
Hooton Roberts Marriage Registers for 1850 to 1899


Letwell Marriage Registers for 1850 to 1899


DateGroom NameGroom SurnameGroom ParishGroom NotesAgeOccupationStatusBride nameBride SurnameBride ParishBride NotesAgeStatus
? ? 1850Francis JamesBARLOWHooton-RobertsSon of Francis, Farmer24Labourer HarrietSMITHHooton-RobertsDaughter of Thomas, Labourer24 
25 07 1850JosephWINDLETingle Bridge, DarfieldSon of Joseph, InnKeeper25Joiner & Builder AnnNICHOLSONHooton-RobertsDaughter of John, Farmer25 
05 09 1852JohnHANBYHooton-RobertsSon of John, Mason60Yeoman SusanMILLNERHooton-RobertsDaughter of Thomas, Farmer  
31 03 1853JosephATHERTONHooton-RobertsSon of William, Farmer54LabourerWidowerHannahGILLEYHooton-RobertsDaughter of Edward Smith, Farmer49Widow
27 09 1855ThomasJENKINSONHooton-RobertsSon of William, Labourer36Labourer Harriet ElizabethDENDNEYConisbroughDaughter of Gilbert Sutherland, StoreKeeper28Widow
27 11 1855ThomasREEDThorneSon of Thomas, Servant in Husbandry23Servant in Husbandry SarahMARKHAMHooton-RobertsDaughter of Thomas, Labourer23Servant
22 01 1857JamesSATTERFITTHooton-RobertsSon of William, Labourer24Labourer MaryHANBYHooton-RobertsDaughter of George, La24 
23 04 1857JohnLASTONHooton-RobertsSon of William, Labourer26Servant in Husbandry MariaBOSWELLHooton-RobertsDaughter of Thomas, Labourer24 
22 11 1858EdwardCOUCONHooton-RobertsSon of John, Labourer23Labourer RebeccaBROWNLAWHooton-RobertsDaughter of Philip, Labourer20 
22 03 1859JabezCOGGANHooton-RobertsSon of Danby, Farmer22Gentleman's Servant MargaretBARLOWHooton-RobertsDaughter of Francis, Farmer23Servant
29 11 1859ThomasCHAPPLEHooton-RobertsSon of Thomas, Labourer22Labourer PhoebeJACKSONHooton-RobertsDaughter of Hannah19 
11 12 1859JosephMAWSONMexboroughSon of William, PotMaker21Farmer AnnYELLANDHooton-RobertsDaughter of John, Tailor22 
12 02 1861ThomasFLINTHooton-RobertsSon of Thomas, Labourer24Labourer AnnTHACKRYHooton-RobertsDaughter of Joseph, Farmer21Servant
19 01 1864GeorgeSMITHKilnhurstSon of Thomas, ShoeMaker PuddlerWidowerSarahMACHINHooton-RobertsDaughter of Thomas, Labourer Servant
08 06 1865JamesGREENOmagh, County Tyrone, IRESon of James, Gentleman Solicitor Fanny ArabellaMARSDENHooton-RobertsDaughter of Dela Bere, Clerk  
12 11 1865JohnSNIPEMexboroughSon of Hawke, Farmer25Carpenter MaryCRAGGANHooton-RobertsDaughter of George, Farmer20 
14 05 1866HenryKITCHENHooton-RobertsSon of Henry, Labourer25Labourer AnneADAMSONDenaby, MexboroughDaughter of George, Labourer  
20 08 1867John FrederickMIDDUPWorksopSon of John, Farmer22Gardener Ann BedfordSHARPEHooton-RobertsDaughter of Samuel, Labourer22 
01 10 1868GeorgeEDDISONGateford, WorksopSon of Benjamin, Farmer Gentleman Lucy EllenSTOREYHooton-Roberts   
25 12 1868WilliamPEARSONConisbroughSon of James, Labourer21Labourer HarrietCLAYTONHooton-RobertsDaughter of William, Labourer20 
25 12 1869JohnHANBYHooton-RobertsSon of Joseph, Farmer Labourer EmmaYOUNGHooton-RobertsDaughter of Henry, Labourer22 
09 04 1870JohnROEBUCKRavenfield 24BlackSmith FannySHARPEHooton-RobertsDaughter of Samuel, Labourer20 
22 04 1870RichardOTLEYCarcroft, OwstonSon of John, Woodman24Plate Layer AliceHANDLEYHooton-RobertsDaughter of Benjamin, Weighman22 
