Name Index
The signs of the Hotels, Taverns, Inns,
Wine-and-Spirit Vaults and Beer Shops in Devonshire
Transactions of the Devonshire Association, 1872 , Vol. V, pp. 416-509.
W. Pengelly
Prepared by Michael Steer
Devonshire has a unique heritage in its inn signs: a record of its history and the people who made it. Inn signs depict everything, from battles to inventions, from sporting heroes to royalty. The origin of inn signs goes back to the Romans. The ‘Tabernae’ would hang vine leaves outside to show that they sold wine – in Devon, as vine leaves are rare (due to the climate!), small evergreen bushes were substituted. One of the first Roman tavern signs was the ‘Bush’. Early pubs hung long poles or ale stakes, which might have been used to stir the ale, outside their doors. If both wine and ale were sold, then both bush and pole would be hung outside. The naming of inns and pubs became common throughout Britain by the 12th century. With pub names came pub signs – as the majority of the population could not read or write. In 1393, King Richard II passed an Act making it compulsory for pubs and inns to have a sign (e,g. his own emblem the ‘White Hart’ in London) in order to identify them to the official Ale Taster. Ever since then, inn names and signs have reflected, and followed, local life at that time. The article, from a copy of a rare and much sought-after journal can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.
Names | Pages |
Abdil Aziz, Sultan | 485 |
Achilles | 482 |
Addison, Joseph | 416-7 |
Adelaide, Queen | 484 |
Albemarle, Duke of | 501 |
Albert, Prince Consort | 483-4,490 |
Alexandra, Princess | 484 |
Alfred, Duke | 484 |
Babbage | 502 |
Bacchus | 481 |
Beaumont | 481 |
Becket, St Thomas ā | 501 |
Bedford, Duke of | 474 |
Bellows, Mr | 480 |
Blaize, Bishop (St Blasius) | 472 |
Blucher | 497 |
Booth | 481 |
Boscawen, Admiral | 486 |
Bovey, Mr W. | 470, 503 |
Browne, Mr J. | 470 |
Brunel, Isambard Kingdom | 502 |
Buckland | 502 |
Buller | 482 |
Bullock, Rev F | 470 |
Burns, Robert | 502 |
Calixtus III, Pope | 500 |
Cambridge, Duke of | 497, 501 |
Cambrinus | 481 |
Campbell, Sir Colin | 497, 499 |
Caprera | 497 |
Carew | 481 |
Carlton | 503 |
Carr, Henry | 491 |
Caxton | 502 |
Chanter, Mr J. R. | 470, 473, 477 |
Charles II | 471-2 |
Cheare, Abraham | 471 |
Churchill | 497 |
Clarence, Duke of | 484 |
Cleave, Abbot of | 473 |
Coleridge | 502 |
Collier | 502 |
Conyers, Mr | 492 |
Cornish, Rev Dr | 470, 504 |
Cornwall, Duke of | 483 |
Cotton | 481 |
Courtenay | 482 |
Cromwell, Oliver | 497 |
Cruden | 509 |
Cumberland, Duke of | 474, 488, 501 |
Davis | 486, 502 |
Denmark, Princess of | 484 |
Devon, Earl of | 477, 482 |
Diodorus Siculus | 481 |
Doel | 500, 503 |
Donne | 481 |
Drake, Sir Francis | 486, 499 |
Dryden, John | 481 |
Eastlake | 502 |
Edinburgh, Duke of | 474, 484 |
Elizabeth I, Queen | 500 |
Exmouth, Admiral Lord | 474, 486 |
Falstaff | 501-2 |
Flavel, Rev John | 472 |
Fletcher | 481 |
Follett | 502 |
Fox, S.P. | 472 |
Francis | 501 |
Frederick the Great | 485 |
Garibaldi | 497 |
Gay | 502 |
George III | 484 |
George IV | 484 |
George, Saint | 490, 496, 509 |
Gifford | 502 |
Gilbert, Sir Humphry | 486, 502 |
Gill, Mr H.S. | 470, 473 |
Grenville, Sir Richard | 486 |
Grey, Earl | 499, 502 |
Grey, Rev G | 470 |
Gunning, Rev P. | 504 |
Hanover, House of | 487 |
Harry, Prince (Hal) | 501 |
Havelock | 497 |
Hawke, Admiral | 486 |
Hawkins, Sir John | 486 |
Hearder, Mr G.E. | 470 |
Hercules | 416 |
Hicks, Rev John | 471 |
Hood, Lord | 486 |
Hood, Robin | 502 |
Hooker | 502 |
Hotten, John Camden | 417, 480, 487, 489, 492-5, 499, 501 |
Hughes, Rev G. | 471 |
James, Saint | 509 |
Jonson, Ben | 481, 496 |
Kent, Leonard | 472 |
Kingsbridge, Earl of | 472 |
Kingsley, Charles | 502 |
Kirwan, Rev R. | 470 |
Langworthy, Arthur | 472 |
Larcombe | 487, 489, 492-4 |
Larwood, Jacob | 417, 480, 495, 499, 501 |
Leland, John | 478 |
Lempriere | 480 |
Macaulay | 485, 488 |
MacBride, Admiral | 486 |
Marie, Grand Duchess of Russia | 485 |
Marlborough, Duke of | 501 |
Martin | 481 |
Mary, Queen | 491 |
Mary, Saint | 504 |
Maurice, Prince | 472, 478 |
Mayne, Jasper | 481 |
Monck, General | 497, 501 |
Monmouth, Duke of | 485 |
Muller, F. Max, MA. | 480 |
Murray | 473 |
Napier, Admiral Sir Charles | 486, 499 |
Napoleon | 485, 497 |
Napp | 500 |
Nelson, Lord | 486-7 |
Newcomin | 502 |
Noah | 508 |
Oldenburg, Prince Peter of | 485 |
Ormond, Duke of | 501 |
Palk | 482 |
Palmerston | 502 |
Parker | 501 |
Pope, Alexander | 501 |
Prout | 502 |
Prussia, King of | 485 |
Quickly, Mistress Nell | 501 |
Raleigh, Sir Walter | 481, 486 |
Raglan | 497 |
Reynolds | 502 |
Richard III | 477 |
Rodney, Admiral | 486 |
Russell family | 474, 502 |
Salmon, Mrs | 417 |
Selden | 481 |
Shakespeare, William | 481, 501-2 |
Smyth, Captain W. H. RN, KSF, DCL | 500 |
St Aubyn | 509 |
Stuart family | 471, 497 |
Talbot | 500 |
Tudor family | 494 |
Vernon, Admiral | 485-6, 488 |
Vicary, Mr W. | 470 |
Victoria, Queen | 483, 490 |
Wales, Prince of | 483 |
Wellington, Duke of | 497, 501 |
Wesley | 493 |
Weymouth, Philip | 472 |
William IV | 484 |
Wolcot | 502 |
Worth, Mr R. N. | 470-1, 478, 504 |
York, Frederick Duke of | 485, 501 |