
Places in Trentham in 1859


Topographical Dictionary of England, Samuel Lewis - 1859


BUTTERTON, a township, in the parish of TRENTHAM, union of STONE, N. division of the hundred of PIREHILL, and of the county of STAFFORD; containing 56 inhabitants. 

CLAYTON-GRIFFITH, a township, in the parish of TRENTHAM, union of STONE, N. division of the hundred of PIREHILL and of the county of STAFFORD; containing 56 inhabitants. 

HANDCHURCH, or Hanchurch, a township, in the parish of Trentham, union of Stone, N. division of the hundred of Pirehill and of the county of Stafford, 3 miles (S.) from Newcastle-under-Lyme; containing 191 inhabitants. The village lies one mile south-west of Trentham, on the side of an abrupt declivity, on the summit of which is a square plot of ground surrounded by venerable yew-trees, and supposed to be the 
site of some ancient church or religious house. 

HANDFORD, or Hanford, a parish, in the union of Stone, N. division of the hundred of Pirehill and of the county of Stafford, 1 mile (N.) of Trentham; containing 733 inhabitants. This place was till lately a chapelry in the parish of Trentham; but is now a distinct parish, under the act 58th of George III., cap. 45. Blue bricks of the hardest quality, and tiles, are made here. The living is a perpetual curacy, in the patronage of the Duke of Sutherland, who is impropriator; net income, £190. The church, a neat structure, was erected in 1828. 

[Description(s) from The Topographical Dictionary of England (1859) by Samuel Lewis - Transcribed by Mike Harbach ©2020]