26 06 1871JosephBELKHooton-Roberts 26  SarahDOOKHooton-RobertsDaughter of Thomas, Labourer21 
04 07 1871HenrySIMPSONYorkSon of Thomas, Gardener32Gentleman's Servant Mary JaneHANDLEYHooton-RobertsDaughter of Benjamin, Weighman21 
03 10 1871ChristopherMAKCROFTRawmarsh 26Miner Mary AnnBOOTHHooton-RobertsDaughter of Thomas, BlackSmith24 
26 12 1871GeorgeWARDHooton-RobertsSon of William, Labourer27Labourer MaryJONESHooton-RobertsDaughter of Hugh, La19 
26 11 1872GeorgeSWABYHooton-RobertsSon of Joseph, Labourer21Labourer ElizabethJUBBHooton-RobertsDaughter of James, Labourer28 
19 02 1873RichardSTABLESHooton-RobertsSon of James, Labourer30Labourer MaryPACEYHooton-RobertsDaughter of Reuben20 
11 03 1873AlfredCLAYTONHooton-RobertsSon of William, Labourer21Puddler Mary AnnGAMBLESHooton-RobertsDaughter of John23 
19 08 1873ThomasCLAYTONHooton-RobertsSon of William, Labourer20ForgeMan Mary AnnDODSONHooton-RobertsDaughter of William, Labourer20 
18 11 1873FrankTHOMPSONHooton-RobertsSon of Edwin, Labourer20QuarryMan HarrietCROOKSHooton-RobertsDaughter of John, Labourer21 
01 03 1874ThomasCHAMBERSMexboroughSon of Joseph, Labourer Carter AnnKITCHENHooton-RobertsDaughter of George Adamson, Labourer  
17 05 1875JohnBENTHAMKilnhurstSon of Thomas, BlackSmith22BlackSmith Anne ElizabethHANDLEYHooton-RobertsDaughter of Benjamin, Weighman20 
13 09 1875ThomasPRESTONConisbroughSon of Thomas, Coach Builder24Groom SusannahHANBYHooton-RobertsDaughter of Joseph, Farmer21 
15 11 1875WilliamMACHINHooton-RobertsSon of George, Labourer25Labourer MaryBARLOWHooton-RobertsDaughter of Francis James, Labourer24 
16 11 1875GeorgeCROOKESParkgateSon of Charles, Labourer23Engine Driver Sarah ElizabethCLARKEHooton-RobertsDaughter of James, BrickMaker20 
05 04 1876GeorgeSTANLEYBroughton, LINSon of Thomas, Farmer   ElizabethSHARPEHooton-RobertsDaughter of Samuel, Labourer  
26 04 1876WilliamWOODRavenfieldSon of Thomas, Gentleman Farmer Mary ElizabethMARSHALLHooton-RobertsDaughter of William, Farmer  
20 06 1878John ThomasWATERHOUSEBraithwell Manor, BraithwellSon of Henry, Farmer Farmer GertrudeSTOREYHooton-RobertsDaughter of Luke, Farmer  
23 02 1881Douglas de CourceyWILSONHooton-RobertsSon of Frederick William, Solicitor Farmer Ada EmmaWARINGHooton-RobertsDaughter of Joshua, Farmer  
06 11 1882Herbert ErnestEDWARDSParkgateSon of Edmund, ShopKeeper Plate LayerWidowerSarah AnnBECKETTHooton-RobertsDaughter of George, QuarryMan  
06 11 1882JohnLONGDENParkgateSon of James, Farmer Plate Marker EmmaBECKETTHooton-RobertsDaughter of George, QuarryMan A Minor
15 10 1883WilliamALLISONHooton-RobertsSon of Godfrey, Stocking Weaver LabourerWidowerHannahWORTHINGTONHooton-RobertsDaughter of Hugh Leeman, Stocking Weaver Widow
24 08 1884ThomasHARTLEYKilnhurstSon of Joseph, Engine Guard Fireman EllenSATTERFITTHooton-RobertsDaughter of James, Labourer  
25 12 1884AmosBENTHAMMexboroughSon of Thomas, Engine Wright Fireman MariaHANDLEYHooton-RobertsDaughter of Benjamin, Bookkeeper  
12 10 1885WilliamWESTRavenfieldSon of James, Game Keeper Groom EleanorMEANWELLHooton-RobertsDaughter of John, Shepherd A Minor
