Newspaper extracts for Llansamlet
There are many references to this area in the 15 million Welsh and English language articles from Welsh newspapers transcribed by the NLW and viewable on Welsh Newspapers Online
Below are English language articles that have been re-transcribed and extracted randomly to illustrate what is available, there are many that are not extracted here that include names of local people
Searches made on these places in this order; Llansamlet, Birchgrove, Foxhole & Kilvey
- From the South Wales Daily News 31st October 1885
LLANSAMLET. NATIONAL SCHOOL.—The report of her Majesty's inspector on the above school recently examined has been received, and is of an exceptionally high character. The" excellent" merit grant has been awarded to both the adult and infant sections. The total grant earned amounts to £237 17s 2d, showing an increase of £18 15s 10d over that of any previous year.
- From the Weekly Mail 6th May 1882
LLANSAMLET. RATEPAYERS' MEETING.—A meeting was held last week at the Church Schoolroom, under the presidency of Dr. Walters, the rector. Its object was to consider the desirability or otherwise of forming that part of the parish outside the Swansea borough into a local board of health or urban sanitary authority. The schoolroom was quite full. The feeling was almost entirely against the proposal, which was rejected by a show of hands. The reasons against it were that the rural sanitary authority answers all the purposes of the local board in a scattered parish like Llansamlet; that they have brought water to the homes of the inhabitants without a board, and that the population is so scattered that nature itself does the work of sewerage.
- From the Herald of Wales and Monmouthshire Recorder 31st July 1897
LLANSAMLET. RÆCHABlTE DEMONSTRATION. On Saturday last the Rechabites at Llansamlet held their anniversary meeting. At two p.m. the members of the Ebenezer Adult Tent and Rose of Ebenezer and Lily of Birchgrove Juvenile Tents assembled at the tent room and formed in procession. At the head was Bro. Roberts as mounted marshall, followed by a bicycle contingent, the machines being decorated with great taste, whilst following these came the Llansamlet Brass Band, whose splendid marching tunes were much appreciated. Then came the adult members, preceded bv their new banner and carrying richly decorated halberds, maces, etc., with the juveniles, with their many-coloured flags, bringing up the rear ....(part extract).....
- From The Cambrian 28th December 1900
LLANSAMLET. ANNUAL BANQUET OF THE QUOITING CLUB. The first annual banquet of the Llansamlet Quoiting Club was held last Monday (Christmas Eve), at the club's headquarters, Traveller's Rest, Llansamlet. After everyone had done full justice to the capital dinner served by Host and Hostess Jenkins, the second part of the evening was devoted to singing. ....(part extract).....
- From The Cambrian 29th May 1903
LLANSAMLET. The rejection of the G.W.R. Bill has caused the keenest disappointment to the people of Llansamlet and Birchgrove, where it was proposed to run the line through. Birch grove particularly will be great losers thereby, as it was intended to erect a station there, and there is no gainsaying the fact that the inhabitants of the latter village are most inconveniently situated, for the nearest railway station at present is over a mile away and the proposed new line would have been a real boon to a much needed and badly served district. It is to be hoped that the G.W.R. Company will not let the matter rest, but that they, [with their proverbial pertenacity that they, with their proverbial pertinacity at the next session of Parliament. (as printed)]
- From The Cambrian 20th February 1903
LLANSAMLET. A very encouraging sign of a revival in the pig-iron trade, it is pleasing to find, is observable. During the whole 1902, only one of the two blast furnaces at Landore was in operation. Now, however, such is the pressing demand for this class of material that Messrs. Baldwin and Co. have set the second furnace in full blast, thereby doubling their former output of pig-iron here. Singular to state these are the only blast, furnaces producing pig-iron to the west of the Neath River. Formerly there were several in existence at Ystalyfera, but those have become obsolete for many years unfortunately.
- From The Cambria Daily Leader 26th November 1918
BIRCHGROVE. Three persons have succumbed to influenza and pneumonia at Birchgrove ....(part extract).....
- From The Cambria Daily Leader 25th September 1915
BIRCHGROVE. The committee of which Mr. John Rees, the manager, is chairman, decided that more gifts of cigarettes and tobacco should be sent to the soldiers from Birchgrove, who are on active service this week. It was also decided that, in the near future scarves and mittens should be sent.
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 5th March 1895
BIRCHGROVE. EVENING SCHOOL CONCERT.—A grand concert in connection with the evening continuation school was given on Saturday evening at the board schools. Mr Daniel Donne ably presided, being supported by Mr Richard Rees (chairman of the school board), Mr B. Wheeler, Rev. M. G. Dawkins, Councillors D. J. Morris, D. John, D. Gregory, etc. The concert was a decided success. The Chairman and Messrs Rees and Wheeler took occasion to refer to the excellent work done by this evening school.
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 23rd August 1893
BIRCHGROVE. Work is being continued at Messrs Chas. Hopkins and Sons' Birchgrove Colliery, some colliers having taken the places of the hauliers who have struck.
