleet, which consisted of five sail of the line a frigate, a cutter, and four other vessels; that four of the said ships of the line were standing with their heads to the Northward, (the wind West and by North) and the rest were lying to, with their courses hauled up; and the said Captain and pilot told this deponent, that they had sailed in company with the said fleet about ten or twelve leagues.
(signed) Henry HURST.
Sworn at Great Yarmouth aforesaid, the 22d day of August, 1782, before me, John REYNOLDS, Mayor.
Page 2, columns 3 & 4
The highwayman who lately infested the neighbourhood of Dereham, mounted on a poney [sic], was on Thursday last apprehended, and committed to the Castle by J. SMYTH, Esq., by the name of Michael HARDY, charged on the oaths of Mrs Ann LEACH, wife of Mr LEACH, farmer, of Little Fransham, Mrs Jane WARD, of the same town, and Philip GREEN, with having on the thirtieth of last month, between seven and nine o'clock in the evening, stopped them in the parish of Necton, presented a pistol, and robbed the said Mrs LEACH of half a guinea and a pair of silver shoe-clasps, and Mrs WARD of sixpence halfpenny. The person who was fired at by him the same evening attended the examinations, but could not swear privately to his person. He is a likely young man, and was lately whipper-in to a gentleman in this county.
Page 2, column 4
Yesterday his Majesty's most gracious pardon was sent to the Castle for Thomas ABBOTT, commander, Robert FERTHERLY, Jonathan ROMNEY, Wm. GROVES, and Robert FARRELL, five of the pirates lately brought from Yarmouth, on condition of their entering and continuing to serve in the royal navy; the three former readily consented, the two latter refused.
Last Thursday Samuel BLYTH, driver of a coal-cart, was convicted before Starling DAY, Esq., Mayor of this city, of riding upon his cart; and his master, John SMITH, of King's Street, was also convicted before the said Magistrate for not having his name and place of abode painted upon the said cart, and severally paid the forfeitures directed by an act of parliament in the 13th year of his present Majesty's reign.
Monday last, as Mr BOKENHAM, of this city, and his wife, were going to Hopton camp in a one-horse chaise, by some accident it was overturned, when unfortunately had his thigh broke, and now lies at the Bear, in Yarmouth; happily Mrs BOKENHAM did not receive the least injury.
Last week was married at the Quakers Meeting at Dronfield, in Derbyshire, Mr Robert EVERITT, of Wymondham, in this county, to Miss Sarah FRITH, of Sheffield, in Yorkshire.
On Wednesday last died, in the 77th year of her age, much respected by her relations and friends, Mrs JERMYN, wife of Mr B. JERMYN, of Fritton, in this county.
Saturday last died at Bath, Miss Anna Maria BUTTS, daughter of the late Dr BUTTS, Bishop of Ely.
To be Lett [sic], and entered upon at Michaelmas next, all that House and large Garden, Stables, etc late the Sign of the Wool-pocket, in St Mary's, now in the Occupation of Mr Robert BROWN. -- Also a large and convenient Malt-office, standing extremely well for the Corn Business, and well adapted to every so large a Trade. -- For Particulars enquire of Mrs GARDINER, near St Bennet's-gates, or of Mr VINYARD, on the Premisses [sic].
Note. This will be advertised no more.
Page 3, column 1
To Ladies and Gentlemen.
John and Anne CURTIES having engaged the House, at Michaelmas next, where Mr BACON now lives, in the White-lion-lane, near the Market, Norwich, for the Purpose of taking Ladies and Gentlemen to board or lodge, they beg Leave to offer their most respectful Compliments to those Ladies and Gentlemen who may at that Time be in want of Accommodations, that their Favours will be most gratefully acknowledged, with a constant Study to merit their Approbation.
For Particulars please to enquire of Mr John BASELY [name might be BAFELY], Norwich, or at their House in East Dereham, Norfolk.
Notice to Creditors.
The Creditors of Mr John GALLAWAY, late of Bexwell, in the County of Norfolk, deceased, are requested to meet at the Crown Inn, in Downham-market, on Monday the Second Day of September next, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, to prove their Debts, examine the Assignees account, and settle the Dividend. Note. This will be advertised no more.
All Persons to whom Mr Thomas SEPPINGS, late of the Heath-house, in the Parish of Fakenham, in the County of Norfolk, deceased, stood indebted at the Time of his Death, are requested to send in an Account of their respective Demands to Mr Robert BURCHAM, at the Heath-house aforesaid, in order that the same may be discharged. And all Persons who stood indebted to the said Mr SEPPINGS, are requested to pay such Debts to the said Mr BURCHAM, who is properly authorised by the Executors to receive the same.
Page 3, column 3
To be Sold, at Wacton, near Long Stratton, in the County of Norfolk, a compleat [sic] Windmill, in thorough Repair, and well situated in Business.
For further Particulars enquire of Mr William MILLS, of Horsham St Faith's, or of Mr William Hoogan MILLS, Wacton aforesaid.
Transcription and notes copyright © Janelle Penney.
These transcriptions have been made from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library, which holds the copyright of the images. If you cite from, or download any part of, these transcriptions you must include this paragraph to acknowledge the British Library Newspaper Library as the source of the material.