21 10 1886William FrancisINGHAMStaintonSon of William, Farmer Farmer MariamSTOREYHooton-RobertsDaughter of Luke, Farmer  
17 07 1888JacobHILLHooton-RobertsSon of Isaac, Labourer32Machinist MarthaREEDHooton-RobertsDaughter of George, Miner24 
25 12 1888AbelPICKERSGILLHooton-RobertsSon of Albert, Farmer22Miner MaryBILLSHooton-RobertsDaughter of Joseph, Labourer19 
20 05 1890Charles EdwardPARKINKilnhurstSon of Henry, Engine Tenter26Engine Tenter Ellen MatildaHUFTONHooton-RobertsDaughter of Richard, Labourer19 
07 08 1890Herbert JohnDUNFORDSwaitheSon of Francis Edward, deceased30Gentleman Anne LouisaOTTERHooton-RobertsDaughter of Henry, deceased27 
11 08 1890SamuelLONGDENHooton-RobertsSon of Samuel, Labourer22QuarryMan Mary ElizabethWOODWARDHooton-RobertsDaughter of Richard, Horse Keeper22 
27 01 1891RobertARMITAGEEcclesfieldSon of George32Mason ????  
04 18 1891TomBUTTERFIELDHooton-RobertsSon of Hannah26  AliceDODSONHooton-RobertsDaughter of William, Farmer  
18 04 1892George LaycockTEOTHERHooton-RobertsSon of Richard, ShoeMaker24Collier MargaretBARLOWHooton-RobertsDaughter of Francis James, Labourer38 
18 04 1892Arthur EdwinTHOMPSONHooton-RobertsSon of Edwin, Farmer25Farmer Jane AnneFROSTHooton-RobertsDaughter of William, Slater24 
13 10 1892JohnHANDLEYHooton-RobertsSon of Benjamin, deceased Weighman40BlackSmith Abigail SarahJENKINSONHooton-RobertsDaughter of Thomas, Labourer34 
23 05 1893JohnLANESHooton-RobertsSon of John, Collier27Collier AnneSTOKESHooton-RobertsDaughter of John, Collier22 
12 09 1893George WilfredCUCKSONHackenthorpeSon of George, Groom24Collier Annie ElizabethHALLHooton-RobertsDaughter of George, Labourer28 
31 10 1893ErnestBURNETTWetherbySon of Samuel, Tailor27Clothier AnnieDENTONHooton-RobertsDaughter of Henry Chambers, Gardener28 
28 02 1894John HenryCHAMBERSUpper HaughSon of George, Labourer20Collier RebeccaWOFFENDENHooton-RobertsDaughter of John, Collier21 
10 12 1894FrankDICKSONConisbroughSon of Richard, Groom28Groom SarahHICKSHooton-RobertsDaughter of Arthur18 
04 06 1895GeorgeMEADOWSConisbroughSon of Arthur, Labourer29Labourer CarolineDODSONHooton-RobertsDaughter of William, Farmer27 
25 12 1895John William AldermanHARRISONStoke NewingtonSon of John, BootMaker30Traveller Mary ElizaBELKHooton-RobertsDaughter of Joseph, Carpenter22 
10 03 1896John WalterGODDARDRawmarshSon of John, Engine Driver22Miner AdaALLISONHooton-RobertsDaughter of James, QuarryMan23 
28 07 1896ArthurGIBSONThorntonSon of Mark, Farmer33Farmer Mary Louisa CarolineJONESHooton-RobertsDaughter of David Cawley, SchoolMaster19 
19 04 1897JohnSCOTHERNEWhistonSon of George, Labourer22Labourer FrancesHALLHooton-RobertsDaughter of George22 
04 10 1898IsaacJONESCaerways [Caerwys, Flintshire, WLS?]Son of William, Farm Bailiff24Sinal Man? Hannah ElizabethWARDHooton-RobertsDaughter of George, Labourer21 
26 12 1898HarryTHACKERYSwintonSon of Isaac, GlassMaker22Labourer MarthaWARDHooton-RobertsDaughter of George, Labourer20 
25 01 1899GeorgeGLEADALLTickhillSon of George   ????  

Transcribed by Jack Parry © 2010
from original transcriptions by
Wath and Mexborough Archives
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