- From the South Wales Echo (Special edition) 1st August 1896
FOXHOLE TINPLATE WORKS. Settlement of a Dispute. When the Foxhole Tinplate Works, Llansamlet, were closed at the beginning of last month there were brought into existence all the elements of a long and protracted industrial struggle. The employers took one view of a contract entered into by the workmen and the men another, with the result that the matter was referred to the arbitrament of Swansea magistrates at the Police Court. The summonses were dismissed, with costs against the company. Interviews took place between Mr Edward Daniel, the chairman of directors, and Mr Thomas Phillips, the Union secretary, and on Thursday an arrangement was effected by which the works will be restarted on or before August the 10th, the wage rate to be 20 per cent, under the list up to November.
- From The Cambrian 9th August 1901
FOXHOLE WORKS. It is understood that Foxhole Works, which have been idle for a considerable time, and which were bought by auction by some of the old proprietors last week, will shortly be restarted.
- From The Cambrian 8th January 1909
FOXHOLE COLLIERIES, LTD. MEETING OF CONTRIBUTORIES LIQUIDATOR APPOINTED, An adjourned first meeting of the contributories of the Foxhole Collieries. Limited, was held at Swansea on Tuesday before the Official Receiver (Mr. H. Rees). The winding-up order was made on the petition of a firm of creditors, and on March 14th last a receiver was appointed for certain second debenture-holders, and on the same date took possession of all the company's property. The gross liabilities (including £22,000 debentures) amount to £24.479. The assets will not be sufficient to discharge the debenture holders' claim and will be nil so far as the unsecured creditors are concerned. The meeting appointed Mr. Dennis 0'Sullivan, colliery agent, Exchange-buildings, as liquidator.
- From the South Wales Daily News 4th October 1886
ANOTHER FLOOD AT FOXHOLE. During Friday night and the early hours of Saturday morning there was a great downpour of rain, which flooded the low-lying streets of Swansea, and caused another avalanche at Foxhole. It was not, however, on a large scale, but the streets were blocked with debris for some time, and many carts were employed in clearing it away. The only house seriously affected was that of Mrs Brooks, of Kilvey-road, and this lady being in delicate health, she was much frightened by the shock. Much indignation is expressed at the delay of the landowners in taking precautions to render the hill safe, for, till this is done, the inhabitants are liable to have their belongings washed away after any storm. General Grenfell has written from Cairo offering a second subscription.
- From The Cambrian 23rd February 1900
KILVEY- PENTRECHWYTH SCHOOLROOM. On Thursday evening a very interesting Lantern entertainment was given in the schoolroom under the auspices of the Band of Hope and Temperance Society. Mr. E. Howell presided, and Mr. J. Tinworth manipulated the lantern. Two sets of slides were given, depicting the "Heroes of the Light Brigade," and "Jane Conquest's Heroism." Between the two sets an instrumental selection (violin, flute and flageolet) was rendered by Messrs. J. R. Martin, Elias Henry and Edwin Griffiths. ....(part extract).....
- From The Cambria Daily Leader 16th November 1915
KILVEY. It has been decided to form a Young Ladies Sewing Guild for the purpose of making comforts for the lads of the parish who are serving their King and Country on land and at sea.
- From The Cambrian 1st March 1901
KILVEY. MEN'S BIBLE CLASS. ANNUAL DINNER AND RE-UNION. On Saturday evening at the Grosvenor Temperance Hotel. Swansea., the Bible class in connection with Kllvey Church, St. Thomas, held their annual dinner and re-union. It may not be generally known that this class was founded fifty years ago by the late Mr. Pascoe St. Leger Grenfell, and has been successively presided over by Mr. F. S. Bishop, M.A.. Rev. T. J Bowen the late Rev. Thos Williams. Rev.R. L. Gwynne and Mr. T. W. Walters (schoolmaster, Cwm Schools), the present teacher. The class at present numbers over 150 members. ....(part extract).....
- From The Cambrian 22nd October 1875
KILVEY WINDMILL. Of Kilvey Hill, near whose top the ruins of the old windmill stand, the present inhabitants of Swansea seem to know little and care less. The side of it which the Tawe bounds is denuded of vegetation, scarred by clefts, deformed by slag-heaps, made lurid by furnaces, and begrimed with smoke. The wind howls over it without a friendly tree to give it shelter, and the hail and rain storms pelt its bare brow with merciless severity, leaving it as furrowed as a criminal's back to which the cat had been applied. It obtains no kindly recognition from lovers of landscape, and can scarcely awake interest in any one except the geologist and miner. Yet there is one object on it in which many feel an interest. It is the old windmill stump by which local mariners coming into Swansea Harbour steer more steadily than they could by the North Star. Its blades were in dust long ago. A portion of its ruined wall is all that is now to be seen of it; and here is an account of the catastrophe which caused its overthrow 65 years ago, taken substantially from the Cambrian of that period:— ....(part extract).....