
Kelso Grammar School prizewinners of 1853


The following list of prizewinners appeared in The Scotsman on Wednesday 17th August 1853.

"The GRAMMAR SCHOOL of KELSO conducted by MR FERGUSSON, assisted by MR KIRKLAND, was examined to-day, JULY 26, in the presence of a numerous attendance of Clergymen and other Gentlemen and Ladies from the town and vicinity - some of them from a distance. The Branches taught constitute what is called a Liberal Education. Those most competent to form a judgement, expressed their delight and admiration with the readiness, self-possession, and conscious familiarity with principles, evinced by the Pupils, especially the Arithmetical Classes, by the promptitude and accuracy with which they calculated; and the more advanced Pupils in Latin, Greek, and French, elicited unqualified satisfaction. When the Examination was closed, the Rev. MR SMITH addressed the spectators and pupils in a short and effective speech. He then announced who had won the three Medals annually granted by his Grace the Duke of ROXBURGHE, and distributed PRIZES, raised by subscription, among the successful Competitors, in the following order:-

Class Rank Name Residence

1st Greek Wm. K. M'Donald Arbroath
2d Do James R. Scott Earlstoun
Highest Latin James R. Scott Earlstoun *
1 James M. Murray Kerseknowe
2d Do William Lockie West Moriston
3d Do Patrick Anderson Arbroath
4th Do George Broad Cliftonhill
Highest French James M. Murray Kerseknowe
2d Do Wm. K. M'Donald Arbroath
3d Do Patrick Anderson Arbroath
4th Do James Douglas Hendersyde
Highest English James R. Scott Earlstoun +
2d Do 1 James Douglas Hendersyde
1 Patrick St. Darling Kelso *
3d Do 1 Andrew White Springwood Park
2 Miss E. Wilson Earlstoun
4th Do 1 Robert Curry Elliot Kelso
1 Edward Somner Kelso
1 James Bookless Kelso
Highest English Grammar 1 James R. Scott Earlstoun
1 Wm. K. M'Donald Arbroath
2d Do 1 {Pat. Anderson} Arbroath
{Alex. Anderson}equal Arbroath
2 Pat. St. Darling Kelso
3d Do 1 James Dippie Kelso
2 Charles Craike Softlaw
3 Henry Purves Lessudden
Highest Geography 1 Wm. K. M'Donald Arbroath
2 James R. Scott Earlstoun
2d Do 1 Pat. St. Darling Kelso
2 Alex. Anderson Arbroath
3 Miss E. Wilson Earlstoun
3d Do 1 John Inglis Kelso
2 John Johnston Tweed Bank
3 Charles Craike Softlaw
Geometry James Douglas Hendersyde
Highest Arithmetic James R. Scott Earlstoun #
2 Wm. K. M'Donald Arbroath $
2d Do James Douglas Hendersyde
2 George Lockie Kelso
3d Do 1 Andrew White Springwood Park
2 Alex Lyon Arbroath
3 Henry Glegg Edinburgh
4 Patrick Anderson Arbroath
Highest Writing 1 William Elliot Kelso
2 George Broad Cliftonhill
2d Do 1 Charles Glegg Edinburgh
2 Thomas S. Thomson Haymount
3 Henry Glegg Edinburgh
3d Do 1 Charles Cunningham Grahamslaw
2 Richard Hewat Castle Douglas

* Medal.
+ Medal.
# Received Medal in a former year.
$ Medal.

KELSO GRAMMAR SCHOOL will OPEN again on Tuesday, the SIXTH of SEPTEMBER, when CLASSES will be formed for Beginners in LATIN, FRENCH, GREEK, MATHEMATICS, and in the COMMERCIAL BRANCHES. Mr FERGUSSON, whose House is large and surrounded by Play-ground, will be able to admit a few more BOARDERS. Information about Treatment, Discipline, and Terms, will be obtained by application to him. KELSO, ABBEY BANK, July 26, 1853"