9/ | Register of Sequestrations, 1839-1951 |
14/ | Register of Curatorial Inventories, 1827-1910 |
20/ | Fatal Accident Enquiries, 1954-1966 |
23/ | Adoption Processes, 1930-1966, closed for 100 years |
40/ | Register of Inventories, 1824-1967 |
42/ | Indexes to Register of Inventories, 1824-1958 |
43/ | Register of Wills, 1902-1981, indexed. For records prior to 1902, see SC47/40 |
44/ | Register of Confirmations, 1824-1981, indexed |
45/ | Indexes to Register of Confirmation, 1831-1958 |
47/ | Commissary Note Books, 1824-1898 |
48/ | Record of Extracts of Decreets, 1847-1856 |
50/ | Record of Criminal Trials, 1829-1897 (partially indexed) |
51/ | Criminal and Quasi Criminal Roll Books, 1905-1966 |
53/ | Criminal Processes, 1854-1966 (1856,1917,1921,1937,1951-1955 wanting) |
54/ | Juvenile Court Register, 1934-1963 |
56/ | Register of Deeds and Processes etc (First Series) 1623-1809 (with some incomplete) |
57/ | Register of Deeds (Second Series), 1809-1963 |
58/ | Minute Books of Deeds, 1724-1963 |
59/ | Deeds, c1620-c1699, 1700-1966 |
60/ | Register of Protests, 1809-1916 |
72/1 | Militia List, 1799 |
72/2 | Militia List, 1801 |
72/3 | Militia List, 1801 |
72/4 | Militia List, 1804 |
72/5 | Militia List, 1816-1819 |
72/6 | Militia List, 1819-1823 |
72/7 | Militia List, Dundee, no date |
72/8 | Officers Commission's, 1803-1810 |
72/9 | Oaths of Militiamen, 1812 |
72/10 | Records of Certificates as to Dependants Allowance, 1809-1810 |
72/11 | Records of Certificates as to Dependants Allowance, 1809-1811 |
72/12 | Records of Certificates as to Dependants Allowance, 1811-1813 |
72/13 | Records of Certificates as to Dependants Allowance, 1815 |
75/ | Account Book of the Barony of Dod, 1704-1713 |
76/ | Corn Law Returns, 1782-1818 |
77/ | Fiars Court Records, 1780-1957 |
78/ | Register of Game Certificates, 1798-1806 |