Bedale, Benefactions transcription
Bedale parish:
Source=h:/!Genuki/WM2transcriptionsToHtml/input/NRYJackParryBenefactions.txtBedale, Benefactions transcription:
The List of Benefactions in St. Gregory's Church, Bedale.
An Account of the Pious and Charitable Gifts of the Several Benefactors, to the Parish of Bedale. Imprs. The Free Grammer School of the said Parish, being very Ancient, is endowed with a Stipend or Salary from the Crown of Seven Pounds Eleven Shillings& Four Pence Per Annum, which is paid by the Auditor of the Exchequer at his Audit held Annually at Richmond in the County of York. Item. Frances Countess Dowager of Warwick, gave an Augmentation to the said School of Thirteen Pounds, Six Shillings & Eight Pence p'r Ann'm Chargeable upon the Lands belonging to the Grange of Collow in the Parish of Legsby in the County of Lincoln. Payable upon the Feast of of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary & St. Michael the Archangel by equal proportions. The Writings belonging to the said School with the said Countesses Deed are in the Chest in the Vestry of this church. Item. Mr. John Clapham One of the Six Clerks in Chancery In his life Anno Dom. 1608, Built an Hospital in Firby in this Parish for a Master & Six Brethren & endowed it with a Clear Rent Charge of Thirty Pounds P'r Ann'm, Secured out of certain Lands Laying at Edmonton in the County of Middlesex, near London now in the Possession of Mr. John Moore to be paid at two equal Payments on the Feast of St. John the Baptist & the Nativity of Blessed Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ: or Twenty days after the Feasts. He Constituted the Rector & four & twenty of the Parish Governours Here-of, the Writings belonging to the same are kept by the Master Here-of in a Chest in the said Hospital. Item. Henry Raper Esq'r, Citizen of London by his last Will & Testament Gave an Augmentation of Ten Pounds P'r Annum to the said Hospital Charged upon a Farm laying at Skipton near Thirsk in the North Riding of Yorkshire. Item. Mr. Luke Clapham, Father to the said Mr. John Clapham, Gave the Sum of Twenty Pounds to be put out to Interest by the Governour of the said Hospital, & the said Int't to be laid out yearly in Coals for the Master & Brethren as by a bond in the Chest in the Vestry of this Church it appeareth. Item. The said Mr. Luke Clapham Gave other Twenty Pounds to be Let out by the Rector & the four & the twenty of this Parish, to Six Poor Tradesmen, or decayed Persons of this Parish, being Three Pounds six shillings & eight pence for every one of six Which they are to have gratis for three years & then it is to be put in & let out again to other Six in like manner; Every Person finding two sufficient Sureties for the same. For which there is a Parchment Writing indented in the said Chest in the Vestry of this Church. Item. Mr. Simon Metcalfe late of Bedale Gave Twenty Pounds to be put out to Interest for the use of the Poor of this Parish by the Rector & the four & twenty for which there is a Bond in the Chest in the Vestry of this Church. Item. Peter Sainwics DD late Rector of this Parish by his last Will & Testament ordered his Executors out of the money arising from the sale of his Goods & personal estate to erect an almshouse at Bedale & another at Wath, which almshouse at the Parish of Bedale was built by the said executors in Wycar in the township of Bedale & endowed it with the Interest of Two Hundred Pounds for the maintenance of four Poor men of this Parish, & the Rector & the four & twenty are made Governours of it For which there is a Writing in the Chest in the Vestry of this Church, & also a bond for the said Two Hundred Pounds. Mr. William Fawden by Will left his Lands & Premises called Buckholms lying & being within the Township of Firby in the Parish of Bedale subject to the Annual Charge of Five Pounds to be distributed as follows: VIZ. One Pound to each of the Poor widows in Bedale Hospital, & One Pound to be laid out in Coals & equally divided amongst them, ALSO One Pound to be distributed on the first of January in every year to the most necessitous in the Township of Firby.
A.D. 1712 |
Data transcribed by
Jack Parry.
from photography by Colin Hinson