


"DALE, a parish in the hundred of RHÔS, county of PEMBROKE, SOUTH WALES, 13 miles (S.W. by W.) from Haverfordwest, containing 335 inhabitants. . . This place is situated on a small bay, forming one side of the entrance into Milford Haven, and affording, in Dale Roads, good anchorage for small vessels, which may ride in safety in two or three fathoms at low water. Block-houses were built here in the reign of Elizabeth, and a chain is said to have been drawn across the mouth of the haven, from St. Anne's to Nangle Point on the opposite side, to obstruct the passage of the Spanish Armada. . . A small fishery is carried on, employing six boats, which are chiefly engaged in taking lobsters, oysters, and herrings, during their respective seasons: there is a small trade in the importation of coal and culm from the interior of the county. . . The surrounding scenery is of a bold and striking character; and from the higher grounds are obtained some extensive and pleasing views over St. George's channel to the south and east, and of the surrounding country to the north. . . The church, dedicated to St. James, and rebuilt in 1761, at the sole expense of John Allen, Esq., is a neat edifice, consisting of a nave and chancel, and contains an elegant font of marble, presented to the parish by the same beneficent individual. There is a place of worship for Wesleyan Methodists. . ." [From A Topographical Dictionary of Wales (S. Lewis, 1833).]



The 1851 census for this parish has been indexed by Dyfed Family History Society.

Census Returns for this parish have the following LDS Call Numbers:

  • 1841 Census - 0464345
  • 1851 Census - 0104235
  • 1861 Census - 0543243
  • 1871 Census - 0850855
  • 1881 Census - 1342304
  • 1891 Census - 6099644

Church History

Some church and chapel data from The Religious census of 1851 : A Calendar of the returns relating to Wales, Vol 1, South Wales. Ed. by I.G Jones, & D. Williams. UWP, Cardiff, 1976. The names are those of the informants

  • Dale Parish Church J W Saunders, Perpetual Curate
  • Tabernacle Independent or Congregationalists Erected in 1838 "Every alternate Sunday there is a service in the Established Church in the morning, in the Tabernacle in the afternoon and in the Weslean Chapel in the Evening............" Theophilus James, Minister
  • Wesleyan Methodist Erected in 1809 "The chapel will comfortably seat 140. Reckoning 14 inches for a person it would seat 156" William Spriggs, Local Preacher and Chapel Steward

Parish entry from The Welsh Church Year Book, 1929 (Cd by Archive CD Books).

  • St James & Old St Anne's Church
  • Incumbent and Curates; A R Warburton
  • Rural Deanery of Roose
  • Acreage 1,847; Population 280

    Church Records

    Parish registers: Christenings (1723-1887), Marriages (1723-1958), Burials (1723-1958) at NLW with Mf copies at Pem.RO

    Bishops' Transcripts, covering the period (1799-1800, 1802-78) are at the National Library of Wales, and have been microfilmed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Call Number: 0105138.

    See Bap/Mar/Bur data on FreeReg

    Nonconformist Chapels:

    • Chapel [Wesleyan Methodists], Dale Records ; See Wesleyan Chapel, Haverfordwest, St Martins. Haverfordwest and Milford Haven Circuit : baptismal registers 1842-1934, circuit schedule and plans, quarterly minutes, accounts 1889-1980 at Pem RO [DFC/M/9] SM81260558 Built 1809 Coflein On Dyfed FHS ?

    Description & Travel

    Dale - on Wikipedia

    Dale Castle - on Castle Wales

    Various landscapes/seascapes of Dale and surrounds on the People's Collection Wales site

    You can see pictures of Dale which are provided by:



    Transcript of complete entry in Lewis' Topographical Dictionary of Wales of 1833.


    Emigration & Immigration

    Lowe, Vera. A Legend Comes to Life. Dyfed FHS journal, Vol 6/1 Aug 1997. Devereux family from Dale, Pem to British Columbia.


    The transcription of the section for Dale from The National Gazetteer (1868) provided by Colin Hinson.



    Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;

    • Vaughan Palmer Davies Papers 1768-[c. 1980] "Thomas Mathias Davies (d. 1865) of Broomhill, Dale, Pembrokeshire, married Emily Alicia Palmer. They had a number of children ............"


    Coastland Local History - covers the areas of Dale, St. Ishmael's, St. Brides and Marloes


    Land & Property

    Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;

    • Angle Estate Papers 1637-1954 "The Angle estate, Dale, Pembrokeshire, was the home of the Kinner family between the 17th and 19th centuries....................."


    Parish map (Kain/Oliver)

    You can see maps centred on OS grid reference SM776051 (Lat/Lon: 51.707027, -5.176893), Dale which are provided by:


    Merchant Marine

    Details of extant records on Archives Network Wales for the following;

    • HM Coastguard, records Including "............... log books of St Anns Head Station, Dale, 1963-1970........"

    Skokholm – Dale - Tractor towing loaded ‘Duck’ out to the ‘Dale Princess’ 1983 - on the People's Collection Wales site


    Names, Geographical

    Places, villages, farms etc within Dale parish as shown on the online parish map from the CD of Historic Parishes of England and Wales: an Electronic Map of Boundaries before 1850 with a Gazetteer and Metadata [computer file]. (Kain, R.J.P., Oliver, R.R.). (Extracted by Barry Johnson)

    • Dale (98A); Broomhill Fm., Brunt Fm., Castlebeach Bay, Dale, Dalehill, Dale Pt., Dale Roads, Frenchman's Bay, Great Castle Head, Herring Stone, Hook Vale, Hooper's Point, Kete, Little Castle Point, Long Point, Longlands Fm., Maryborough Fm., Mill Bay, Point Fm., Red Cliff, St. Anns Head, Snailston, Townsend, Watwick Bay, Welshman's Bay, West Blockhouse Point, Westdale Bay
    • Dale - Skokholm Island (98C); Crab Bay Rocks, East Bay, Franks Point, Hog Bay, Littlebay Point, Long Point, Mad Bay, North Haven, The Head, The Stack


    Lockley, Ronald . Inland Farm. 1943 (Witherby) 191pp. 22 plates, 13 illus. in text.Account of life on Skokholm during WW II and on.