
Logie Buchan



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"LOGIE-BUCHAN, a parish, in the district of Ellon, county of Aberdeen, 2 miles (E. by S.) from Ellon; containing 713 inhabitants. The word Logie, expressive of "a low-lying spot", was given to this place on account of its applicability to the tract in which the church is situated; while the affix is descriptive of the position of the parish in that part of the county called Buchan. Logie-Buchan is separated on the east from the German Ocean by the parish of Slains, and is intersected by the river Ythan. . . The river abounds with various kinds of trout, also with salmon, eels, flounders, and mussels; and pearls are still occasionally found. It has a ferry opposite the parish church, where its breadth at low water is about sixty yards; and two boats are kept, one for general passengers, and the other, a larger boat, for the conveyance of the parishioners to church from the northern side. A tradition has long prevailed that the largest pearl in the crown of Scotland was obtained in the Ythan; and it appears that, about the middle of the last century, £100 were paid by a London jeweller to gentleman in Aberdeen, for pearls found in the river. . . Most of the inhabitants of the district are employed in agricultural pursuits, a small brick-work recently established being the only exception. The great north road from Aberdeen passes through the parish, and the mail and other public coaches travel to and fro daily. On another road, leading to the shipping-port of Newburgh, the tenantry have a considerable traffic in grain, lime, and coal, the last procured from England, and being the chief fuel. The river Ythan is navigable for lighters often or twelve tons' burthen at high water. The marketable produce of the parish is sent to Aberdeen. Logie- Buchan is ecclesiastically in the presbytery of Ellon, synod of Aberdeen, and in the patronage of Mr. Buchan. . . The church was built in 1787, and contains 400 sittings. . . More"
[From Samuel Lewis A Topographical Dictionary of Scotland (1851) - copyright Mel Lockie 2016]


Church Records

Here are details of the Birth, Marriage and Death records for this parish, available on the OPR films.


Description & Travel

Here is a detailed description of the parish, written in 1875.

You can see pictures of Logie Buchan which are provided by:





This parish appears on sheets 38 & 30 of the OS Landranger Series, and on sheets 215 & 199 of the OS Pathfinder Series.

You can see maps centred on OS grid reference NJ968304 (Lat/Lon: 57.364043, -2.054734), Logie Buchan which are provided by:


Names, Geographical

Here is a list of place names in the parish.



A booklet containing extracts from the 1696 Poll Book for this parish is available from the Aberdeen & NE Scotland FHS.